
Chapter 2

Yessy POV

"Care to explain what improper behavior this is, Ms. Carrillo?" Mr. Kim asked.

Mr. Kim was the principal of the school. He admires the government so much that he has no problem complying with their norms, but I mean, who doesn't value the society norms except for me?

"My apologies, Mr. Kim. I just wanted to stay in class for lunch to get a head start on my homework, but Hector dragged me out to eat lunch and that angered me" I said without showing any emotions,

Mr. Kim and the rest of the school authorities were looking at me. I really outdone myself today. I should've stayed silent and let him drag me no matter how much I hated it.

"Ms. Carrillo, I apologize for any inconvenience provoked, but Hector is good at athletics and that involves a health curriculum as well, so if he advises you to eat, it's because he knows it's for your own good" he said.

Right, I forgot.. Due to the simple fact that we're each categorized by what we're good at, no matter what we have to act upon that way and care for others. If it's reasonable then, we would have no choice but to follow the person's instructions, that's just how society works around here.

"Right.. I'll go eat. Once again, I apologize for my behavior. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again" I said

The school authorities smiled at me and nodded. I was about to walk away when the principal stopped me again.

"Before you go, is there anyone else in the classroom?"

I looked at Hector waiting for him to answer since he was the one that got me into this mess.

"Yes, there is one more person," he said.

"Ms. Yessy, may you please go talk to him and tell him to eat lunch?"

I was shocked by the sudden question. Me talking to someone who doesn't even talk? Why me?

"Um, but he doesn't really speak"

"I'm aware, but both of you are Scholars, so I think he will talk to you"

Scholars huh? What would happen if they end up finding out that I might be good at more than one thing. Will they kill me? Or will they take me away to where they take some people?

"Alright, give me a moment then" I said.

I walked past them and entered back in the classroom. He was sitting silently, reading a book, and eating a small snack. I wanted to sigh really badly since socializing isn't really my thing, but I have no choice. I pulled a chair towards his desk and sat down in front of him.

"Um.. Hey.." I said

He stops reading and looks at me quietly. Now that I'm seeing him in person. He's actually pretty good looking: Long black hair, fair skin, and dark brown eyes. We both just stared at each other until he started to speak.


My eyes widened and my face turned red. His voice is deep, but I didn't know that for the first time in 16 years I felt attracted to someone, but I immediately shut those thoughts down. I can't risk getting in trouble again.

"Um, sorry to bother, but the principal said we can't stay in the classroom, so we have to go to the cafeteria"

He only stares at me for a good 10 seconds and leaves with all his things. He did seem quite annoyed, but it wasn't my fault that Hector ratted me out. I stood up and left the classroom.

While I was in line to get lunch, I saw Hector and my friends already sitting on the table. I'll admit I was pretty annoyed that he ratted me out, but I'll get over it.. I mean I have to.

"ID?" the lunch lady asked.

I showed her my ID and she scanned it.

"Yessy Carrillo- Middle class"

The lunch lady gave me food that only middle class people would eat. In society we're broken up into class: working class, middle class, and high class. Because of those social classes, the government gets to decide what our food will be. Those within the high class get high quality food, Those within the middle class get somewhat quality food, and the working class doesn't get quality food at all. I never agreed how our social class always determines what we have.

Hector was waving at me to come sit at his table with our other friends, so I went towards them and sat down. Gaby jumped happily and hugged me and Diamond smiled.


I just nodded and sat down. It's been almost a month since I've been here since I'm always focused on my studies and doing homework. Diamond looked at me and took my carrots away from me. I glared at her and smacked her hand.

"Girllll, don't you take my carrots" I scold

She laughed and ate one. Diamond is really good at athletics, and Gaby is a scholar like me. They're both really excited over our upcoming ceremony in which they officially categorize us. Once they categorize us, we have to wear a certain piece of color for the rest of our lives and give us ID. We could also start doing internships to get work experience. Then around June, that's when we meet our assigned partners. We are required to wed in a month

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