

    After few months:

    One day the King returned to palace found his Queen Bellona on ground holding her stomach crying for help. She fell off the stairs and the babies were hurting. The king called for the emergency and called his team of doctors to treat his Queen. The Queen Bellona was crying in pain. It was unbearable for her to take it. The doctors were trying there best but nothing was working. "Your Majesty, the Queen is not responding to any of our treatments. We tried our best but nothing's in return. Now we're out of the treatments." the Chief doctor was answering in very displeased voice. "No! We aren't totally out of the treatment." the holy Magician made his way towards the king. "Your Majesty, I am Xacka, the Ancient Magician. I can help with the crisis. Am I allowed to check?" he asked with the proper introduction. "Anything you can, please." the King Derrek plead for help. The Magician examined the Queen's situation. "Your Majesty, Queen's health is so terrible. Its impossible for her to give birth." hearing this the kings heart sank. "No! That's not possible. She has to give birth to our Princess. She has to do it. The ocean enchantress said we're having the future Queen of Drayceland, who'll be saving this land from crisis. She has to wake up." the King yelled his heart out. He was trembling that he sat down helplessly. "Well... Your Majesty there is one way. We can get help from the nature enchanters." the Magician suggested and the King saw a little light of hope. And suddenly he remembered the words of ocean enchantress. "Yes! The pearl from the ocean enchantress can help." while saying this he took out the piece of the enchanting pearl and handed towards the Magician. "This is the pearl given by ocean enchantress, probably this can help." the Magician looked at the pearl and said "this won't work its broken. We need something else." hurriedly the Magician took out his wand and murmered few chants. Suddenly a picture came into everyone's eyes. "This, we need this. A moon flower. This will help. Quickly send some men to bring it we've no time." the King showed that flower to his men and ordered them to bring it. "Don't forget to bring the piece of the stone on which the flower is stood" the Magician added.

    Imediately the royal men went to find the flower. The queen's health was worsening every second. Soon the men returned with whatever they were asked and the Magician started with his magic. He started working with the chants and prepared a potion with the flower and the pearl. "Your Majesty, take this. This potion will help our Queen." he handed the potion to the King and imediately the King rushed towards the Queen. The helpers made her drink the potion and suddenly the pain started to grow in the Queen's stomach. Soon the doctors started to treat her in the labour procedure. After the critical labour Queen gave birth to a beautiful princess. She was mesmerizingly cute little phoenix. Everyone was celebrating when suddenly the pain started grew again to queen and doctors found that there was one more baby who was coming out but this time Queen's condition worsed. After alot more difficulty the second baby princess came to life, but that caused the Queen to sacrifice her own life.

    Everyone including the King Derrek was happy for the birth of the Princesses but the good news was followed by the bad one. The King Derrek was equally happy and sad for everything that happened. He appointed few nannies for his Princesses and hosted a short naming ceremony for them. Everyone of his kingdom was excited to see the Princesses. After the funeral of the Queen Bellona, the ceremony was decided. Everyone was preparing for the ceremony and the Princesses were getting ready for the first time out in front of everyone. It was the time and the King got out in the great balcony of the palace, accompanied by two little phoenix under the guidance there nannies. This ceremony was held under the blessings of holy gods of nature. "Good evening everyone. I, Derrek, the son of the great former King Arthur and Queen Grace and the King of Drayceland, I have two announcements to do. Firstly, our lovely Queen Bellona had took her last breath last night due to an unfortunate accident. She was very brave that she fought with all her might for the protection of our kingdom. She was one of the most beautiful and efficient Queens of Drayceland from over the centuries and we all really regret to lose her. But the good news is that, our Queen Bellona had given birth to two most beautiful princesses of Drayceland, and I am very happy to introduce my two precious gems. Please welcome Princess Alora and Princess Eva of Drayceland." with that announcement everyone present there cheered for both the princesses in sync. Everyone was equally happy to welcome the two gems of the kingdom but, the king was happy for something else. He was happy to know that he was having not only one but two Queens for the the demon.

    After the ceremony the King carried his two Princesses to there rooms. "Hey little warriors, your two are so beautiful. I'm really glad that your going to be the future of our kingdom, Drayceland. I know, you've lost your Queen Mother but, I am here for you little fellows. I won't let you feel emptiness for the motherhood. I give you everything that you need, but you've to promise me one thing, you're going to be the best protector of our land." with this he kissed the foreheads of both the Princesses and they returned it with beautiful smiles on there faces. Seeing his two precious gems shining so bright he smiled widely and placed them on there respective cribs. But suddenly Princess Alora started chuckling loudly while Princess Eva was sleeping soundly. The King turned to see his daughter and saw that Princess Alora was glowing brightly and unusually under the moon light. His whole body trembled and panickingly called the Royal Magician Xacka.

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