1 Assigned Partners

It was the first day of the first semester of Senior Year. Warren was all giddy by given the opportunity to discover more and devote extra time with Max again. His high school years coming close to an end. This years studies were going to be a challenge this year, he knew, but there also came the thought of dances, parties, and fun. Plus, he was thrilled to what his studies were going to be like this year since he was given Biochemistry, Calculus, Economic Globalization, 3-D Design, English Literature, and Spanish.

Warren was pumped to inaugurate his first day back to school. He hopped out of bed, grabbed his shower supplies to clean himself up before heading to school. He walked out of his room with a happy-go-lucky mood. He disregarded the entirety of the population all around him, to the point of where he thoroughly forgot about the people, well, more like person, who happens to be his worst nightmare.

Nathan Prescott-- the spoiled inadequate prosperous son who always acts superior towards others. Continuously assuming he has the upper hand, has his own conduct, and dominates this school just because his kin happens to own most to almost all of Arcadia Bay. The kid who has acrimony issues and has the characteristics of who would automatically snap if glancing in his direction in a form he would detect as offensive. He wasn't so much of an immoral individual back in the freshman and sophomore year, but something occurred to where he just ended up lacking all empathy towards others and just loses his mentality fairly quickly. 

Warren was perpetually terrified when he noticed the presence of Nathan appear before him, to where he just prayed he was invisible each time Nathan was near. Warren tried to not get in eye contact with Nathan at all costs and remained as silent as he could. He held his breath as he slowly maneuvered his way passed Nathan. Today was his lucky day. It appeared as though Nathan didn't have the urge to pummel Warren, let alone give him the time of day to look at him. 

Warren sighed with relief, relaxing his tensed up muscles as he entered the Men's Restroom, heading to the nearest shower stall and began to take a shower. Several minutes passed. Warren turned off the shower, got dressed in the stall, and walked out, feeling refreshed and ecstatic to soon head straight to school. He set his supplies back in his dorm room and then rushed out of his room with a big grin on his face, but once he did, he bumped into none other than...

"Well, well, well, isn't somebody in a good mood today?" A light chuckle escaped the persons lips.

"Prescott..." Warren gasped as he felt a cold sweat go down his back by the sudden encounter.

"Prepare yourself for this year, Gayram." He folded his arms as he gave Warren a deviant grin, leaning in with a chortle.

Warren nodded his head furiously as he closed his eyes, putting all his effort into not looking into the devils eyes. He heard another chuckle go straight through his ears, leading him to have shivers go up his spine. Nathan pushed him against the wall with force, practically slamming Warren against the barricade.

"See ya later, Gayram." Nathan walked off, heading in the same direction Warren was going to head to, fading away into the distance.

Warren stood there for several minutes until Nathan was out of sight. He sighed deeply, releasing the tension he kept inside. Warren rubbed the back of his neck while heading towards the door to get to school. He tried to continue keeping his distance away from Nathan and luckily succeeded at that.

He reached school grounds and spotted Max seconds after. His face lit up, rushing in her direction, "Mad Max!" He shouted, waving his hand while he ran towards her. While he did, he happened to trip, face planting on the ground.

"Watch where you're going you fucking idiot." Nathan smirked with amusement, turning back towards Victoria, "Try not being so clumsy next time you klutz." Nathan and Victoria walked off with a chuckle.

"Son of a..." Warren glared in their direction, trying to keep his cool.

"Are you okay?" Max knelt down to assist Warren, "That damn bastard already starting pitiful shit like that. He's gonna get his karma soon. Hopefully..." She mimicked Warrens expression, helping him up.

"He will in time... he will in time..." Warren said, his expression not changing as he stood up, brushing off the dust.

"Yeah, I sure hope so." Max smiled faintly towards Warren, "Anyway, how ya been holding up? Besides that whole moment with the devil himself?" She laughed under her breath.

"Better days, but I'm glad to see you." He smiled, trying to stay placid, "How 'bout yourself, Super Max?"

"Better days, my friend. Better days." She giggled.

Warren and Max talked for a bit until the bell rung, signalling them to head to their class. Warren was bummed, but he tried to remain positive. After all, his first period was Biochemistry-- one of his favorite subjects of all time. He reached his classroom and smiled happily towards Ms. Grant-- one of his favored teachers, once he entered the classroom. Warren greeted her, having small talk before heading to a nearby table, adjacent to the front. He prepared himself for class, awaiting for it to begin. As he waited patiently, he shuddered once his eyes landed on the person he never wanted to see the rest of the day suddenly enter the classroom.

Nathan. Fucking. Prescott. Walking inside the classroom with the look of displeasure. Warren froze by Nathan's arrival. Nathan noticed Warren, leading Warren to look straight down. Nathan chuckled with amusement again, wanting to mess with him once more, but he headed towards the back. While he did, he nudged Warren's side, roughly and he responded with an 'oof!' Nathan sat in the back, isolating himself from the other students that walked in after him.

Class began once the final bell rung. Ms. Grant took attendance and walked behind her desk, going through papers before beginning to speak, "Good morning class." She smiled, giving a warm welcome to her new set of students, "I hope you all had a good summer."

All the students nodded, giggled, and smiled to her sentence.

"Well, for starters of the first semester, I'd like to assign you all your partner for this years subject." She clasped her hands with a smile, looking at all the students.

They all whispered, pondering and hoping they would be assigned with a friend. Ms. Grant went over the list and appointed the whole quantity of the students in her class this years lab partner, leaving Warren and Nathan the last two students. Warren breathed heavily with anticipation, praying he could work alone. Nathan clenched his hands, looking irritated. They pleaded in their heads that they wouldn't be assigned as partners, but seconds later, their luck soon ran out.

They both tried to grasp for an explanation, but couldn't process the whole assigned partnership. They sat in silence, not looking at each other to the point of where first period ended in a flash. Warren Graham and Nathan Prescott felt like they were condemned to hell once they realized they were assigned as lab partners. They felt like Satan himself was placing a curse on them. Well, felt more like Ms. Grant was Satan in disguise. Or more like she's just become a mad scientist for putting the complete opposites as associates for this years projects.

Warren rushed up to the front with slight stutter, not holding back his cursing, "W-Wait... wait, wait, wait... Y-You're shitting me, right, Ms. Grant?" Warren shivered by a combination of disturbance and fear once hearing those words leave her lips.

"I don't tolerate the curse word, but no, Warren." She began, "I'm not, quote unquote shitting you." She glimpsed over at him with no humorous expression as she responded.

Warren felt he was about to collapse by annihilation after picking up those words, that it punctured him hard in the chest, pierced his eardrums, and hammered a nail in his head. It was damaging him harder than the usual beat downs he gets on a common basis by the bullies at this academy. Especially by the one who now happens to be his lab partner. He tumbled backwards against the closest lab desk, gripping his chest with one hand while the other grasped upon the table. Warren felt he was about to have a panic attack just by that statement.

"For crying out loud, Warren, this will go by fast." Ms. Grant looked over at him, "And my deep apologies for assigning you with someone who doesn't seem to find much fond in this arranged partnership just like you in turn, but Principal Wells requested I place him in your care because of his lack in studies." She whispered, not wanting Nathan to hear her allegation.

Nathan was confounded in his own little world, being pissy as all hell for having to team up with Warren. Nathan shoved all of his utensils in his backpack, grabbed his camera, and glared over at Ms. Grant and Warren before storming towards them, filling the classroom with darkness as his anger began to stir slowly, preparing for eruption.

"This is complete bullshit! Why the hell am I having to team up with this pansy?!" He scowled at Warren as he asked.

"I'd appreciate it if you could refrain yourself from curse words and name calling, Mr. Prescott." Ms. Grant sat up straight, hindering the negative atmosphere Nathan was forming around them, "I know you two do not see eye to eye, but if you work together on this in a calmly manner, it will fly by in a blink of an eye."

Warren and Nathan both frowned at the response with a growl towards one another. Nathan giving the look of murder in mind while Warren gave the look of misery in his. Once there was no success on a request for new lab partners, they both resigned with a groan of agony as they left the classroom. Warren didn't want to raise the quantity of anger they had against this ungrateful event, but he did want to get this over with. He caught up with Nathan who was storming off into the crowd and bravely enough, grabbed hold of his shoulder.

"Prescott." He huffed out, "I know you don't like this, because hell, I don't find much fond in this either, but to make this easier between us, just..." He paused, debating on finishing that sentence or not as he tensed up after realizing whose shoulder it was he set his hand on.

"Just leave it all up to you?" Nathan ended up completing the sentence for him, glaring, "I'd like to if I could Gayram, but if I do, I'd wind up getting into a never ending fight with my goddamn parents." He grunted.

Warren stood there in silence, removing his hand quickly after realizing he was practically in contact with his predator. He covered his eyes with the mood of annoyance and grievance brewing inside of him before building his courage back up to speak to Lucifer himself. Warren didn't know how to respond, let alone how to start his next sentence. The silence between them continued to grow as their tension suddenly began to build. Warren looked back up and it appeared that Nathan's irritation was accelerating quickly which feared Warren, leading him to spit out the first thing his mind foolishly advised him to say.

"Well, least now that shows there are people higher up than you, Prescock." Warren spat it out with a chuckle, then instantly clamped his mouth with his hands, his eyes widening by shock.

"Excuse me, Gayram?! What the fuck did you just say to me?!" Nathan slammed Warren against the lockers without a second thought, "You wanna run that by me again, dickwad?" A commotion grew once a loud noise from the impact echoed through the halls.

"Chill out, dude! I-I d-didn't mean to say that, alright?!" Warren replied with a panic.

"Best not have!" Nathan spoke in a sharp tone against Warren, giving him the death stare, "Best keep your head down next time if you know what's good for you!" He growled.

Warren shoved him away without thinking twice, not even keeping in mind the possible consequences he could receive from this domineering person. Before Warren could even retreat from a possible fight, he was grabbed by the collar of his shirt. Stood before him was an outraged Nathan. The one that appeared to be more intense than usual. The one that appeared to be more aggressive than normal. And the one that appeared to be more pissed than ever.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Warren shut his eyes tightly after realizing the position he led himself into. Jitters slithered its way up to him as he held in his breath by the root of intense fear, preparing himself for a full time blow to the face, one he sensed it was going to be worse than the latest one.

"You sustain on speaking and/or doing shit like this again, you'll eventually loom in the hospital next time." Nathan growled, his mouth up to Warren's ear just to build up the discouragement Warren already obviously had, "I fucking swear to you on that, Gayram!" He was going to finish it off with his customary head-butts, but he was drawn back by none other...

"Hey, leave him alone, Prescott!" The famous Maxine Caulfield, also known as Super Max--one of her several nicknames. The only girl who had the guts to stand up to the king and devil of Blackwell Academy. Also, the only girl who had the courage to step forward for a friend, even if there were likelihood of various consequences coming her way.

"Typical. The reticent Caulfield stepping out of the shadows to save her boyfriend." Nathan glanced over his shoulder, his eyes following the voice of Max as she pushed her way through the crowd, "Shows how much of a pussy you really are, Science Nerd." He scoffed as he released Warren, practically slamming him against the lockers once more before walking away.

"Are you--" Max got elbowed in the side while she walked towards Warren.

"Better think twice before speaking next time, Caulfield." Nathan expressed roughly, "Or else you'll be joining your boyfriend." He buried his hands in his jeans pockets, fiddling with the fabric as he strolled off with a simmering attitude.

Max grumbled with annoyance, trying to stay calm when she was heading towards Warren, "Are you okay, Warren?" She leaned to his level, meeting him face to face since he slouched against the lockers, catching his breath.

"Yeah... I'm-I'm fine..." Warren shook his head to clear his mind, "Thanks again, Max. Always saving my ass from that ass." He threw out his hand, flipping the bird in Nathans direction with discontent, hoping he didn't notice.

"No problem. And I do agree." She chuckled under her breath, "He sure is an ass, even moreso than just that." Max glanced in the same direction.

They both laughed in unison. The commotion that was surrounding the scene drifted off with the sound of disappointment. Relief and relaxation soon surrounded Max and Warren as they were standing beside each other in reticence. Warren sighed deeply, groaning with gloom. Max looked over towards him, exposing worrisome.

"Why so glum? That bastard is no longer in your hair." She awkwardly giggled, trying to lessen the tension that was building up inside of Warren.

"Pfft, I wish! Yet that damn bastard is going to be in my hair again tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that until..." He dropped his head in shame, "The last day of Senior Year..."

"What are you talking about?" Max leaned down, concerned with the sound of shock.

"We were assigned as lab partners... meaning we're going to be associates for this final year in this Academy..." He sighed deeply, frustrated.

Max's jaw dropped by that response, "You're fucking kidding me, right?!" She cocked her head with the look of shock.

"I wish I was... I wish I was..." Warren hid the look of depression he had on his face with his hands, "Anyway, we better head to our next class."

Even though, honestly, I wish I didn't have to part from Max at a time like this... He thought to himself, his depression increasing.

"Yeah..." Max sounded despondent as she responded, "See ya at lunch?" She tried to find a way to lift his spirits a bit, even if it was only a little.

Though to him it was a dream come true to spend more time with the person he's obsessed with, "Definitely." He exposed a faint smile, trying to disguise his look of excitement, "And thanks again for... you know... being all heroic like usual. Saving my ass like always." He chuckled lightly.

"No worries." She giggled, patting his shoulder before walking off, "See ya later." Max waved as she headed to her next period.

"Yeah... see ya later." Warren was completely dejected by the whole scene that just happened. He dragged his feet to his next period, feeling as awful as ever, "Lets hope this day has its high notes soon..." He rubbed the back of his neck, sighing deeply one last time before entering his next class.
