
Alpha's Destined Love

Werewolf have their own world . They have mates. I want my mate . I have keep myself only for her . I look for her everywhere . but I cant find her .

sana_warisha · Action
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13 Chs

Selan teasing Helena ..

In the moon pack Helena sneak into her house

"where were you ? YOU know how much I was worried ?" selan said worriedly .. Helena told her the whole story....

"why he even helped and dropped YOU to house" selan said while smirking

"Ummmmmm.... I don't know But I feel so secured around him and why? why are you smirking" Helena said...

" Ok Ok.... soo what is HIS name ?" selan said in a teasing tone

" I didn't ask him " Helena said , acting like nothing happened...

"Ahhhh... you silly girl.. why you feel so secured maybe he is you mate you should have asked his name " selan said while looking at Helena

" what? what are you talking about ? I am a human and my world is different from your world so don't tell that mate thing to me cause I have nothing to do with it" Helena said while looking nowhere but not looking at her...

"you moron!! many cases have happened in the past like that " selan said while looking at her...

" you know he is Alpha" Helena said ..

"so what if he is alpha if that happened between you both then it will be miracle and unique case" selan said to her

" may be we never meet in future" Helena said raising her eyebrow

" the time will tell us everything so lets wait... ok I am going to home take care" selan bided her a goodbye and left … Helena lay down on her bed while thinking about him "harry" "maybe selan is right" , she said to her self while smiling...

what am i thinking about? she shook her thoughts and went to her dream land

her father and mother is the alpha and Luna of the pack

If HER mother and father are werewolf then HOW can she be a HUMAN?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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