
Alpha's little Butterfly

She didn't knew that she was destined to be his, no one knew he would go far for her. He is created to be as a doom, she meant to tame his beast. His beast claimed her, she accepted him. They both are meant to be together. World fears him as a doom, his wolf is a rare kind. which had power on ever supernatural. But no one knew, the beast himself would bow down for a mare girl. It's another life of them leading together, who aren't aware of that past is going to repeat again.

Samyuktha_09 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The woods

Venessa P.o.v

It's boring again, today they allowed me to go to the garden.

usually they always takes care of me locking up in a room and gives my all needs, the head Martha always orders me around and she is the only onw who talks to me.

A nice person but scary too.

I am 19 years now, soon turning 20.

I am a half-breed, but still i didn't found my mate yet, some women says that I don't deserve a mate.

I am blessed with healing power and people see me as a bad omen because I am the reason of my parents death.

I am not allowed to go out, talk to others, the only place I can feel peace is in the woods , where no one can reach me. Sure I have few friends over there, the big bad wolf loves to cuddle me and the pups loves to stay around me sometimes they even came to my bedroom with out getting other eyes on.

And I forgot about the bunny baby, who loves to bite my cheeks.


Soon I made my way towards the garden and looked my sides that anyone is present, luckily no one is here.

I made my way across the garden entering into the deep woods, I whistle calling out for m y friends but there is no trace of them, it made a little sad.

I started roaming around finding them, my steps halted in tracks.

' hustle '

A sudden strong aroura is coming from behind my back, I couldn't figure it out. But my heart is beating fast as it will pound out of my chest.

My steps got heaver, my breath got stuck in my throught, I can't able to move. Soon my wolf lilly yelled in happines,

' What's happening lilly ' I tried to make a conversation

' Our mate is near us, logging for our warmth ' she said while still spinning in my head

wait what ' Mate '

Soon my body went stiff as a pair of arms made there way towards my waist engulfing me, oh god.

It didn't took me a sec to turn over and face the person who is meant to be my mate.

' Oh god he is so handsome and perfect but too tall and bulky '

" Hello my butterfly, nice to meet you I am Alexzander " saying this he picked me up making me shudder.

" h-hello Al-lex "

' It's too hard to even to speak, he is so effective '

" Looks like i have a pretty good effect on you butterfly " He whispered in my ear making me feel so hot, I couldn't help but nod at him

' I must have gone beet red already, it's too embarrassing '

" don't " he said making me look at him,

" don't bite your lips baby, I am only allowed to do that " and then he crashed his lips on mine.