

Ammi! why didn't you wake me up? it's 11 already. You know I had to go to the travel agent to purchase my return ticket. I said in a very furious and disappointed way. Huzefa! don't shout Infront of me, you do realize I am your mother! And, for you information, I came to wake you up and you jerked me off saying you were very tired. it's not my fault that you didn't wake up. Ammi replied calmly. I kind of got ashamed of my tone and apologized her. She smiled at me and said ' it's okay! it happens when you newly get engaged' and there you go, Ammi started with her taunts. Ammi, it would be good if you can please ask Amna (the maid) to get my breakfast ready, in the meanwhile ill get ready. Ok and what's the time of tonight's Majlis (gathering)? I will go check on the arrangements of the food and delivery on my way to Sara's home, once I am done with all the work. Ammi replied; umm! The majlis timing is from 8pm to 10pm and then there will be dinner. Huzefa! Don't forget to pick your dress from the tailor from Saddar (city center). Yeah, okay Ammi!

I took my keys, and added the car key in my keychain, because abba usually allows me to have the car during the days I am here in Karachi. I put the key into my keychain and went out. I called the elevator, and fuck it's taking too long to arrive and I am already late. I knew I won't be able to reach my flight agents office in time. So, I just called off the appointment and asked him to reschedule tomorrow. Anyways, I wanted to stay a bit longer in Karachi, since I came after a long time and I won't be able to come back anywhere soon. Overall, I was quite happy with the engagement and all. While, I was thinking about all of this and smiling carefree, something just rushed through my mind. And suddenly, I had these stretch marks on my forehead. I said to myself, why would that diamond turn grey? We were so happy. Sara seemed quite happy too. Right? Was she not happy? No, it can't be. I know she is happy with this decision. I know her, if she wasn't happy, I would have detected that by her facial expressions. But but if she is happy, I am happy, then why would that diamond change its shade? Okay, I should just stop pondering upon it, I will check it once I reach there.

I drove to the tailor's shop, asked him to give me my clothes. brother wait! I'll go and bring your clothes from the store in a minute, the tailor said. I said okay with a smile on my face. I was waiting for him to bring me the clothes. it was almost now 10 minutes that he went to bring me my clothes, but did not come back yet. I was impatient, so i called him. he picked up the phone and i heard that his voice was grave and seemed nervous. I asked him, what's wrong brother? did you get my clothes? I have been waiting here for 15 minutes. the tailor replied in tensed voice, sir! I am really sorry, i don't know how but your clothes are completely torn away. they are in pieces. I am completely blank, because, it seems like someone came and tore your clothes on purpose. but i don't understand how can someone do that. my store always remains locked. I was completely furious and i was really mad at him. I didn't think of anything and started bashing Him and calling out names on him. he was really sorry about what happened. but i lost myself. I was very disappointed. I was very much looking forward to the event at Sara's home tonight and then this happened. well, i hanged up my phone and left the shop. I called Ammi and told her what happened. she calmed me down and told me not to worry as i had many other new clothes that i could wear. The thought about the diamond turning grey again crossed my mind as all this happened. I felt like something was wrong. I immediately called Sara. hi buddy! said Sara, what's up? I was about to call you. You didn't even reply me last night. anyways, what's happening, how did you call? I felt happy hearing her voice, this was the first time i felt that her voice was so calm and beautiful. I suddenly lost all my anger and ugly thoughts. and started explaining her why i wasn't able to reply her last night. I completely forgot about my clothes and the ring. I then, continued to do my pending works. after all of the work was completed, i went to Sara's home just to ask them if they needed any help regarding the arrangements for tonight, because it was already 4pm and many of the arrangements weren't yet made. I went into Sara's room. she was in her shower so i just waited for her. I sat on her bed, there i saw a dark burn stain. it was quite small but... does it resemble the ring shape? what ? no way, what is going on? I got a bit tensed and started walking here and there in stress. suddenly she came out of the shower, and was surprised to see me there. hey? how did you remember me? quite a surprise. how are you? she said. I replied that i am good but there's something not right about this ring, and you should remove it now. No! Huzefa, i ain't removing this ever. don't you remember, not even a demon can remove this. and by the way, what happened now? what's the problem with this? Sara, see come here and have a look at your bed. do you see that burn? where did it come from and why does it look like a ring? show me the ring. I said. Huzefa, you are just stressed out due to engagement and majlis and all the busy schedule , take a deep breath. nothing is wrong, maybe this burn is just because of something else. so don't worry, take a chill pill and tell me whats up? why did you come here? she asked. Anyways, i was still worried but kept my cool and told her that i just came by to ask for any help. well it seemed, they had already manged things out so i went back home so i could get ready and bring my family here for the gathering.

it's 7: 30pm l, everyone's ready, we were bout to leave. we took the gifts and everything which we were to give the family tonight. everyone was so happy and excited and so was i. we reached their home ahead of time. they all started their traditional meet and greet, while i sneaked into a corner with Sara. ugh, why is she so beautiful and she smelt so good that day that even the demons would fall in love with her.

after sometime, all the other guests started to arrive and it got all busy. everyone started working. and then the mullah Saab (the priest) arrived. we made all the arrangements for him to preside the majlis and start it. first we started with the name of Allah and started reciting Quran. and i felt a disturbance behind my back. I turned around and there was something going on in the female's section. I took a look and OMG my love , Sara had weird stretch marks on her forehead, i saw her continuously smiling while the Quran was being recited, but she seemed quite irritated too. this gave me chills through out my body. and what happened next was weirder, she vomited and she spilled something grey out of her mouth with the vomit. and i saw as the priest raised his recitation voice, she vomited more. the house was in a state of shock and nervousness.