
Chapter 1

"Come to this seminar and for the low price od 50$, you can learn how to get past lifes troubles and be happy!" An advertisement from the radio shrills.

"Happy my ass. You don't have to pay to learn it's hard to do." Diane snarls at the radio on her phone since there is none in the car, driving to work. About a year before the car was given to her by a guy on craigslist, but he took the radio out, so she listens to an app on her phone. Talk about hard times, that add knows, damn shit.

At 37 Diane has seen here share of hard times, to the point of now she is a single mom and veteran of the US military. Good old Navy, leaving Diane with a mouth of a sailor, worse than before she joined at 30.

Diane can't help but think of all of the disabilities she has, mental and physical. On top of the PTSD, her ex-husband gave her. That's why she has a tattoo on her neck that says 'Damaged not Broken.' She pushed through but never felt completely happy. Diane wants to love with someone. That one person to complete her, her other half. She is doing her best not to give up hope, but it's fading fast.

Being a single mom puts extra pressure on her as well. She loves her daughter, but it is a lot of work and stresses her out.


Diane pulls up to her work in Portland Oregon, wishing that they could find more people, so she didn't have to work so much. She was working anywhere from 12-18 hours a day. It was burning her out. Everything in her life was suffering from it. Especially Jane her six-year-old

daughter with Autism.

Walking around the front of her 2001 light blue Saturn, Diane glares at the bumper, which is sporting a lovely ornament of a hitch she picked up a few months before when she wasn't paying attention in traffic. Stupid car in front, stupid work for making her so tired not to pay attention, she cursed. Grumbling she heads into work.

After putting on the hair net, overcoat, sleeves, and gloves, Diane passes through the plastic slats into the kitchen she worked.

"Good Morning!" Lily chirps in her Ukrainian accent. She was about 5'5 and curvy with a bit of extra weight.

" Morning" Diane grumbles back.

Cheerful people make her sick, she is a sweet person but has a low tolerance for people's bs, sometimes a little too short. Plus morning are just not her thing especially at 7 am.

Getting the day started, Diane set up her table for the recipe she was doing.

Oh goody here comes the mouth, ahem Monica. She acts innocent, but she causes drama where ever she can. "Oh, Diane!?" Monica simpers in her sickly sweet voice. She too was short with dark skin and heavy set, but she wore pants tight so she could show off her big ass. She loved to start shit and challenge anyone with authority.


" There is a Halloween party in downtown Portland. A bunch of us are going and, with dates. You should tag along. I could even help you find a date with one of my friends."

Oh goody, Diane sighs, just what she wants to do, go to a person house she can't stand, and alone, yeah that will happen. For some reason, Monica has had it out for Diane and has caused her nothing but problems at work. Now invited her to hang at a party, uh no thanks.

" Thanks so much but I will have to pass this time, " Diane says as politely as she can muster.

" OH you must come I have a few friends who would love to meet someone like you. you could even dress up as Olaf, the snowman that would fit you perfectly." Monica Gushes

"Excuse me"? sneers Diane.

" Yea you are the type my friends like big and bold." wow Monica has no idea when to shut up.

"Yea you must come" Chimes in the rest of her co-workers. Others even offered to find a date for her.

"Um no thanks, I will not be going. " Diane determines

"Well if you are to chicken to show up." Monica simpers evilly,

"Oh really, well I will be there, and I will not be alone thank you" Huffs Diane. No way in hell was she now going to stay home, but the was no chance either that she was going to show up to that party alone either.

Great now what is she going to do.


Getting home that night, Dine walks in the door and is greeted by her 5yr old daughter. "Momma, what's for dinner?" Jane whines.

"I just walked through the door can you give me a minute?" groans Diane.


"Ok Ok let me figure it out in a minute." After a quick dinner of mac cheese, They go on a walk around the neighborhood, and of course, Jane wants to talk about Halloween.

"Momma we need to get my costume, the Freddy crew bear like Skylar.

" I don't know about that Jane that scares you, plus I want you to be you and get what you like not what someone else has."

sigh is all she got in response,

"Heck it's still September, you have plenty of time before Halloween."

"Ok" grumbles Jane "Hey let's pretend we are in a forest. Jane exclaims. And that is just what they did until they got home.

Later that night, after Jane is in bed. Diane climbs in bed with her computer, trying to figure out what to do with the party problem. Ugh why did she even let them talk her into this and why did she insist on bringing a date? Hmmm, wait maybe that escort service she heard about, wonder if there is a cowboy available.


A/N So this story and the characters are not real but there are pieces of my life in here because I want readers to realize how reality can be to some. And no I am not in a relationship so yeah this is just a story. Yes I could use suggestions as I am not a writer but no nasty comments please, I have been bullied enough in my life so just calm down thanks

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