
Lore Dump Supreme!


"When will thou stop?"

"When all of this madness ends. Why do you ask?"

"Frankly speaking, we have wasted enough time as it is." She stated, the heat of her breath finding itself in the crook of my neck. "And as much as your caress fills me with delight, there is much work to be done."

Was an hour really too much? Honestly, I was just happy to stay until others happened to chance here. Speaking off which, this place might not have been what we originally thought, seeing as there was a corpse lurking in the dark several meters away from us.

It wasn't totally visible, mind you. However, it seemed like someone placed it there on purpose. As in the cadaver's hand were two flasks, one red, and the other blue. They both were fashioned similarly to my Estus Flasks, yet, all too different nevertheless.

Releasing the Keeper from my grasp, she let in a deep inhale, her breath continuously cycling at a rapid pace. Moving towards the two small items, I pried them off of the dead man's hands. Except, that didn't seem to be the solution. They were latched shut, tightly at that.

Quickly, an idea popped into my head. If I could use the pyromancy flame to just burn- never mind, that was too stupid. Peering into the ether, I scrolled through the list of items I had come across along my journey, eventually pulling out a short sword, a far better tool in this situation anyway.

Using the blade as leverage, I forcefully push inward, careful not to damage the contents within. The task was surprisingly difficult, even with my strength. But, with enough elbow grease, I was able to open it.

Shiny! Must. Get. Must! Get!

"It appears that you have discovered something most peculiar, Ashen One." The firekeeper commented, peering over my shoulder, all the while not having made a single sound. "If I may ask, wouldst thou allow me the privilege of being privy to its nature?"

"Sadly, I'm just as clueless as you are. Though, that doesn't mean we can't try to find out what it does." Without a second thought, I pulled off the lid and swallowed the contents in one gulp. Huh, they are similar. Then that would also mean the blue version is for recovering magical stamina.

"Ashen One, I know this is taking too much bu-"

"No, no. It's alright. As I've stated previously, there's no harm in asking."

Humming a cheery tune, she picked the small bottle from out of my hand. "If thou'st shall come to regret thine decision, simply take of it from my clutches"

"Then I assume we have all of our affairs in order?" I inquired. "Nothing else to catch your eye? No unsaid information?"

"Fufu~…" She giggled into her palm, covering her mouth. "Unfortunately, the information that I have provided is all that I know of. Though, if I were to be blunt, the same could be said about you."

That cute smile of hers… it was very tempting. Alas, work always has to come first. Maybe I should find someplace else that's more homely on the surface, that way I can spend the rest of my days in the warm bosom o the only person who matters. "Right, right. Let's assess the situation on the flipside, then exterminate what's left of the first flame."

Going through a hallway and up an elevator(which worked the same as the ones in my previous world), we left our shelter, coming to find out it was actually a dungeon, neat.

Now before the two of us, was a man wearing a white mask and who wore white and gray robes. He doesn't look too unfriendly, but at the same time, something tells me that trusting him will end up biting me in the back later on.

"Oh yes… Tarnished, are we? Come to the Lands Between for the Elden Ring, hmm?" Right, very suspicious.

"No. In fact, we came here for different reasons. But, pray tell. What is this "ring" you speak of?" I prodded, trying to extract as much as I could out of him.

"Someone who doesn't know of the Elden Ring? Interesting, interesting indeed." Rubbing his hands together, my instincts began begging for me to take caution with the next few words, lest a potential catastrophe came barreling towards me.

"Is that something to be concerned about? Sorry, but me and my companion here came from a far-off land, sheltered from the outside." I explained, keenly eyeing all of his movements.

The man in white seemed to have found what I said hilarious, as he loudly chuckled. "Ha~. I have certainly discovered an intriguing lot today…" He paused, turning to look at me through his mask, his eyelids flattening. "Luckily for you, you seemed to have come across me at a particularly good time as I'm in the fine mood to talk. "

"My name is Varre, and what you're about to hear will dictate whether you live or die in these Lands Between." Well… looks like I have to kill everything… again! "Why the long face, tarnished? We haven't even started on the Shattering yet."

After a quic- extensive history lesson, both my and the Firekeeper's heads were thoroughly scrambled, nonetheless, we were now caught up with most of the relevant happenings of this place, gods and all.

I swear, if the bastard didn't look so smug, I would've thought he'd done this out of some sick sadistic tendency. Look at him! That was the same gaze that Wilhelm adopted whenever it came to the topic of learning sorceries. Stuck up cunts.

"Would that be all, Varre?" The blindfolded woman asked, somehow able to keep up her regal appearance. "I apologize if I may seem rude, but, this is too much knowledge to digest all at once!"

"Hohoho~. I would agree with your sentiment. Though if I do recall, it wasn't it your husband who initially asked in the first place? Perhaps it would make more sense to blame your troubles on him instead of me."

In an instant, her gaze shifted to me, weaponizing her soft and cute face as she pouted in my general direction.

You fool! Complete and utter buffoon! Do you know what you've just unleashed upon me!? Gods, wyverns, demons, even the combined might of both Gael and Sister Friede wouldn't even be able to stand in its realm of power. As no matter what physical injury I suffered, this was something that would follow me even through death.

Emotional Damage!

Was I being overly dramatic? Maybe. Did the pain from that bitch's scythe wounds hurt me until now? Kinda. Am I exaggerating this to the extreme? Most cer-

"Ash- My beloved," Did she just… "thy expression seems to be that of distress. Wouldst allow me to understand thine plights?"



Pat reon: https://www.pat reon.com/balls1124

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