

Ezreal signaled to Zeri and Ekko that he wanted to give Niko and the others some space, so upon receiving a nod, he approached Benzo and Sevika, whom he no longer feared as much due to the time they had spent together recently, to ask to stay with them.

Meanwhile, Niko headed towards the stairs, casting a glance at those he wanted to accompany him. A few seconds later, he found himself sitting on a sofa in front of Vander and the rest of the children.

"I introduce you to Yako. Yako, these are Vander, Mylo, Powder, and Vi. You don't have to be afraid of Powder, she just seems to want to give you a hug."

Yako looked at Powder and felt somewhat intimidated seeing her fingers twitching.

Powder couldn't contain himself and quickly tried to get off the sofa to give a hug to the most adorable thing he had ever seen in his life.

Vander quickly grabbed her by the shoulders and sat her back on the sofa.



Vander stared at Niko for a few seconds and reached into his pocket, taking out his pipe and the lighter the boy had made for him. After lighting the lighter, he brought the flame to the pipe, took a puff, and exhaled smoke towards the ceiling of the room.

"Firstly, can you take care of a pet? Especially here in Zaun."

Niko glanced at Yako, who nodded repeatedly.

"He's not a pet, Vander. He'll be my companion in the future, I believe."

"I'll ignore the 'I believe'... More importantly, does he need water? I don't know much about his species, but I can see he has gills like a fish."

Niko bent over, clutching his stomach as he burst into laughter, confusing the others.

"Haha, I wondered the same thing when I first met him. Apparently, Yako is something special because he can withstand some time on the surface. Plus, you don't need to worry; I already have a design in mind so he can move freely around Zaun."

Vander watched as Yako rubbed Niko's face with his cheek and smiled.

"I can see he appreciates you, Niko. I hope you know how to reciprocate by dedicating the appropriate time to him."

Niko lowered Yako from his neck, holding him in his arms and looking at him mockingly.

"Did you hear that? He can see that you appreciate me."

A vein appeared on Yako's silly face, and with a quick movement, he directed his tail towards Niko's head, which he calmly dodged by tilting his head to the side.

"Too slow."


Vander's face turned serious as he placed the pipe on the table and looked down at the lighter in his hands, releasing a sigh.

"Is it true what you said, Niko? Have you patented many inventions?"

"Yes, it's true. I managed to meet with the director of the Piltover Academy, and he was impressed by what I showed him. I'm amazing, right?"

Vander ignored his smug expression, surprised that he had managed to meet with someone of such renown, and looked up at the ceiling again as he addressed Niko, but this time with a somewhat trembling voice.

"...So, can you help Zaun?"

Niko wasn't surprised by his tone and kept her smiling face.

"Of course, among the plans, there are some ideas to eliminate pollution, contamination, and gases from Zaun. They can do it even without me."

Niko's tone changed slightly at the end, making Vander tremble slightly.

"...I want to ask why you call us family."

Niko was surprised by the question and looked amused at the blue-haired girl who asked it.

"Hehe, that's becau-"

"You four, upstairs."

Vander interrupted Niko's words, and when he directed his gaze toward him, he saw that his face was deadly serious.

"But, Vander..."

"Upstairs. Now."

Powder pouted and got off the couch, taking exaggerated steps as the rest of the children followed, with Vi behind them all.

Vi paused before going up, looking at Vander and Niko as if she had a bad feeling.

"Niko, you-"

Vi stopped speaking as she received a nod from Niko, and after thinking for a moment, she turned to go upstairs but not without returning the nod.

After hearing the sound of the door closing, Vander took a drag and stared fixedly at the boy and the sea creature in front of him.

"You know."

"I know."

Vander ran a hand over his face while Niko remained calm.


"I would have believed Benzo if the jug he was drinking from hadn't trembled so much."

Vander let out a small laugh and a wry smile, looking back up at the ceiling.

"So, how much time do I have?"

"...According to Grayson, the Kiramman are very alarmed by the situation. He managed to give us a limit of two days to hand over the responsible party before things escalate."

Hearing Vander, Niko dropped his head into his hands and began to sway from side to side.

"Either they take me to the Kiramman or hold some kind of meeting to decide punishment."

"You say it as if you're going to-"

Vander stood up alarmed, giving Niko a furious look.

"I won't let you, kid."

Niko stood up and put Yako on his shoulders.

"...You can't stop me, nor do you have the right to say so, since I'm sure you were thinking of secretly doing the same ."

Vander fell silent, feeling helpless as he watched Niko march towards the stairs and stop just before reaching them.

"You're a good leader, Vander. Without you, everything here would fall apart, and even though I haven't been here long, I can see how much they respect you..."

Vander noticed Niko's voice trembling for seconds.

"And in the short time I've been here, you've treated me with a kindness and confidence that few people have shown me before... You're a good father, Vander."

Niko climbed the stairs without looking back, leaving behind a man whose legs failed him, defeated on the couch, staring up at the ceiling and muttering softly.

"...How can I be a good leader if I can't protect one of my own?"

Vander lowered his head, jaw clenched, and finally displayed a look filled with powerlessness.

"How can I be... if I can't even look you in the face as you say goodbye to me."


At the top of the tavern, the children waited attentively for a certain door to open. They didn't have to wait long as shortly after, the door swung open, revealing a smiling Niko whose eyes were concealed.

Niko glanced around, focusing his gaze on Ezreal. With a friendly demeanor, he approached him while pointing to Yako on his shoulder.

"I need to go to the forge to make something for Yako, so I'll take Ezreal to help me, if that's alright with you."

Ezreal nodded somewhat confused, and Niko quickly grabbed Ezreal, heading towards the tavern's exit.

"Wait, boss."

"Ah yes, Sevika, I'm sorry to ask again, but could you take Zeri home? It's getting late."

Zeri, who was eavesdropping, looked outside and was surprised to see that the streets were getting darker.

"Aunt Sevika, if I'm late, my parents will punish me."

Sevika glanced between Niko and Zeri, letting out a sigh as she took on the role of babysitter once more.

"Alright, but don't call me aunt."

The four of them left the tavern, each pair taking a different path, leaving the rest of the group behind. The children looked at each other, and Vi raised her hand, pointing to where they had just gone.

"He's acting strange."

"No kidding, why did he take Ezreal and not me? We're bros."

"I didn't mean that."

Vi brought her hand to her face and glanced sideways, noticing that Powder was still looking at the entrance door.

"What's up, Pow-Pow?"

"...He seemed so sad."

Vi frowned and turned towards the door leading downstairs. As she reached for the door, it opened, revealing Vander.

"Need something, Violet?"

"Are you going to tell us what you talked about?"

Vander let out a sigh as he tousled Vi's hair.


Vi put both hands on her head, trying to free herself, but it was futile, while Vander glanced at the entrance door, showing a slight grimace for a moment.

'Take care, Niko.'


In one of the streets connecting the Merchant District to the Large District, Ezreal observed how some pedestrians seemed to be walking hurriedly along the streets.

Some were walking briskly, while others were carrying their babies or pets, almost running as if they didn't want to encounter something.

"Niko, what's happening?"

Niko looked at the somewhat concerned face of the blond in front of him and then at the faces of the other people on the street.

"People living in the Large District don't have to worry about crime, but those who live around the Merchant District may encounter thieves or worse, so they prefer not to have trouble and hurry home."

Ezreal's expression of nervousness shifted to one of resignation as he observed the children in the arms of their parents.

"Spending time here makes me realize how many things I should be grateful for, having been born in Piltover."

Niko said nothing and continued walking down the street, causing Ezreal to worry if he had said something that had upset him. After a short while, Niko spoke, cutting through Ezreal's nervousness.

"The situation in the Merchant District is much worse compared to this area, but in recent days, crime has decreased due to the appearance of a man calling himself Spider-Man."

Ezreal perked up, and his gaze lifted slightly as if a lightbulb had appeared over his head.

"I heard that rumor! He's super strong, swinging around Zaun stopping thieves and wrapping them up in webs. It's awesome!"

"...If you had his abilities, what would you do?"

Ezreal paused for a second to think, and Niko waited.

"Why the question? Obviously, I'd swing around all of Zaun, beating up thugs and searching for hidden treasures."

Niko continued walking without turning around, without showing the small smile on his face.

"What makes you think there are hidden treasures?"

"Wait! Obviously, there are hidden treasures; it's just that they're hidden."


Ezreal behind Niko began to get annoyed when he saw that the boy in front of him seemed to be laughing at him.

"Hahaha. That sounds like something you'd say, Ezreal."

The blond sighed when he glanced around and saw that they weren't on the normal path to The Last Forge.

"Niko, are you taking me on another one of your 'walks'?"

"Nope, I'm just taking you to the elevators."

Ezreal stopped walking, and a few moments later, Niko imitated him, standing still while Yako on his shoulder looked around with excitement.

"We're about to reach the elevators, why are you stopping, Ezre-?"

"Why did you lie to the others by saying we were going to the shop?"

Niko remained silent, turning his back to Ezreal, which only irritated the latter.

"You're ill or something?"

Ezreal was in a perfect mix of nervousness, concerned that his friend might be feeling down about what had happened today in Piltover, and also annoyance at Niko for deceiving him again. However, he decided to ignore the latter as he was more worried about his friend.

"If you're feeling unwell, I can-"

Ezreal's words were cut off by a sigh from Niko. When he finally turned around, Ezreal felt a slight surge of hope that he could help, but all those thoughts were dashed when he saw Niko's expression.

"W-Why do you look like that?"

Niko's face appeared downcast, his eyes seemed to have lost any sparkle, and his lips showed no trace of the smile he had shown others before.

"...Like this?"

Niko took out a piece of glass he had bought earlier from under his tunic and looked at his reflection, grimacing slightly.

"I think I need a nap or something."

Niko put away the mirror and gently lowered Yako from his shoulder, hiding him inside his tunic.

"I'm sorry, Ezreal."

Ezreal wanted to ask what he meant, but before he could even make a sound, a heavy pressure fell on his shoulders, silencing him and directing his gaze towards the boy in front of him.

Niko's normally gray eyes turned crimson red; he raised the hood of his tunic, partially concealing his face but revealing an expressionless visage that sent chills down Ezreal's spine.

[IMG here]

"From now on, the tension between Zaun and Piltover will worsen, and if you continue coming here, not only you but also the reputation of your parents, the man who takes care of you, and everyone close to you or yours will be viewed with disdain. If I see you again in Zaun..."

Niko's lips trembled slightly; he barely managed to move his right hand, placing it gently on Ezreal's neck and lifting him off the ground, clenching his hand and teeth, finally letting out some almost inaudible words.

"...I'll make sure you won't return ever again to Piltover."

Ezreal, who had been trying to free himself from Niko's grip to breathe, opened his eyes in surprise, looking into the eyes of the one he considered his friend, only to find a gaze devoid of any feeling, making him feel as if he were facing a beast, causing his arms to lose strength.

Niko felt a stab in his heart upon seeing his friend's face showing such fear. With self-disgust, he opened his hand, letting Ezreal drop, and turned away to avoid seeing his face any longer.

Some passersby had been watching this scene, and somewhat annoyed, Niko called out to the nearest person.


"A-A-Ah!!! Yes, sir?!"

Niko was slightly surprised by the person's reaction and noticed that everyone's gaze was fixed directly on his eyes. With a cough, he slightly lowered his head and closed his eyes, returning them to their initial color.

"Could you take that boy to the elevators?"

The man in front of him nodded without responding and approached Ezreal, placing his arm under Ezreal's shoulder to help him up.

Niko remained standing in place, watching as the two walked away.

At some point, Ezreal turned his head, showing a look that Niko hoped would be one of anger or fear, but unfortunately for him, he only received a gaze filled with profound sadness.


Niko clicked his tongue and turned in the direction of The Last Forge.

{Are you sure?} 

'Thanks for helping with the eye thing.'

{Don't avoid the question}

'He only will hurt himself coming here. But it's him, so...'

Niko continued walking down the street, straightening his posture and nervously making his way toward the forge.


'Oh, sorry Yako, I forgot about you.'

Niko grabbed the front of his tunic, pulling out a trembling Waverider from inside.

~You're mean~

Yako nestled on Niko's shoulders and began to absentmindedly survey the surroundings of the street. Minutes passed and they were finally close to the store when Yako leaned her forehead against one of his shoulders.

"Is something wrong? I didn't want to ask earlier because I sensed your agitation, but curiosity is eating away at me. Why did you treat your friend that way? Do you no longer hold him dear?~

'...Indeed, I hold him dear, which is precisely why I must make clear the consequences of his continued visits to Zaun in the future.'

Yako turned her head to give Niko a glance.

~You appear quite melancholic~

'...I suppose it is not my finest day.'

~Does my accompanying you have any bearing on this situation?~

Niko was taken aback and swiftly caressed Yako's head, eliciting a purr-like response.

'It is by no means your fault, Yako.'

Niko turned the corner of the street adjacent to his shop and finally laid eyes upon the door of The Last Forge, also noting an individual standing beside it.

Throughout the day, he had presumed that someone must have been waiting since morning to be attended to at the store, yet he did not expect there to be only two figures, especially not Piltover Enforcers. As he approached the pair, they seemed to take notice as they turned toward him.

"Good afternoon, kid, I am Officer Grayson, chief of the Piltover Enforcers, and this one beside me is Marcus. I would like to seek some of your time for a conversation, can you?"

Niko nodded in agreement, casting a glance at Marcus, who surveyed his surroundings with a furrowed brow.


Passersby on the street had halted upon sighting enforcers in Zaun, piquing curiosity that led some to gather around them.

Niko furrowed his brow slightly at Marcus's words, and his patience waned upon seeing Marcus produce a collapsible baton as he approached the onlookers.

"I am willing to engage in dialogue with you, Commissioner Grayson, but he is not welcome within my establishment."

Marcus's steps halted, then he turned towards Niko. Though both enforcers wore masks, even through them, Niko discerned the countenance of pure disdain and anger on the man before him.

"Listen to me, scum, you should thank your lucky stars I haven't thrashed and bound you already."

Niko's visage grew somber, primarily weary, and Marcus, doubting he was being taken seriously, began to raise the baton slightly as he spoke.

"Do you think we won't forcibly apprehend you just because you are a child?"

'...This looks like happened before.'

Seeing no shift in the boy before him, Marcus grew incensed, prepared to strike, and swiftly swung the baton downward.


Grayson had anticipated Marcus's confrontational nature, yet she never believed he would strike a child, thus she hesitated in reacting to the blow and subsequently had to swiftly extend her arm to shield the boy.


"What the hell?"


Proudly awaiting the result of his blow, Marcus was horrified upon hearing a crunch, thinking he had lost control of his strength due to anger; all his fury dissipated, and he hurried to inspect the boy's condition.

When his gaze finally settled upon the lad, he saw him unscathed and puzzledly shifted his gaze to something protruding from the young man's hand.


In Niko's hand rested Marcus's weapon, or rather, a fragment of it, as only half was visible. Noticing the diminished weight in his hand, Marcus was silenced by the boy's gaze before he could shout.

A shiver ran down Grayson's spine upon witnessing the boy's hand slowly clench, cracking throughout its structure until it explosively shattered into shards that fell to the ground.

'N-Nonsense, that's steel.'

Having scant time to ponder, Grayson swiftly intervened upon observing Niko's hand slowly approaching her partner's wrist, instantly associating the incident with the Kiramman turmoil, quickly alarmed.

"NIKO! Stop, continuing will only make things worse."

Responding to her plea, Niko's hand halted, and he turned towards Grayson, heading her way.


Feeling as though she was facing a monster, none of her muscles stirred, and as Niko drew closer, panic seized her; just as he was on the verge of reaching her, Niko bypassed Grayson, heading towards the entrance of The Last Forge.

"You want to talk, don't you? Come in, but he have to go."

Grayson glanced at her companion, finding him pale and clearly fearful of Niko.

Letting out a sigh, she turned and nodded, entering the shop but not before gesturing to Marcus to stay close by. Niko followed her inside, and without uttering a word, he placed Yako on the counter and leaned against it.

"Although seems like you already know my name, it would be impolite not to introduce myself. Nice to meet you, Officer Grayson, I am the last blacksmith of Zaun, Niko."

Next chapter