
20. Sweet Memories

Pieter gently placed his arm in hers. "Come on Sexy, let's get you to your job." The doors slid open to let them pass.

A sleek car was waiting for them at the entrance. A young wolf got out of the car and tossed a key fob at Jerome. Diamond looked at the car.

"Wow, this is your car?" She turned to Jerome.

He nodded and watched Pieter walk her to the passenger side and open her door for her. When she was in a knowing look passed between the two men. He got into the car and drove her to the club.

Tony watched Diamond glide in with her Beta on her arm. She looked like a Princess. His heart constricted before he hardened it.

Her Alpha was right behind her and he was seemingly on edge. Tony knew exactly what had set him off. He pushed off the bar and headed towards the trio.

"Wilder, what are you doing with my girl?" Tony asked condescendingly. He smirked when he saw Jerome's eye twitch at the claim he made.

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