
Althea - The Dark Goddess

Author: Mila
Fantasy Romance
Completed · 2.3K Views
  • 66 Chs
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  • NO.200+

What is Althea - The Dark Goddess

Read ‘Althea - The Dark Goddess’ Online for Free, written by the author Mila, This book is a Fantasy Romance Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Aries:"I rest my elbow on the glass and lean down, looking past the crowds of people. Humans. Werewolves. Even other cre...


Aries: "I rest my elbow on the glass and lean down, looking past the crowds of people. Humans. Werewolves. Even other creatures by the looks of it. It wasn't like they never visited the club before. So why this restlessness? What was it that I was looking for amongst this sea of creatures? I scan the crowd in hopes that my raging heart would eventually calm down when I prove it that there was nothing to be anxious about. But it does the exact opposite. It drums in my ears and deafens me. I could hear nothing else. Just the beat of my dramatical heart. Telling me something. My desperate eyes scans the crowd downstairs, the centre of the dance floor. The bar. The entrance. The-" She's dark. She's deadly. But she is a goddess.

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