
Chapter 12 *Xavier

We shifted back into our human form and put on some basketball shorts. The pack warriors that is guarding near their house saw us approaching and they bowed their heads showing us respect.

"Good afternoon Alpha." They said.

"Did anyone of you see anything suspicious around the house?" I asked.

"None at all Alpha."

"Did anyone of the girls went out?"

"No Alpha. None of them had gone out since yesterday." They answered then, I looked at the boys in question.

"We should check them out." Xavion suggests.

I nod and we all walk to the front door and ring the door bell. No one opened so I rang it again but still no one came. So I gripped the door knob, turned it and realize that it is open. We stepped inside, sniffing if I can catch the girls scents and that's when an intoxicating scent of my mate and three more person's scent hit my nose. I run upstairs and the boys followed me. I was following Raelin's scent and it leads us to her room. I gripped the door handle and pushed it open. And there, I saw my mate sleeping into her comfortable bed while her friends are beside her.

"MATE." I growl while stepping towards her.

"How did she get here?" Mark asked.

"We don't know. We were about to get out off the house when we heard some noise, here in Raelin's room. And when we check it out, she's already in her bed sleeping." Faerien explained.

"Have you seen anyone in the room?" I asked.

"No Alpha." Ariane says.

I slowly caressed my mate's face and she responded to my touch as she tilted her head sideways. I smiled at her. I looked at her arms and lifted up her covers seeing that her skin has no burns, scars and scratches around.

"We will leave you two alone." Mark says.

He grab Faerien's arm and went out while the twins followed. I climbed into her bed wrapping my arms around her. And held her tight as I drifted off to sleep.


The twins had already mated and marked with each other, even Mark and Faerien. So many events had occurred for the past two weeks. Me and the guys had moved here at the girls house. We also had double the warriors guarding on each border. And Mark had double the packs training he even tried to let the girls join to improve their fighting skills. Rouges had been coming in small groups into the border but before they could set their paws into my land, my warriors had immediately been killing each and every single one of them. As for Raelin she's still asleep, nothing change on her part. We've been trying many ways to wake her up for a couple of days now but its still not working.

I even move my office here at Raelin's room so that I can still watch her from time to time while finishing up some paper works. I'm currently sorting of some papers when I smelled a strong metallic scent of blood and I felt a pain in my left arm and to my body. I look at my arm but there's no wound in it. I quickly stood up and went to Raelin's side. I lift up her covers and there is blood all over her arm and her shirt. I quickly mind link the pack doctor to come as soon as she can.

While waiting for her I got up and head to the bathroom and took out bandages and wash cloth inside the medicine cabinet. I took a bowl of water, the wash cloth and bandages and putting it all at the night table. I tear off Raelin's shirt leaving her wearing her bra. I cleaned up her wounds but the cut on her is so deep that she need stitches.

The door suddenly opened and the pack doctor and the girls came in, worry is shown on their faces. I move to the side so the pack doctor can see and check her.

"You need to stitched her up. Her cut is pretty deep." I said.

"Wait, hold on a minute." Ariana says as she runs out of the room and after a minute or so she came back carrying a bottle containing with color blue liquid inside.

"What is that?" I asked.

"It says healing potion Alpha. I forgot to tell you the other day that someone had drop it in the front door." She says.

"No, it must be a trick." I shout.

"It is true Alpha, it is indeed a healing potion. After I took it I cut a little bit on my skin and put on a few drops on my cuts after that my skin had already healed." She explains.

"If what you say is true then I'll leave you to it. But if something goes wrong you will answer to me." I said.

Its not that I don't trust her its just that this is my mate were talking about. She nodded and proceed to put a few drops to Raelin's cut. I hissed in pain as I felt the effect on the blue liquid and after that Raelin's arm are already back on her smooth skin no scar is left even the cuts to her upper body.

"Alpha it works." The pack doctor says.

I nodded a little of shocked.

"Alpha can you explain to me what happen to the Luna?" The pack doctor asked.

"I don't know, I was sorting out some papers when I smelled the metallic scent of blood and I felt pain into my left arm and upper body. But when I look at my arm there's no cut in it not even a blood. Until I got up and quickly went to my mate checking her arm. And there I saw blood coming out of her arm even her clothes." I explained.

"What could possibly the caused of it?" Ariana asked.

"I don't know either, but I swear who ever did this to my mate would be punished by me." I growl sensing Danger to take over.

"Alpha calm down. We need to change Raelin's beddings first and she need to put on a new outfit. Could you lift her up and lay her at the couch?" Faerien asked.

I nodded and carefully lift up Raelin bridal style and lay her carefully at the couch. The twins are busy changing up the beddings while Faerien proceeded to clean and change Raelin's clothes.

I went out of the room and head outside, I took off my clothes and shifts into my jet black wolf. I run around the house looking for something or anything that could help me figure out who could possibly hurt my mate. But I saw nothing out of the ordinary.

I mind link the guys what happen and they are heading back at the house. I let them know that I would be having a run to clear my head.

Its been three hours since my run and I started to turn back home. I was almost at the house when I saw a cloak figure standing not far away at the house. I growl at the person and it turned around. I sniff the figure and she's a witch. I growl at her and run up to her. I was about to lunge on her when she quickly vanished.

"Everyone, be on your guard. There's a witch on the territory." I said through the pack link.

I hear a few 'Yes Alpha' and 'We will Alpha' at the pack link.

I shift back and put on my clothes. I went inside and saw the guys and girls are waiting for me in the living room.

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