
ALLISON CONNOR: The King's Bride

Abraham_Alice · Fantasy
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3 Chs


Allison Connor_another name for terror_is from the Connor family, (the fourth most richest family in the City of Belmont, excluding the Royal family)a family who created loyal and humble soldiers and the White Haired Witches(servants of god Dionysus). The present White Haired Witch's_Belinda Connor, who is also Allison's grandmother_heiress was supposed to take over from her, but unfortunately she had no heiress, she had only a son(Commander George Connor). So the god Dionysus prolonged her lifespan. Dionysus and the people of Belmont City hoped her son, George will bear the next White Haired Witch, that was when Allison came in picture. Allison was born with the physical features of the White Haired Witch (white hair, blue eyes).

All the people rejoiced and celebrated for the newly born White Haired Witch. In the history of the White Haired Witches, they all discovered their powers when they clocked five years, but Allison's case was different. When Allison clocked five, everyone was eager to see what her first power will be, but nothing happened, then everybody gave up the fact that she was the next White Haired Witch.

When Allison discovered she couldn't be the White Haired Witch, she told her father, she wanted to be a soldier. He was surprised, but he didn't rebuff her decision, because Queen Selina (first leader of Belmont City) was a soldier. He started training her at age ten, how to use weapons and barehands, now she is twenty two.

Allison Connor is a girl who is admired, loved and yet dreaded. Dreaded because she is a no nonsense young lady. She has done a lot of dreadful things to people who dared provoke her. She has paralyzed people, damaged body parts of people, and has also killed a person. She killed a person when she was twelve years old, she killed a twenty eight years old, young man. He tried to rape her. She was sent by her mother to deliver a message on that day, on her way there, she came across this young man, she greeted him as a sign of respect and was about to leave, but then he stopped her and tried to force himself on her, she tried to push him away, but his grip on her was too tight, that is when she beheaded him. She was going to be severely punished, but fortunately a witnessed emerged, and testified against the victim. She said she saw the man trying to force himself on the child, she wanted to intervene, but she knew the man to be a very dangerous man, so she went to call other people. When they got back they saw the man's head separated from his body and the girls hand covered in blood. Till date no one knows how she ripped the man's head off his neck.

Once, she broke the neck of a guy who kept on pestering her younger sister. The family of the victim pressed charges against her, but the magistrate couldn't do anything, because of the family she came from. There was also a time she cut off the index finger of a man who insulted her mother. It was a Friday, herself, her sister, Alexandra, and friend Laura were strolling in the village market, then she heard this man insulting her mother, she didn't say a word, she took a knife from a slaughter house, walked to the man, dragged him to a smooth surface and removed his index finger. The people who saw this were shocked, but no one could say a thing. With the knife still in her hand, she drew the man who had a look of horror in his eyes closer to her, he was scared she was going to torture him more, but she didn't, rather she wiped the bloody knife on his white shirt, until it was sparkling clean, then she said to him.

ALLISON:(In a calm tone) The next time...., it'll be your tongue.(Then she walked to the slaughter man who was horrified at what just happened. She smiled at him) Here you go Sir, clean and sparkling, thank you (she dropped the knife and walked to her sister and friend).

ALEXANDRA:(Shocked) What did you just do?

ALLISON: I just warned him (she said with little to no remorse).

Allison is admired because in the whole of Coddington, or should I say Belmont City no one matched her beauty. White Haired Witches were usually the most beautiful creatures in their existence, but Allison was more beautiful than all the other Witches. Rumors has it that she traded her powers for beauty, but that is not the case, she was born beautiful.

A lot of men admired her from afar, but no one had the guts to express their feelings or approach her. There was a young man who gathered courage to express his feelings for her.

ALLISON:(Says to the young man, after hearing his confession) Umh..., is that so? (pauses) Amazing, but there's something you must know, my grandmother told me that if my true love offers me his blood once in every week, that'll I'll be able to acquire my powers. (The smile the young man was carrying, since he approached her, fell) Are you still willing to be my love. (The young man was quiet for a while)

MAN:(Smiles) Excuse me, my father needs me (he said then left. Alexandra and Laura who were there the whole time, couldn't help but laugh when the young man left).

LAURA:(Smiles) You really are something.

ALLISON:(Sarcastically) How could he just leave like that.

ALEXANDRA: You literally chased him.

The only man Allison talked to and had feelings for is her childhood friend, Terence.

Allison is loved, because she gives opportunity to less privileged kids to be educated and trained with the help of her father. Parents of these kids really adore her, because she is an entirely different person when it comes to kids, she helps a lot of poor children. This makes the villagers love her, but some still hated her, but they didn't show it, cause no one wanted to get on the bad side of the granddaughter of the White Haired Witch, and daughter of a renowned soldier.