

{Old man} I am the heavenly Danish drgovic conquerer ruler of of all in short call me God.

{our Mc} this old bastard acting all high and mighty in the front of this young master, but was all said in our Mc mind

{God} don't call me old you small brat

{our Mc} wtf how the fuck did you know, our Mc said with a surprised expression

{God} with a smug look God said `i can't be God for nothing' .now you mortal state your name although I know it let make a formal introduction

{our Mc } sighs! I am ferre EWANSIHA [AN: That my fucking real name it cool right] almost everything about me is unique my name and personality....like am meeting you God but I don't give a flying fuck And am 23 years am not a neet or otaku pls by the way how did I di...

God cuts him short so he can't finish what he was saying...

{God} Now you are dead by my accidental Fart ...God said rubbing the back of his head embarrassed

{Ferre} you old mother fucker killed me u are a bastard your whole family are basta

{God } but I will grant you 4 wishes

{Ferre} ooh! you should have told me since. for my first wish is to have seven more wishes plus the remaining 2 that is nine

{God} You greedy bastard done..

{Ferre } For my second wish .....

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