
I don't deserve you.

Everything seemed so perfect for her until Timothy asked her to go out on a date for the first time after a long while. She tried to look so pretty that night. She spent some money on a salon and new clothes just to look beautiful for him.

He even picked her up in her apartment that night. Everything is so romantic. He gave her a bouquet of flowers, dinner with candle lighting. He even hired a musician to play some lovely music while they were eating. She's so happy that night. She even thought of him proposing to her formally after dinner. Although he already did it before they entered college together. This is exactly one of her greatest dreams. But who would have thought that.. Your greatest dream will turn into your worst nightmare. After they had their dinner, the proposal for their marriage that she's wishing for from him turned out to be the proposal to end their relationship.

It's still more than a year but until now she still clearly remembers anything that happened that night. Every word he says is like a dagger that keeps on stabbing her heart. Yeah she still remembers those words. Those painful words that kill her over and over.

"Luna… it's been a long time since we are in this relationship. For those many years we've been together, I am honestly and genuinely happy to have you as my loving and caring girlfriend. But also all those years, I lost count on how many times I hurt you and made you cry and I hate myself for that. It's just right to call me a bastard, jerk and asshole for doing that to you."

He paused for a while and held her hands.

"You know I love you right? And I honestly do. All of you mean the world to me. Especially your smile and your sweetness. That's why I don't wish for anything other than to see you happy. Luna.. You deserve to be loved more than to anyone in this world. Your kindness and purity? I don't deserve it. Maybe someday there's someone who will love you and never let you cry the way I do."

Luna was stunned. What's going on? This is supposed to be a memorable romantic night. Why are his words saying the other way?

" What do you mean?" Luna is not dumb to know where this conversation go. But she wants to know why.

"Luna.. Let's end our relationship here. I'm letting you free now."

"What? Why?... You said you love me right? But why are you breaking up with me?" Luna tried to be as calm as she could. But her voice is already shaking and the tears in her eyes are starting to flow nonstop now.

"I just… I just don't want to hurt you anymore. I don't want to see you crying again over a jerk like me. I become so selfish for keeping you for a long time. You see, even if you already know what I'm doing behind your back, you're still there and willing to forgive me over and over again. I don't deserve this Luna. I don't deserve you."

"But it's not for you to decide that. It's me who's willing to be with you no matter what. It's me who wants----"

"Luna… I'm getting married!" Timothy cut her.

Luna became speechless. Suddenly it's like her brain didn't work. That word is like a bomb to her. "You're kidding right? C'mon Timmy let's stop this joke. You're scaring me----"

"I'm not joking Luna. I'm serious."

Luna looked at the man in front of her. He still has the face of the same boy she really loves. But why all of the sudden she feels like it's not really him. That he's not the Timmy that used to say how he loves her and promises her to make her his wife and the happiest woman in the world.

"To whom?" She said, almost whispering.

"To Sheriee."

"WHAT?!!!! TO YOUR OWN COUSIN?!! YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED TO YOUR OWN FLESH AND BLOOD?!!!!" Luna can't hold back anymore. She's hurt. She's really hurt right now.

"Luna calm down.. I'm sorry if I hide this from you.. But… Sheriee is not really my cousin. We're not blood related at all. She's a cousin of one of our business partners. She's really Montreal and not Christopher.. I accidentally got her pregnant and Montreal threatened me that they will dissolve our company if I don't take responsibility ...." Timmy stands up and hugs her tightly. "Luna.. I'm sorry.. I know call me jerk, asshole, bastard ao anything you want. It's fine with me. Just please promise me you will be fine after this. "

"You want me to be fine after what you did? Really Timmy?" She said in the middle of crying on his chest.

Timmy embraced her more. "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.. I know my words are not enough. But I'm sorry Luna. I didn't mean to hurt you. I promise you before I will make you the happiest woman in the world and hurting you is the last thing I want to do to you. But what all I did was make you cry and suffer. Please Luna.. Promise me you will find another guy you will love and love you back the way you love him."

Luna released herself from his arms. It hurts but she doesn't want to look miserable in front of him. So this is the reason why she saw her half sister not too far away from their table together with that girl. She wiped her tears and tried to calm herself. She picked up her bag and was about to go when Timothy stopped her.

"Wait.. Please take this."

Luna looks at the card that he's handling to her. Her brown rose gave him a questioning look.

"This is yours. Remember those projects that you helped me with? Those proposals that you made and have been approved? I divided all the profit from it and put it in the bank. Here's your share. It's under your name. I know your family hasn't supported your studies ever since you shifted your course. Please accept this and promise me you will finish your studies no matter what." He said to her with pleading eyes.

Luna took the card. He saw him smile when she did that. The smile that she really loves. But instantly faded away when he saw what she did. She burns the card using the candle on their table. It's a good thing that the place is an open area. When the fire started to devour the card she just simply dropped it on the ground and walked away like nothing happened.

On her way out she saw her half sister leaning on the exit door waiting for her.

"My… My… am I seeing it correctly? The perfect girl who everyone knows has been rejected? Geez.. Look at you sis. You look horrible with that makeup ruined by your tears. Well… ThatsThat's what you get of being too highly of yourself." She mucked on her.

She just ignored her and made a detour and used the other exit instead to leave that place. She doesn't have time to deal with that bitch. In her state now, who knows what she can do to her. But it looks like the bitch doesn't want to let go of her easily. She hastily pulled her hair back to face her.

"I'm not done talking to you.!!"

"Let me go Lina."

"What if I don't?"

"I said..let me go!!!"

"Let go of her Lina please. Don't make any scenes anymore." Said by a voice like an angel but Luna sure she's nothing but a mistress of the devil.

Lina let go of her. She faces the girl behind her. Luna really wanted to slap her and bit her really badly but when she saw how Timothy was holding her with care she backed out. Especially when she saw his hand resting on her belly, Luna wanted to burst out crying again in pain but she held back. She walked closer to her and said,

"Congratulations.. You succeeded in ruining someone's relationship. What can I say is good luck.. Because a forced love will never always end in a happy ending."

"Luna!!!" She heard Timothy say. She just looked at him without showing any emotion and just walked away. But before she can finally make her step away the mistress of the devil speaks.

"I know you're hurt and we're sorry about that. I know our words are not enough to ease the pain. Timmy and I are having a baby now. I'm sure we will have a happy family in the future." She said that made her more furious.

"Very well then.. Good luck to both of you." She said without looking back.

"I'll send you our invitation for our engagement!! I hope you can come!!!"

Are the last words she heard before she left the place. That bitch!!!

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