

"You... What.. What are you!? " Tae minjoon shouted out in shock.

"I'm afraid I cannot tell you that." The other replied in a domineering voice.. somewhat sounding serious yet laid back at the same time.

"AGHH.! N-no.. wait.. where am I..?" Tae minjoon asked, as a migraine started to haunt him.

"... in your bedroom. " the unknown appearance would reply dumfounded by Minjoon's 'exaggerated' responses and expressions.


March, Friday 12th, Year 2XXX

16:09 PM,

South Korea, Seuol.

"Ha.. rookie, how many times do I have to tell ya!? you have to work! don't just stand there!" Gul-Dok, the construction Manager would scold Minjoon in a fit of rage.

Minjoon who was on his lunch break would stand up as a sign of courtesy, bowing in a ninety degree angle, sincerely shouting out a stiff apology "I'm sorry Gul-Doknim!"

"Tch Tch! kids like you these days are the reason why Korea will fall!! I don't even know how you got this job with such a disgusting work ethic.. " Gul-Dok would say, scoffing as he looked disappointed. However, although he did sound like he cared about Korea, he.. truthfully did not, amidst the commotion he was making, Gul-Dok was side-eyeing the other construction manager, Kim Il-Sok. As if deliberately asking for a back up. Kim Il-Sok responded with a phone call with... direct authority over the construction work. Leading to the dismissal of Minjoon from his forth side job, a construction worker. Minjoon who had no authority.. had no choice but to comply, he had to leave working areas right after his work shift is done.

March, Friday 12th, Year 2XXX

18:31 PM,

South Korea, Seuol.

"Ha... " Minjoon sighs, walking out of a 6/12 convenience store, as he kicks a can bottle off the sidewalk, into an Alleyway right by the store.

"I don't understand how the brain of those managers work.. sure, I once acted out from my authority and told them not to drink during work hours... but did they have to get me fired!? " Minjoon ranted to himself, his right hand deep into the pockets of his black jacket that he was currently wearing. His left hand holding onto a plastic bag filled with canned beer.

Not a long walk after, Minjoon would finally arrived back at his apartment building complex, where.. his sick mom(50s) and his disabled younger sister(12) lived, alongside with him. Still a bit taken aback, Minjoon didn't directly go for his room but wondered around the apartment, eventually reaching the overgrown garden, right beside the run down apartment building. it was quiet and barely had any people due to the time.. it was the perfect spot for someone to get lost in their sorrows and drink to their hearts contents.. maybe that way, he'll forget about anything that was currently happening.. no?

with a long deep breath, Minjoon would open up a bottle, gulping down whatever he could in one sip,

"Ah god... why do you have to be so cruel to me. " Minjoon ranted, as he looked up into the open dark skies of the world. tears began to swell up in his eyes.

"AM I THAT UNWORTHY TO YOU? " he shouted in one breath, as the swelled up tears began falling down, streaming down his face. Having had to support his family at his age probably took a toll on both his mentality and his body... so this amount was this plausible.

"ALL I EVER WAN..! -ted.. was to sing and dance.. for people. My mom.. my sister. they both loves Idols. can't I just.. be one? can't I just finally be something my family loves? " Minjoon stated, sniffling as he took another sip from the can. his face looking terrifying from how puffy his eyes were and how red his face was due to the beer.

"can't I even do that!? what's the use of me having a choice to dream when I can't even reach it! " Minjoon continued, not holding back a single drop of tear or strand of emotion, let alone holding his voice back. All of a sudden, words which seemed to be in some sort of holographic screen would appear in front of him, as if it was a hallucination created by his drunken self.

[Are you Willing to a part of the SSAP?

yes || no ]

in a drunken manner, the foolish Minjoon was press yes, as if this was even real. every passerby who passed would only see a drunk mad, stabbing with his hand into mid air.. probably a drunken homeless man, some would think.

A few seconds would pass and nothing changed except for the fact that the hologram disappeared.

Well, something else did appear but.. it seemed to be something small far in the sky, it seemed to be something blue covered in.. a golden fire? it was falling into earth but.. the drunken Minjoon wouldn't have thought that this falling 'star' was aiming right at him.

"FwoooooOOooOOOOOoooosh...!! " the sound of the said star getting nearer would sound through the air. MinJoon wouldn't think much of it. He only stared... When all of a sudden, his vision blackened. the last thing he can recall was the golden fire to be hovering over his eyes.. and then he was a goner after that.

AuthorNote/AN: hi! it's my first time writing here.. apologies for any mistakes.

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