
Ark 1: The Beginning of Change part 1

Hunter dragged his feet down a narrow ally, collapsing from exhaustion, hunger and thirst. He could not feel the ground beneath him as Hunter laid on the ground. His eyes empty of life, he began to close them. A quiet voice called out to him, "Hey, are you okay?" He could barely hear them as he slipped out of conscience.

Hunter opened his eyes to see the ceiling of a dimly lit room. Turning his head, Hunter could see a young woman preparing something in the cauldron over a small fire. She turned to him and smiled, placing some of the substance in a bowl. Hunter tried to lift himself but found no strength, confused on what was going on; he could only stare into nothingness, as she sat beside him.

She gently lifted him up, then blew on a spoon full of the substance before bringing it to Hunters' mouth. "You must eat if you wish to live?" Hunter did not respond; she sighed as she pressed the spoon to his lips, encouraging him to eat. Like a lifeless doll, Hunter did as she wanted, spoon full after spoon full, until the bowl was empty. The woman sat back in her chair with a soft smile. "I can tell you are here and yet, not at the same time but here me out. Every life, no matter how small, no matter how insignificant. We all play a part. Some do not want to find it, and others wish to search till the end of time."

Hunter listened to her as she rambled off, 'please stop. I do not want to live. I lost my purpose, my calling, my friend after what transpired that blasted day.' Tears began to line his eyes as the woman leaned over, touching his hand.

"No matter what has happened to you or what you have done, your path in life is still beginning." She giggled at herself. "Listen, sir, I do not know you or your woes, but I do know that whatever you are going through will pass."

Hunter stared down at his hand as the woman got up. "What's your name?"

The woman stopped, "My name is Kana."

Hunter could not figure out where he had heard the name before. Shrugging it off, Hunter looked around to see herbs hanging; the walls were old and deuterated. The smell of the herbs filled the small home. As he turned his head, he noticed some daggers off to the side.

Kana returned to see Hunters lifeless expression, staring at her daggers. "Whatever to you," She spoke softly to herself. "Whatever it was, it must have had some sort of trauma to break this badly?" Shipping out of the room, leaving him alone.

Hunter could not take his eyes off the daggers, sitting there, his mind began to wonder. 'How did I end up like this?' His hollow eyes shifted to the window—his reflection showing him how pitiful he was. 'This all started when I encountered—no, this started five years ago with when I met them.'

Five years earlier…

"Hunter, wait up, will you?!" Kyle called out. Hunter turned to Kyle as he ran up to him. Kyle huffed as Hunter stared at him. "Where are you going the mission is to the east, not south?"

Hunter turned away from him, his stern face unfazed by his question. "Orders are that we find the target and eliminate them. Sources say that they are in the west, but they would want their enemies to think that." Hunter started to move again. "So, we will head south like ordered by Lord Azoths command."

Kyle furled his face at him. "By Azoths orders?" Sighing at him, Kyle picked up his pace, reaching Hunters side. "You really are a clone with that monotoned voice and unyielding loyalty?"

Hunter focused on the task given to him as they made their way to Fallmist city. Kyle trialled along as they reached the cities limits. Turning to Hunter, only to see the lifeless eyes of a clone. Kyle could only sigh at the thought that he would never be a real person, just a disposable puppet.

They made their way through the streets searching for clues in their target, Vincent Aldier. Hunter never spoke unless needed, where Kyle did all the asking for him. The people did not recognize the name of him, but as Kyle was losing hope, he noticed a poster with the name Vann Railde. Kyle took a closer look at the portrait of the person and then brought it to Hunter.

"Hunter, tell me, does this person look like our guy?" Kyle handed the flyer to Hunter.

Hunter stared at for a moment. "Yes, this is our targ—"

Kyle covered his mouth, "SHHHHHSH, you want to do discovered. I swear you clones don't think before speaking thoroughly." Lifting his hand from Hunter's mouth, "Now, the add says that he lives by the old church of Lunatica?" Kyle looked around to see if anyone could help him. "Let's see—ah, excuse me, ma'am?"

Kyle ran up to a woman, asking where they had to go to the old church. As the woman gave them directions, Hunter turned to see a small fox, staring at him. The fox yipped, spinning in place trying to coax Hunter to fallow. Hunter only stared as Kyle walked up to him.

"Shall we leave Hunter?" Kyle looked to where he was staring. "What are looking at, there is nothing there?"

Hunter turned to Kyle, then the fox, feeling a strange sensation that he had never felt before as he left with Kyle. Hunter promptly stared at Kyle, "Why do call 'Hunter' Master Kyle and not HU-NT-3R?"

Kyle sighed, stopping to look at him. "It is easier to say, Hunter, than that plus when I look at on paper, it spells 'Hunter' to me. So, that why?"

Hunter tilted his head at him. "So, still call me by my true name even though it is wrong?"

Kyle dropped to his knees, covering the top of his head. "You ask weird questions that I don't have answers to sometimes, but no, it more like a real name that I gave you so that we can work undercover and not be found. It was the first thing that came to mind, really." Kyle looked up at him, seeing that he was trying to follow. "Man, why do the clones seem so lifeless and then kill themselves when they get a hint of emotions is my question of a lifetime?" Kyle stood up as Hunter paid no heed to Kyle's question.

They made their way to the old church to a man sweeping the entry. Hunter looked at the man to see the same fox from before sitting on the man's head. Kyle stared at the man then looked at the poster, comparing the man to the portrait. Kyle smiled as he could tell they were the one they were searching for.

The fox yipped, rushing to Hunter. Hunter paid no attention to the fox as it spun around once more before running back to the man, yipping once more. Hunter turned to Kyle, "Are w going to kill him or not?"

Kyle growl as he met Hunter's gaze. "Not yet, this one is far more trickier than the others you have dealt with, besides we have to get to close to him to let his guard down. In other words, we have to gain his trust then you can kill him. This elf knows portal magic and could escape if we strike prematurely."

Hunter did know what to say as they walked up to the man. The man looked up to see Hunter and smiled at him. "So, they found me. Very well, we will see how long till I break their toy and give it something it lacks." He stopped sweeping to greet them as they approached. Kyle and Hunter were blissfully unaware that he was already aware that he already know who they were and who they worked for.

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