
Alone in the Dark : A Gentleman's Walk.

Is being a gentleman really a boon or crime? If you are a person who values every Sorry and Thanks, If you are a person who admires your own soft heart... Read this novel about one such similar soul, his life experiences bundled together as a whole.

devchathu · Realistic
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Punctual is the crime, Sid's too good at then. Steady as a statue at 6 AM in the dark, with his bag full of books, quarrelling to make him fall, he looked up his sleeve to wriggle out a silver watch, to figure out how much time, he had then to meet the bus.

Suddenly, a noise rumbled, dragging a heavy bag, crying for a little help, so as not to fumble on the way to bus stop. Unhesitant by his innocence, untouched by this world's cruel annoyance, Sid went up to give a hand, to help Ishan with his luggage, which is full of nothing but witty idiotic books.

Ishan is from a different town, somewhere really far away. Unfamiliar with local customs, he was looking for a friend, a friend he could rely on, and a friend that wouldn't deny him. Little did he know before he took up the mutiny, to chisel out the words to Sid when their friendship seemed alike destiny. " Soft spoken" is a word, Ishan has never heard of, as he was brought up by his so called the step parents. He lost his real parents to a tragic earthquake years ago, when he cut his birthday cake, when he was just 5 years old. Picked up from there, by an adoption agency, he barely had a choice to decide things regarding life, where he ended up with, the most cruel couple who couldn't hesitate, before inflicting painful scars. Broken as a hell in his sweet childhood, he made himself vile, repelling every human with his words as well as gesture. With no trust in humanity, ironically he needed a friend, and here comes our Sid, unprepared for what's about to come.

"Can I give you a hand?", said Sid, crooning like a child, holding straight his hands offering to lift his bag. Unwilling to accept a help, Ishan stood still, trying to pull his weight altogether by himself. Fragile as a flower, Sid couldn't understand. His conscience spoke within himself, " Did I do something wrong?".

"Oh relax, Innocent Sid, there's a lot more to come, and you haven't done, anything terribly wrong, yet this is how the world works, and you can't do anything, So just shut up and embrace every single thing!!" smiled my Pen's nib too lazy to type, closing this chapter with pure irony.

Had you ever been in a moment where you offered help to some stranger and they rejected your help, not only rejecting you but judging you for a social freak ?

If yes, post your experiences in the comment section.

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