
Alpha's Rejection: Luna's Awakening

After pregnant Elena gets accused of infidelity and gets rejected by Alpha Darius, she rejects and disappears from the Pack. Years later, Alpha Darius is invited to a party by the most feared Alpha, Alpha Killian. He sights Elena from afar, so different and more beautiful. Beside her is a young boy, agile, handsome and a photocopy of him. He walks up to Elena. "Long time no see, Elena." "Good day Darius. It's good to see you after so many years," she says with a smile. Alpha Darius looks at the boy beside her and smirks. "Is he my son?" Elena smiles and points to a very tall handsome man. "That's his father over there. He has organized this party because he wants to introduce our son to everyone as the Pack's heir." Follow the journey of Elena, a kind-hearted Luna initially chosen by Alpha Darius, who faces rejection and false accusations of infidelity. As she disappears from her pack and rises as Luna of the Silver Howl Pack, she transforms from a timid soul into a resilient force. *chapter 101 sneak peek "So, Elena," Sarah drawled, her voice dripping with venom. "Ready to cooperate yet? Ready to accept my son is the heir not yours?" I squared my shoulders, refusing to show any sign of weakness. "I and my son don't need a position in this Pack, Sarah. Justin doesn't want to be the heir of this Pack but it turns out everyone wants him to be the heir because he doesn't have an evil blood running through him," I declared defiantly. "And you'll never lay a hand on my son." Sarah's lips curled into a cruel smirk. "Oh, Elena, you're so naïve. And yes, what if my son has an evil blood, he'll never be unlucky as your son was and is," she taunted. "Do you really think you have any say in this? Your son is in my custody now, and you may never see him again." My heart sank at her words, but I refused to let despair consume me. "You'll regret this, Sarah," I warned, my voice trembling with rage. "If you lay a finger on my son, I'll make sure you pay for it. I'll hunt you down to the ends of the earth if I have to." Sarah's laughter filled the room, a chilling sound that sent shivers down my spine. "You think you can threaten me, Elena? I'm so so scared. Please don't hurt my son, Elena," she sneered. "You're nothing but a pawn in my game. And soon, you'll be nothing at all, just like your son." But I refused to back down, my determination unyielding. "Mark my words, Sarah," I spat, meeting her gaze with resolve. "You may think you hold all the cards now, but justice will catch up to you eventually. And when it does, you'll regret every moment you spent tormenting my son and me. I just warn you now, play stupid games with me but not with my son. Don't forget you have a son too. An eye for an eye." With that, Sarah's smirk faltered, replaced by a flicker of uncertainty. For a fleeting moment, I glimpsed a hint of fear in her eyes – a crack in her façade of invincibility. But just as quickly as it appeared, it was gone, replaced by a cold, steely resolve. "We'll see about that, Elena," she hissed, before slamming the door shut behind her, leaving me once again in the suffocating darkness of my captivity. As the minutes turned into hours, I clung to the flicker of hope burning within me, praying for the day when justice would prevail and my son would be safe in my arms once more. A man came into the room with a chain. "Hello missy, I have just got an order to torture you and also rape you," the man said heartlessly as he gave me a cold stare. "If I was you, I wouldn't do it. Only stupid people would," I sneered. "Trust me I'm the most stupid," and with that, he flung the chain and it collided with my arm. I screamed in pain. He began to unzip his trouser. "You look so beautiful. Can't wait to taste you." I wouldn't let him do this to me. No. Never. Just as the man advanced towards me, his intentions clear and my fear reaching a crescendo, the door suddenly burst open with a resounding crash.

PhilippaUC · Urban
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108 Chs

4: Rejected


"I, Darius Kendrick Ferguson, son of Lucas Davis Ferguson and Alpha of Ocean Shadows Pack reject you, Elena Mirabelle Jenner, as my chosen mate and Luna of the Pack."

A whimper escaped from Darius's mouth, and he clenched his heart in pain; the bond had been broken from his end.

It was now my turn. Tears welled up in my eyes. I just couldn't do this.

"Go on," He says. Then he frowned. "If it's going to be less painful for you, then you can go see Grandma for the last time and reject me there." 

Did he really just show me he still cared about me? 

"And don't get this the wrong way. I just don't want you thinking I'm heartless. This is for both of us good," He said and stood.

I shouldn't think he is heartless, well I do. 

Because, if he wasn't, he would have considered our unborn pup before rejecting me. Oh well, he made it clear to me, it was no longer his unborn pup when he accused me of cheating on him. 

He opened the door for me. "You may leave." 

I stood up and walked to the door. "I hope I never see your face again, Darius," I snarled.

He rolled his eyes. "If you keep standing here, you'll still keep seeing my face, so just get out. Leave."

Oh Moon Goddess, I needed your help because I was really losing my mind.

"I hope you don't regret this," I said and walked out of the room.

As I walked out of the Packhouse, the maids bowed their heads and it felt like they already knew my predicament. But it didn't have to feel like that. The maids and the Omegas, always paid their respect by bowing, whenever I came into the pack house or left.

"A car is waiting for you, outside," Robert the head of Omegas informed me.

I raised my head up as I left the Packhouse. I made sure no tears welled up in my eyes. I made sure, I walked to the car with a smile. It was until I entered the car, that I broke down again.

"Luna Elena, are you okay?" Andrew, the driver asked, stretching a kleenex wipe to me.

"I'm fine," I said, collecting the kleenex from him. "Thank you."

"I know Alpha Darius can be rude sometimes, but I am a hundred percent sure he loves you more than you can imagine," he began to say.

I smiled. "I used to think the same," I said, wiping my tears away.

"Did he hurt you really bad?"

"Yes he did. Really really bad."

The car stopped at granny's house. I applied some makeup before coming down from the car. I walked into the house. 

"Hello grandma," I said. 

Grandma was seated on a couch. "Have a seat, Elena."

"Thank you," I said and sat down. 

From the look of things, grandma was sulking and sobbing. I quickly rushed to her and sat beside her. "Grandma, are you okay? Are you sick? What's wrong, Grandma?"

She took my hand. "How's the baby?"

My eyebrow furrowed. "What baby?"

"I know you're pregnant, right from day one. So don't sit down here and act like you don't know what I'm talking about," grandma said.

I couldn't believe my ears. "I'm sorry, grandma. I never meant to keep any of this away from you."

"You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for. I should be the one saying sorry," Grandma said in tears. 

I didn't understand. 

"Darius doesn't deserve you. He's a cruel man, just like his father," she said. "I thought he was different but he's just the same. Dancing to his parent's tune instead of following his heart."


"No, it's fine. I just want to let you know, that coward of a man doesn't deserve you. You deserve someone who loves you, appreciates you, and trusts you."

Tears rolled down my eyes. 

"It's going to be well, love. Even when you leave this Pack, know that I will always support you and my prayers will be with you, Elena. You are a true Luna. It's time for you to be strong for yourself and that innocent child in your stomach," Grandma advised. "Do not you, ever cry, Elena. The moon goddess always has a reason for everything that happens."

I nodded, as I wiped the tears rolling down my cheeks. "I won't cry again, grandma," I said, even though the tears still rolled down my eyes. 

"Stress might lead to miscarriage, Elena," Grandma said, patting my shoulders. "No matter, how far you are, I want every update on my grandchild, Elena."

"Okay, Grandma," I said and nodded. "Grandma, do you know Sarah?"

"Yes, I do," Grandma said, looking at me in wonder. "She's Darius's childhood friend and fated mate, right?"

It was obvious Grandma already knew everything I was trying to hide from her.

I began to tell Grandma what occurred between me and Sarah in the restroom. 

"That lying witch. Well, that's who Darius deserves. A pain in the neck. He will realize what grievous mistake he made and regret letting you go. Sarah can't have her way with him by just telling lies. Message him and explain to him what really happened between you and Sarah. He needs to know the type of person, Sarah is. Let him know what a silly mistake he's about to make."

I pulled out my phone and after thinking for the nth time, I typed a long message to Darius, explaining to him that I never hurt Sarah and that she hurt herself. I glanced at the message and read it twice, then sent it. 

In a minute, he replied me. 

I glanced at the message: You don't have to stoop this low, Elena. Accept the rejection and mind your business. 

Accept the rejection?

Mind my business?

I stood up in anger, tossed the phone to the couch and rushed to the room. I slammed the door. 

"Elena," Grandma called out. "Elena baby, I'm sorry. It's my fault, you're angry."

It wasn't. 

I finally said the words that might risk the life of my unborn pup. "I, Elena Mirabelle Jenner, daughter of late Beta Fabian Darrell Jenner, accept your rejection, Darius Kendrick Ferguson, as my mate and as my Alpha." I gasped as I felt something grab my heart but I wasn't through yet. "I, Elena Mirabelle Jenner, Former Luna of Ocean Shadow Pack reject Ocean Shadow Pack as my home and Pack.."

I closed my eyes, crumbling into the floor as tears flowed down my cheeks. With each seizing breath, I could feel the power in my soul draining away in my blood. But it was not the power or even the title that mattered to me. There were more important things that I had lost. A father for my pup. My breathing began to seize. My eyes began to see blurry things. The pain was making things worst for me. 

My unborn pup! 

My hand reached near my stomach, hoping my unborn baby was fine. But I felt and smelt blood. 

Shit! I would never forgive Alpha Darius if anything happened to my pup's life. 

"Oh, Moon goddess, save my pup," I prayed amidst tears. 

"Are you alright, Elena?" Grandma screamed, as she banged at the door. 

That was the last thing I heard before falling to the ground and losing consciousness.