

Rome, Italy

"Chase...wake up honey.." a soothing voice called out and a pair of hazel brown eyes fluttered alive. Chase looked up to see his mother wearing her usual warm smile.

"Mom.. you're alive." Chase muttered. He looked around at his surroundings and found that he was at his house. He could hear his older siblings coming down the stairs, and he could see his Dad walking over to him.

"Of course I am. What are you talking about? Did you have a nightmare or something?" His mother asked him worriedly seeing that Chase was shaking.

"Artemis you need to stop babying him." His father walked over a clamped a strong hand down on his shoulder, "You're a man now, a Venor Hunter, the youngest and most talented hunter. You have nothing to fear."

His father's words resounded in his ears as his surroundings began to change. Looking around Chase could see the house burning down with his family inside. Chase widened his eyes and started running and screaming for them to get out.

When his family turned around to face him he stopped cold, because he could see blood pouring out of every pore of their face. His brother's throat ripped out, his sister's face slashed and disfigured, and his loving mother with a hole in her chest.

Feeling something in his hand he looks down to see the beating heart of his mother. Quickly dropping it he turns to run away from this horrible nightmare when his hands sink into something soft yet firm. Warm red liquid starts to fill his hands as Chase looks up to see the cold dead eyes of his father.

Suddenly his father's body jerks and the face starts to morph into a sinister looking wolf with crimson eyes that burned his soul, stared deeply at him and spoke. A demonic voice echoed, "Wakey Wakey pup."


Chase POV

Jerking awake I looked around to see the vast woods surrounding my every direction. I sit down next to a fallen tree as I try to force my racing heart to calm down. Taking deep breaths I begin to wring my hands unconsciously, trying to take away the feeling of killing my family.


Hearing a twig break my senses automatically go high as I focus on my enhanced hearing to locate the source of the noise. As I concentrate I start to pick up multiple voices.

"I can smell him. He's close."

*whistle*"Damn he got pretty far this time."

"Let's go."

Hearing the voices I immediately try to mask my scent but the fear and anxiety of my earlier dream disturbed my control. 'Crap, not good.'

Making a run for it I hear multiple footsteps giving chase, bobbing and weaving through the broken forest in front of me, I hear heavy breathing coming closer and closer.

When the breathing gets close enough I flex my claws and quickly slashed behind me.

"OW! B*TCH!"


3rd POV

Two older betas instantly pin down the young wolf keeping his claws and head connected to the ground.

"This kid's getting stronger." One of the betas complained as he was struggling to hold down Chase.

The injured beta walked over and kicked Chase in the head knocking him out. "Yeah, well he ain't stronger than me."

"Got you pretty good though Felix." A beta pointed out.

"Shut up, Brutus." Felix began to focus on the gash on his face, as he concentrated the wide cut got smaller and smaller healing completely in seconds.

"There all done. What do you think Libby? Impressed by my skills?" The female beta shook her head and dragged the unconscious Chase with Brutus.

"Lycan teaches everybody how to heal like that, you aren't special. Now let's head back."

Libby's thoughts go to her alpha Lycan the so called King of Wolves as he proclaimed to be. 'A pack with now 30 wolves, tripled in the last 4 months what is he doing?' She thought to herself.

Arriving at the center of the forest, a worn down mansion was in the middle of the clearing where you could see men and women of different ages fighting each other.

Standing in the middle of the training yard was a man tall man with a rugged exterior and impressive physique, looking over everyone like they were beneath him with his everlasting crimson eyes.

Hearing arguing and irritating narcissism, Lycan turns to be greeted by his 3 most trusted betas dragging a sleeping pup.

"Ahh my friends what took so long. Did young Chase give you quite a chase?" Lycan smirked.

Felix laughed while Brutus was forever stoic, and Libby who was already annoyed by Felix's idiocy merely stared at him.

Lycan who was chuckling nodded at Brutus signaling to wake Chase up.


Chase POV

Blinking my eyes awake I see the face I hate the most and instantly lunged at it, but was held back by a dumb brute and a smiling idiot.

"Tsk..tsk..tsk. That makes it 4 times this month, and its only been 5 months since you've been with us." Lycan mockingly complained and playfully frowned, "You don't love your family, my dear Chase?"

My eye's flared a bright blue and growled, "YOU KILLED MY FAMILY!" I tried to kick him but Lycan merely leaned back.

Lycan smiled saying, "We are you're family Chase." Lycan suddenly turned serious with his eyes bleeding red, "When are you gonna learn that we are more of a family than they ever were!" Stunned by the Alpha's sudden outburst everyone around stopped and looked to them.

Lycan was radiating power as he breathed deeply and turned away, "If you don't learn from me then suffering will be your only teacher."

Lycan looked at Brutus and calmly stated, "Break his legs. Everyday break a bone, until he learns." Brutus merely nodded and proceeded to hold my left calf and snapped it like a twig.

Feeling pain, unimaginable pain of seeing my calf being torn to pieces. Then looking to see that my right knee was being held and..



I hear nothing but the blood in my ears pounding, feeling nothing but flames on my legs and then being taken to a solitary room inside the mansion.


Los Angeles Airport, USA

Three people walk in heading to their boarding gate. One who is a woman that is not wearing shoes, another is a tall bald well built man, and in the middle a man with tinted glasses and a walking stick.

"Why the hell are we going to Rome, Deucalion?" The woman asked.

"Why? To see a king of course." Came a smartass reply with an English accent.

Was in my drafts for a while. Putting it out there to see how it will do.

Jtubbycreators' thoughts