

Join Allister, the ghost type gym leader of stow-on-side, on his adventures with his Pokemon and his big sister Bea.

MaraudersFan · Games
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Chapter 2-Bullies

Chapter 2 Bullies

It was Monday, Allister's least favorite day of the week. 1. Because it was a school day. 2. Because he never really liked Mondays.

Allister walked to the kitchen and he saw Bea preparing his lunch for school.

"Hi Ali, I have a gym battle soon so is it fine if you take the bus to school?"

Allister's heart stopped. The bus!?! Allister absolutely hated the bus, there were so many people and so much noise.

Allister gulped. Bea came over to Allister and bent down.

"Hey, I know you aren't a fan of the bus, but it's just for today, I will pick you up after school, I promise." She hugged Allister and gave him his backpack.

The bus stopped at their house and Bea waved goodbye to Allister. Allister waved back and walked slowly to the bus. He got onto the bus and it drove away.

Allister walked to the back of the bus where no people were sitting, then he looked out the window and saw them driving away from his house.

About a minute later more kids got onto the bus and one of them was headed towards the back of the bus.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" said the kid.

"Y yess." Allister mumbled. "I it's taken so go a away!" Allister didn't expect it to come out like that. He was sweating now but no one could see because of his mask.

"What did you just say to me!" The kid said frustrated.

"S shut up!!!'' Allister said.

The kid was very mad now and he went to tell the bus driver.

"Allister! Sit here where I can see you." Said the bus driver pointing to one of the front seats. Allister got up and walked over to the front. He wished he could run away, run away and hide, get away from the trauma, run away, far away.

The bus stopped at the school, Allister was very scared now, he thought the bus driver was going to tell his teacher, and that's exactly what she did.

This was probably one of the worst days of school ever. Allister wanted to go home so he thought of a plan. He would pretend to be sick so he could go home.

During math, Allister raised his hand.

"Yes Allister?'' said Mrs. Norris.

"I'm n not feeling v very good." Allister said.

"Okay then, go to the nurse." said Mrs. Norris.

Allister walked out of the classroom, he was happy that his plan was working out. Usually his teacher would not send kids to the nurse unless they felt really sick, like really sick. Like when Joshua threw up all over his desk. That was gross.

Then Allister reached the nurse's office.

"Hello there," said the nurse. She had brown hair up in a bun and she had very light skin.

"H hi there." Allister said. Then he faked a cough. "I'm not feeling very well t today…"

"Do you feel like you're going to throw up?" asked the nurse.

"N no…" said Allister.

The nurse took out the thermometer and checked Allister's temperature.

"No fever…" said the nurse.

"Well, my stomach hurts…" Allister said quickly.

"You can always use the restroom.'' The nurse said pointing to the bathroom. "Now you can go back to your classroom, come back if you still feel bad."

Allister quickly walked out the door. Even though Allister hates being sick, he wished to be sick so he could go home.

It was Lunch now. Allister liked lunch because he could sit wherever he wanted, and no one really liked sitting next to Allister. Allister let out his dreepy and they shared lunch together.

For lunch Allister had a sandwich shaped like a gengar, chicken nuggets, apple slices, and a chocolate cookie. He broke off a piece of the sandwich and gave it to dreepy.

"Hope you like it. Bea makes them all by herself."

Dreepy ate the sandwich piece happily. Then Allister started eating his lunch.

Then Samuel, Carlos, and Jon came to Allister. They have been Allister's bully since he was in 1st grade.

"What's up, mask face." said Carlos. Samuel and Jon started laughing.

"Why do you always wear your mask, are you a worm? A worm that wants to hide from everyone? Huh?" Samuel and Jon burst into laughs again.

Then, Carlos pushed Allister onto the floor. Dreepy rushed to help Allister but Carlos kicked it away. Carlos stepped on Allister's chest and then removed his mask.

"Hey! G give it b back!" Allister Yelled.

"Oh, I'm not giving it back. Not to you, dumb head." Carlos answered back. Allister was scared now, he wanted to hide in the bathroom, and never come out. But he couldn't, he was being pinned down by the school's worst kids. Allister was about to cry, he wanted to tell his teacher what was going on, but he didn't have the courage.

Carlos threw Allister's mask on the floor and spilled Allister's lunch on the floor.

"Hope you weren't hungry." Carlos said to Allister. Samuel and Jon were still laughing. Why did these people think bullying was funny? How would they feel if they were getting bullied?

Then the recess bell blew and everyone rushed out the door.

"To be continued…" said Carlos, he let go of Allister and then ran out the door with his friends. Allister got up and put his mask back on.

"I hate those kids,'' he said quietly. Then we walked out the door.

Allister sat down at a bench and watched the kids play tag, hide-and-seek, hopscotch, jump rope, and many more games. Allister went over to the snack shack(a little shop in the school where you can buy snacks) to buy a bag of chips.

"Hello, what chips would you like?" said the kid who ran the snack shack.

"I w would like a bag of r Ruffles please." Allister told the kid.

"That is going to be 1 dollar." Allister gave the kid one dollar and started walking back to the bench. But then Carlos and the two other kids came up to Allister.

"There you are Nut brain, we were looking all over for you. Are you ready to play?" Carlos said. Then Jon pushed Allister down to the floor.

"J j j just leave m me alone!" Allister yelled.

"Ooohhh! Chips!" Carlos said. Then he snatched Allister's chips. He ripped the bag open and devoured the Ruffles.

"Mmmmm. That was scrumshess." Carlos said. Then he removed Allister's mask and stuffed the empty bag in Allister's mouth. Allister spit out the bag and was about to cry. Carlos kicked Allister's face and then they ran away. Allister took his mask and ran into the bathroom. He cried and cried and cried.

The next class was art class. Allister never liked art class because he was a bad artist.

"Today you guys are going to draw pokemon, you can draw any pokemon you want." The art teacher passed out some paper and markers and the students got to work. Allister wanted to draw a ghost type pokemon, but he wondered which one to draw.

Most of the boys were drawing dragon type pokemon, and the girls were drawing fairy types.

Then Allister decided that he was going to draw Dragapult. He took a few markers to draw the picture including, dark blue, dark pink, yellow, and turquoise. A few minutes later, Allister was finished with his picture.

"What in the world is that! That's the dumbest drawing I've ever seen." Carlos said. Allister looked at his picture. It was a drawing of a dragonite and it looked quite good. Carlos took Allister's picture and then ripped it up.

"Why d did you d do that!" Allister said to Carlos.

"I don't care about you or your stupid art work…" Carlos said.

Allister wanted Carlos to stop being such a bully, but he knew that was not going to happen any time soon.