
All Kinds of Men are Pining Over Me.. but I Want the Villainess!

A girl who's always remained as the shadow of her twin, now that he's gone, will she sink deeper into this darkness or will she shine brighter than anyone else? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ this story will be slice of life-ish and magic or the like won't be the main focus.

alleninwonderland · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Before the Past

'Damn it.. that surprise test really got me... Well, I guess it's also my fault that I stayed up so late playing that otome game but still...'

Walking back home in the orange sunset, I start to feel water droplets falling on my skin. As I look up, I saw dark clouds quickly gathering in the sky above the city.

'C'mon, just when I decided to walk home today... Looks like I'll have to find shel.... Nevermind, let's just run home'

As my impatience got the best of me, I decided to get home as fast as I can. After all, I'm close to getting the good end on the Third Prince's route. Even if I didn't want to play his boring ass route, I have to. By getting a good ending on all of the routes, even the secret character's route, a new route will unlock. And that is the Villainess' route.

'As a hardcore yuri fan and a fan of the creator of the game, of course I would do everything I can for this yuri route!'

But just as I sprinted across what I asumed was an empty street, a bright light enveloped me accompanied by a loud horn, then my vision went black.. but only for a few seconds. Shortly after, I woke up on the sidewalk. My body feeling like, for the lack of better words, TV static. I could still hear the roaring of the truck's engine in the distance but I didn't care anymore, in fact, I don't think getting angry is very important now.... 'Ah..... I wish I could've seen the yuri ending for myself..... ' were my last thoughts as my conciousness started to drift away, and the last thing I saw were the falling raindrops.


"Ah, sorry for spacing ou-" as I woke up from my daze and was about to say something, I found my bestfriend spacing out just like me. I bet we looked like idiots just sitting here and staring into nothingness.

With nothing better to do and with no desire to wake my friend up, I tried to recall what little memory I have left of my past life. I don't remember anything about myself or the people around me then. In fact, the only thing I remember was my death of truck-kun and me playing an otome game exactly or similar to this world.

"The kind-hearted female protagonist that always helps those in need. She'll romance these capture targets with her pure and dainty heart!" or so the advertisement of said otome game stated.

I wasn't so intrigued by this but it was quickly growing in popularity so I tried it out, but only after a few hours, I stopped playing. It was the kind of game that you'd expect based on the advertisement. Complete with the "it's because you treat me differently" line when asked why they love the female protagonist. I was completely uninterested. That was until I saw a video talking about the Villainess' route and how to get it. I was so close to finishing Walzer's sappy romance route and finally be able to go through the Villainess' route but life just had to do me like that....

Well, it's fine. Now that I've been brought into this world, I can directly interfere with the surroundings around me but I'm not aiming for the Heroine x Villainess route anymore. Because of my interference, the heroine wasn't able to attend ODRA. In the game, if you don't score a high enough grade in the qualifiers for the scholarship, you won't get accepted in the academy but you won't get a game over. Players were confused about this at first but quickly learned that not being able to attend ODRA was a condition to unlock the secret capture target's route.

Then who will be the Villainess' partner if not the Heroine? Simple, the side character and my bestfriend, Xinra Altinae. Xin is another commoner attending ODRA, if you take a quick look into her background story you'll immediately see quite the jump in elements. Such as; why would Xinyu Altinae make such a proposal as if he already knows that something will happen? And why did the director of the academy agree to this, knowing full well that Xinra is in no way skilled or talented in physical combat? Well, the developers actually said that it will be explained in their next game but I guess I have no way of knowing anymore huh.....

Some players have even mistaken Xin as the Heroine because of the unusual condition of her scholarship in ODRA just based on the character stories and I can't blame them. In fact, now that the Heroine is gone the Second Prince keeps approaching her and the Third Prince became her partner for dance classes.

"...." getting a bit tired by the silence, I finally spoke up.

"Hey, wake up. Can you hear me, Xinra?... This girl- Xinra!" I shout to her ear, making her yelp.

"Huh? Seffy? Sorry, you were saying?"

"Haaa you've been spacing out a lot recently, you okay?"

"It's nothing.... Just thinking"

"... family again, huh? You can't hide it from me y'know" her eyes widened a bit, surprised that I somehow saw through her as she retorted with a wry smile "Is it really that obvious?"

"You forgot that I can always see through you, Xinra. But I won't ask too much, I know you don't want to talk about it..... I already know though" but even if I do, it still worries me seeing my bestfriend like this.

Over the years of living in this world, I've learned that the people around me were not mere NPCs or video game characters. They were real people. So seeing someone dear to me hurting like this is concerning...

"..... Thanks, Seffy. You're the best" she says with a smile that can even rival the Heroine's.

Ah- if you smile at me like that even I'm gonna blush-

"Well, we should get going. We don't want to be late to 'that' teacher's class."

Walking the hallways, Xin and I were just enjoying our convo til she suddenly went quite and I knew damn well that she's spacing out again. But as I saw Lady Wysteria down the other side of the corridor, a genius idea came to me. Taking advantage of Lady Wysteria being distracted by her lackey, I nudged Xin little by little onto her way and as they bumped into eachother "ouch!" "ah-" they gasped at the same time.

"Tch, watch where you're going commoner!" yelled Lady Wysteria.

"Um, I-I'm..." Xin stammered. But instead of a fearful expression, she had quite the fierce blush on her face.

"Are you not going to apologize?!" demanded Lady Wysteria again.

"I-I'm sorry, Lady Wysteria! I will not let this happen again!"

"Hmph, you better.... or else"

Hmmm... by how Xin reacted to being "bullied" I would say she's on the right track to the Yuri ending but Wysteria isn't being very cooperative here....

Another game of the developer huh? I wonder what that could mean (・_・;)

alleninwonderlandcreators' thoughts