
Records #3

???'s [POV]-(Month #1 was starting off the stranger's soul being reawaken during eight months has passed into the world)

Experiment #1:

Month #1-4: (Before the Stranger's host start to learn his walking skill)

The Test Subject: The Stranger

Objective: learning new language...

The stranger tried to learn whatever his best on the unknown language from two teachers when they came to him. It was the two same kids in which the stranger called them cannon fodders... their teaching did not help the stranger to understand them. They visit him in around three times per week. The stranger went slowly more insane as if he is not high level insane by talking himself and his smashing decision. It was like learn words so profound from mighty teacher that over-expecting your intelligent mind to be a bank storing information or able to breathing words in the air. It was grand that the stranger has able to learn some of the unknown language in low level from the assistance teacher who was the original's mother apparently that he had first seen her to be bruised during his feeding time. Which he saw a glimpse of her have beaten up outside from the window by another woman who was looked like as burning in jealousy in random days. But the stranger decide to give up after he found another way to understand the unknown language in his other experiment involved with his soul spirit.

Experiment #2:

Month #4: (During the Stranger's host start to learn his walking skill)

The Test Subject: The Stranger

Objective: self-made awaken his soul spirit...

It was starting off the day where the two kids that tried to have their own fun with the baby which the stranger being a resident in the baby. The two kids clearly remembers the day that they visit this baby who suddenly had the Aura of Do Not Mess Me. Those two kids still felt this sensation now within the baby's body after that day one. They does not want to alarm out their own discovery into someone else due to they had pride oddly themselves higher than everyone except their father. Also, they would never admit to be in fear the baby that should be their youngest sibling. They decided to themselves that should treat the baby as training dummy to their own mindset. They had obviously did not touch the baby since around 4 months.

This child's fun was whenever the baby tried to walk or rather moving came with punishment into the two kids pitching hard upon the baby. The stranger still watching his view and stay remain in unresponsive act during the event.

The stranger who made his own will's power was hibernating in the system nerves in months ago. Now, the stranger will's power was activated out from original's soul created his own will's power in pure misery from total of 25 minutes. This had led the stranger went total control over back the baby's body. Then the stranger went into shock field of pain. The stranger tried to pulls his own will's power in a very rapid pace. The stranger had turn his own will's power as drills came back to his own soul. The stranger has not lower the intensity of his own will's power rushing into his own soul. This should have scrapping any soul into pieces and will be floating in the world of conscious until it's due has come in the end.

It was the stranger will's power was being absorbing in the stranger's soul... this should be no longer called will's power anymore... Before this event, the original will's had somehow change all the stranger will's power into temporary soul power mimic... just think them as run down version of will's power except with it was able to distorted the reality like the real soul power... that still belongs to the stranger who did not notice the change. Thus, unintentional soul spirit awakening has started for the stranger only. During the stranger's ritual, the stranger had seen the massive white flash into one of the attempt run that day he was a tree being cutting down by woodcutter. It was a first look out of the world that the stranger saw himself outside from the day that he trapped within the tree. He still quite surprised more on he was in a tree that it's size to be a mountain before himself was cut down... even now it was a tree stump become some new settlement platform or a military base...

Then the stranger saw his own vision warp to the his endless tree parts that pressed force into a papers. He was in the one of countless factory. Not to mention, the stranger saw others in hold their hands force out some circular shapes as well unknown symbols appearing during the end phase of each papers were made. The stranger watched the whole scene until a disaster struck out. It was happening when his whole tree parts including a leaf even a scrap of bark has finished turning into papers. Those papers goes rogue in a flying rebellions to an area effect on the surroundings.

Afterwards, the stranger saw his vision splitting into spinning webs in a spiral for each papers were awakening out their slumbers from their state of sleeping... the chaos has spread out and the stranger does nothing other than being a tree stumpt suffering in pain... what had caused papers went off and trying make the world miserable... it was just the holy item which had the effected the papers to woke up their will's power belongs to the stranger that have been compressed as well it was went unnoticed by others until both the holy item and the papers contract each other...

No one was safe upon the papers break-out disaster... whatever they doing against the papers were starting a upper hand in the beginning until all papers reforming and rapid of immunity in against all odds. New strategies, skills, techniques, and etcetera were blooming out on each individual creatures. Majority of them were in severe injury and holding out great until the near end of the two months when no one died since that time anyhow... It was the papers went itself to pushed all creatures into the most limits in pain tolerance while they still awake after two months of the papers Awakening...

Until some Gods, Goddesses, or whatever they were called... decided to intervene the mortal world for only anything related to gathering followers... at first everyone just treat them as just many high grade items were similar each other... until some of many powerful Gods or Goddesses related to nature, souls, or something with will's of each beings, started to found out the discovery about the papers during the fourth month since the papers Awakening...

It was quite the struggle for everyone involved in singular world to gathering back all papers to going back the original source in the near end the year... the adventurous of papers handling were seem excruciating too long for six simple months... others who wants to bickering who right or wrong about how useful of papers... until the Overlord Being who has the title named the Overlord of all Upper or Godly beings... has to suppress everyone and do his bidding...

The Overlord Being has decided the best for everyone including itself to remove the cause of the problem as well everything related to it in one spot. The stranger watch his own tree stump and his instable papers merge together become ripped out his sad existence away from the old world...

The stranger found out that he awakening his soul spirit after the drama show... it was ironic that he have spirit to be a paper... the stranger realized quickly that he still in pain and unfocused on his surroundings to do anything after his fun celebrating party ends up.

While that soul ritual before had started out and to the end phase. There was original's mother who being unconscious on the road right near of her house... she had woke up and ran back her house. She obviously heard her baby's cries in loud and clear noise for needed of the attention from herself. She very shocked the scene and then mad herself letting for what happened on her precious baby. Then the original's mother clearly knocked out the two kids before whatever they tried to do something. Since that day, the original's mother vowed to her baby to see the tomorrow with hope for the life getting way better than her lowlife have given onto her current situation...

Experiment #3:

Month #6-8: (During the Stranger's host start to learn his walking skill)

The Test Subject: The Original's soul

Objective: memories control on the Original's soul...

The soul spirit which the stranger had long awaken and remain inactive for two weeks from certain action that the stranger tried to materialize his soul spirit out into the world... it was not crack up to be the way that the stranger had believe in the commercial was advertised upon himself. The fuel that the stranger can just used his soul spirit was mainly his own will's power instead of soul power. As the stranger can be overpowered with his soul spirit to any impossible limits within his will. That includes multiply, change shapes, color, and shove them with special effects...that needs more effort and will's power to be drained... The stranger plays with them in the world conscious. The real problem was that the stranger cannot be really used his soul spirit outside of the body that he was living in. The requirements for the soul spirit to materialize in the world that the stranger had to burn 97% of his will's power. That just a single plain paper went down limp on the ground after his first attempt. Also, the first thing the stranger tried to experiment with the outside world.

After two weeks of the mishap in nearly burnt out the stranger will's power. The stranger decided used his soul spirit against the original's soul that should be the stranger's first priority when the stranger mess around during his free time.

It did not work out so well for the stranger for in total of six attempts. First four attempts may have increase the will's power for the original's soul. The other two last final attempt that the stranger somehow "forced" into the agreement pact with the original's soul and some control the original's soul memories... the agreement pact was whatever the original's soul unable control the body then the stranger take over... that takes care of what had happened to the stranger during the Experiment #2 but not sure about total freedom that the stranger wants to control back the body... about the whole controlling the memories thing that the stranger has act newfound skill was not too bad...

The stranger can simply used his two of different shaped paper. The long string noodle paper that connects the original's soul and the body's memories of the brain. Then right between somewhere on the noodle paper was rectangular paper to act as a screen to look at the original's memories... The stranger able to enhance or stretch part of the victim's memories to be more memorable... for example was a simple happy memories that forever to be cherish then extended into a best hallucination drug experience ever. Another way for the stranger can do was compressed or squish in smaller part of the victim's memories to be more dense yet not noticable the victim to know until that memories itself exploded... for example was the whatever the victim knows some basic important information could be possibly an advice of not dying, but the victim trying what so important for the information to be really good for remember in dire circumstances until the victim found out. So the stranger's complaint on his newfounded power was why the stranger would this skill when he can simply have cut, copy, and paste to be more convenient. Another one was why the stranger has to watch the WHOLE memories worth on the original before the stranger trying to abusing his power hard... make it worse there was like a some cool-down or around an hour for the stranger tried to reuse his power again... until then the stranger gets more creative of his creations related to papers which undoubtedly when the stranger could ever think out of his imagination other than his mental insanity...

Experiment #4:

Month #9-12: (After the Stranger's host master his walking skill)

The Test Subject: The Stranger's soul

Objective: another option for understand the unknown language...

The stranger took his time for himself actually doing this experiment. It was complicated mess that took out the stranger to wire or using many sized noodle papers for connecting the eyes and the ears of the body. Properly, this was actually not good for his insanity anyway. This had been near end of the Month #10 and the stranger still not finished out his project. But that it was conveniently that during that whole time frame for the stranger had initially ignore the outside world's events because of his certain skill have a side effects so great for another way of gathering information. The next two months was quite hectic for the stranger to be torn between giving up and kept going from his secret self-talking himself. Not to mention, the stranger connecting all the noodle papers into that single rectangular paper which had a noodle paper connecting the body's memories of the brain and the soul's memories plus additional of more noodle papers just in case... apparently decreasing the waiting time for the memories skill thingy in one second... as well creating another makeshift papers turned into a headphone attached to the noodle paper to the same rectangular paper... it was a pity that the stranger does not have a patience and the time creating many over-sized speakers. Even though subtitles can work out for the stranger but he thought it was better not listening new vocabulary words in his list anymore.

It took the stranger have constant convincing to himself for it was great idea and always worth the hard work even it was seem to be very meaningless for doing this project if the stranger actually knows the unknown language other than being able to see and hear upon the world as well another option for memories control in the other section upon the rectangular paper. Not to worried about that papers were actual real but they were intangible to touch other than the stranger and the original's soul may to do with them in certain future event...

*decided that numbering dates in months/days/years were too annoying to think in the alternate timeline as well making complete true scientific experiment records made by a real scientist were too much time to take for myself anyway