
Chapter 3 - Freelance Pack

I run for hours on end feeling the heartbreak setting in because of knowing my mate doesn't long for me.

'How could my mate be so cruel?' I ask myself  as I run but I get no answer. I wasn't exprcting to get an answer either, especially since my wolf has hidden herself somewhere in the back of my mind. James, Niyah and Mia stopped running a while back but I need to keep running or I will end up breaking. Just as I reach where the others have stopped for the night, I collapse to the ground totally tired out. My whole body is shouting at me to rest. I whimper but I curl into a ball so I can go to sleep. Hopefully we are far enough from the Crystal Pack that we wont be caught and attacked by them.

By the time the next morning comes around the ache in my chest is no better. I shift into my skin when Niyah walks over to me and hands me some of my clothes.

"Are you okay?" Niyah asks as she watches me put the clothes on. I sigh. I really don't even want to do anything today. But if i don't my whole pack will become weak and i can't have that. "I'm fine. Or at least I will be fine. I know I can get through this heart ache. It may just rake a while to get over it" I say to her. Mia walks out from behind a bush as James climbs down from a tree.

"We should make some distance between the Crystal Pack. Let's all get-" James is cut off when a whole group of warriors surround us. There is no exits I can make out, which means we are trapped and if there is one thing you should know about me is the fact I hate being trapped. I've had experience with being trapped so i should know.

"There's no way we can take on this many, Diana" James tries to warn me as he pulls Niyah behind him. I pull Mia behind me. I feel my wolf pushing forward and push her back while growling, not liking the fact I'm feeling trapped. I feel my claws come out as the circle get smaller. My instinct to attack forces me to half shift. i have my claws, eyes and canines but I'm not a full wolf.

"Diana calm down, you know we wont be able to take on that many" Niyah says which slightly calms me down. Key word being slightly. I sigh closing my eyes and controlling my anger. i then re-open my eyes and retract my claws before I hold my hands up in a surrender. Two warriors slowly walk up and chain silver handcuffs around my wrists making me hiss at the slight pain. Why do they have to use silver?

They then drag me to the pack dungeons. I'm thrown into one of the cells by myself. I growl as I hit the floor hard. Couldn't they have just let me walk in by my self, instead of throwing me in here.

"The alpha is going to have fun with you" I hear one say to me as Niyah, James and Mia are thrown in a cell together next to me. Why they are putting me in a separate cell i have no idea but i don't have time to think of that right now. I hear the cell door lock before they walk out of the cells. I hate it here already.

"Diana, what are we going to do?" Mia asks making me look over at her as I sit up, with difficulty since my wrists are still handcuffed.

"We wait for an opportunity to escape" I whisper. Already knowing my pack have already gotten the hint of what to do.

2 Months pass

I breathe through my nose as another kick lands on my stomach so i don't make a sound. My whole body is black and blue. If only I could use my Lycon healing. However I know I can't because if I do then they will know what I really am. I groan at the pain as another kick lands on my stomach. Give it a rest already. The kicks stop as the door to the outside opens and footsteps are heard walking towards us. I look up to see a man in his sixties standing smirking at me. I hide my glare behind an emotionless face. Later, i will get them back later. They can't know my feelings just yet.

"She can be the one" The man who is obviously the alpha says making me confused. I can be the what? Does anyone else know what he is trying to say because i certainly don't.

"Alpha, you've chosen her to be your Luna?" The guy that was kicking me who I learned is the beta of this pack asks. Which in turn has me growling unable to hold back my anger. If he thinks i will be his, he has another thing coming. He is like three times my age.

"Chosen mate, there is no such thing. And even if there were such a thing I wouldn't be with you. Plus I have a mate and he's an a**hole" I say my eyes flashing once again.

"Alpha!" a different guy calls, running in while dragging a guy so skinny his bones are showing. What in the world? They are seriously treating others of our kind like this? what is wrong with this pack?

"We found him trying to escape on the west side" the guys says as he reaches his alpha. My eyes stare at the guy he is dragging. He's skin and bones. There is literally no meat on him whatsoever. What the hell is this pack doing? Treating their prisoners like this. Wait is he even alive? I stare blankly before sighing when his chest rises and falls signalling he is still breathing. Which means he is very much alive.

"Throw him in the cell opposite our lovely Luna here" the alpha commands him. I watch silently as the guy is thrown in the cell opposite me. I then struggle to my feet. I've seen all i want to see. I want to get this over with now.

"I'm not the Luna. I'm an alpha to my own pack" I say  as I walk towards the door of the cell.

"And to think scum like you walk the earth. I've been waiting for you Alpha. You certainly took your time" I say allowing my body to slowly start to heal the cuts and bruises.

"Waiting for me? You've wanted me all along" he says smirking. I scoff, rolling my eyes. Wow, this alpha is more of a pervert than he is crazy. "Actually no. Ever since I've been down here, I've seen how your own pack treat others of your own pack never mind how they treat others of our own kind. Chosen mate? It's the worst thing I've heard yet. Your pack needs to be taken out once and for all" I say smirking.

"Taken out? Your in cuffs. You couldn't kill even if you wanted to. You crazy bitch" the alpha says. The beta suddenly charges forward. I quickly turn and break the cuffs keeping my wrists together before I break his neck. I then turn back to face the alpha. I smirk at his shocked face.

"Like I said you need to be taken out" I speak unemotionally.

"What are you?" the alpha asks making my smirk somehow widen.

"Funny how an alpha doesn't know what I am?"  I say as I break the cell door down. I then stalk towards him as the alpha backs away, scared. Niyah and James break the door to their cell down and follow me. I notice, out of the corner of my eye, Mia running over to the cell the skinny guy is in and trying to break down the door. I smirk when the alpha tries to run by typing the code into the code pad. However I smirk when the door stays locked.

"You know what I'm going to leave you until last. Niyah, James give the call" I say not bothering to take my eyes off of the alpha.

"The call?" the  alpha asks still trying to open the door. I sigh when he still doesn't  understand that he won't be able to escape from me. I'm getting bored of this, fast.

"The call to signal my pack" I answer back and the alpha turns staring at me confused.

"What? Did you really think we were the only ones. We've been scouting you out for a while now. And don't bother with the door, my pack has changed it to a code we only know. So it's really no use. I'm guessing you have no family, so take you out and the whole pack falls apart. Futhermore my pack is already killing yours and by the look on your face they nearly have so all that is left is you" I say while stalking towards him. I laugh as he tries to fight me. How is he an alpha? He is so sloppy. He's leaving his neck wide open.

"Please you're a bad fighter. I'm tired of this already. Just give up" I scoff out before gripping his neck and snapping it. His body drops to the floor and I hear a cry off of the few members that are left. I smirk before turning when I hear banging from behind me. Only to see Mia still trying to get into the cell. Niyah and James are standing, watching her, shocked.

"Mia what's wrong?" I ask her as I walk towards her. Not even bothering to stop she answers me, "He... the guy... the guy in there... he's my mate". My eyes widen. To see your mate in this condition it must be so hard for her. "Move out the way Mia. Hey dude, move away from from the door" I say handing Mia to Niyah. The guys moves away, slowly. I can tell he's in a lot of pain. From what i have made out he has a dislocated shoulder and some broken bones to go with it.

"No, no" I hear Mia crying.

"It's alright, Mia. Diana will get him out" I hear Niyah trying to comfort her. I use my Lycon strength to break the cell door down. It falls where the dude was just lying. Mia is the first one towards him. He jumps in fright when she touches him.

"Mate" he whispers out once their eyes lock. I smile sadly towards them. I then sigh when I realise we cant stay here. We get called the Ghost Pack for a reason.

"Come on, we need to join up with my pack. Your mate will be in good hands when we get to my pack. I have a pack doctor who I trust with my life. She will make sure your mate will get better. James can you help carry him to our pack. He just needs food and medical attention and then he will be all fine" I say. Mia looks over at me and nods and I see the tears in her eyes. I walk over to the door as James helps the guy to stand. I type in the code 1821. It's our code. 18 females and 21 males. Well... I guess it needs to be changed to 19 females and 22 males since Mia and her mate are here now. I wait silently as the door slides open only to be met wih a group of children kneeling with their heads bowed. My pack waits silently, surrounding them.

"All of you disperse and find a new pack. Tell anyone of our identities and I will hunt you and whoever you told to the ends of the earth. Now... shall we take our leave" I command before I head off in the direction of my pack.

Once we get there, I sigh and sit on a chair waiting for the doc to give me a once over. I smile at her as she walks over to me. It's silent until she finishes her examination.

"Several bruises, cracked ribs, black eyes, several cuts and burns off of the silver" she says writing it down on her board. I sigh before climbing to my feet and helping get Mia's mate over to an examination table.

"Doc this is Mia and her mate. Mia is my other destined sister" I explain as the doc examines the guy.

"I will have them both checked out and back to a full bill of help in no time. Right now everyone out and go eat, have fun. All but you alpha" she commands and I look at her with a slight growl hitting thee back of my throat.

"Come on, you said you would listen to me when it came to your health. Now lie down on that bed and try to stay still until you are healed up" Doc orders again. I roll my eyes before going to lie on the bed. I stare up at the ceiling as i feel my wounds close and heal themselves. I wince as my ribs start to realign them selves. It bloody hurts.

"Always the worst part, my ribs" I say more to myself than anyone else.

"Why didn't you do as we planned and just take them out head on?" Kylian, one of my head warriors, asks as he walks up to me making me roll my eyes.

"They were a weak pack" Kylian then adds on making me scoff slightly before wincing again as another rib aligns itself.

"Well, before I could... I found Mia, Nearly got caught by Dark Hallow Pack, then the Freelance Pack surrounded us with all their warriors and their alpha wasn't with them. So I had to change the plan. It's a good thing you caught on other wise we would have probably still be stuck down there. And i had almost given up waiting and just escaped the cells to go hunt down the Alpha when he turned up" I explain, hitting his arm before wincing and clutching my side.

"Doc, any of those pain relieving leaves away left?" I ask

"They are called dock leaves Diana. Dock leaves. In the cupboard in the green circular container" She calls out as she pushes the guys arm back into place. I hear his whimper but other than that he doesn't say anything.

"Who are they?" Kylian asks as he hands me a dock leaf. I chew it before swallowing and looking at him.

"Mia and her mate. I found Mia almost about to be raped and we found her mate in the cells of the Freelance Pack cells. Oh, Mia is also my destined sister. Yeah, okay don't ask because  I don't know that answer either" I say. Kylian nods before walking out to go tell the pack members I'm okay. Now if only my ribs would hurry healing so i can get some pack work done. Hopefully there isn't a massive pile of to do's. Sitting behind a desk all night isn't my strong suite.

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