
All-around center

---MTL alert--- Light up the flame of hope in the beginning, and start chasing your dreams from the banks of the Neretva River! He once witnessed the end of an era, and thrived in the light of hope in Ragnarok! When the trumpet of the times sounds, move forward bravely and play the final chapter of the rhapsody!

Alexxz · Celebrities
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Chapter 27: Can these holes be filled?

Chapter 27: Can these holes be filled?

  The morning training was completed very smoothly, and Suk became even closer to the small group in Kosopech.

  Although it was only a morning, Suk made full use of his personality charm to make the other party like him.

  How to please people is an essential skill for every orphan child.

  In the canteen at noon, Suk held a large bowl of rice and started to eat happily.

  In the club's canteen, the menu has begun to diversify.

  But Suk seems to have identified rice. Compared with other foods, this food is simply delicious and filling.

  With a small body, he was holding a huge rice bowl and kept scooping rice into his mouth.

  Suk's amazing appetite also shocked everyone.

  "How long has it been since you had a meal?"

  Haqiqi couldn't help but complain.

  Su Ke chewed quickly and after swallowing a mouthful of food, he replied, "I always had no food before. The longest time I was hungry was for four days."

  Kosopech pushed the beef on his plate over.

  "eat more."

  He is older, 30 years old this year, married and has a lovely son.

  Perhaps because of his overflowing fatherly sympathy, he couldn't bear to hear this.

  Suk unceremoniously stabbed the beef with his fork and started to put it into his mouth.

  Seeing Su Ke devouring the food, Ha Qiqi shook his head and said, "Don't eat too much. There is a competition in the afternoon. Don't throw up."

  Suk ate the rice and hesitated: "I... digest well!"

  Beside Suker, Modric was also eating, but his appetite was obviously much smaller, and he was not as voracious as Suker.

  Modric admires Suk very much. In one morning, he became familiar with so many people.

  Even Modric gradually integrated into this small group.

  "In the afternoon training match, we will pass more passes to Su Ke so that he can adapt to the rhythm of the first team as soon as possible."

  As the leader of the small group, Kosopech took the initiative to speak.

  After all, Su Ke has taken the initiative to join his subordinates, and he has reason to take care of his little brother.

  In response, Su Ke immediately gave a thumbs up.

  "Captain, that's great!"

  Kosopech smiled and cursed; "Vice Captain!"

  Talking about the captain, Masovich suddenly said: "The captain's injury should have recovered, right?"

  "It won't work even after recovery. The injury is too serious. It seems that I will retire."

  Hearing this, the scene suddenly became quiet.

  For any player, injuries are a problem that plagues them.

  "Professional players cannot avoid injuries. We can only protect ourselves as much as possible and avoid getting injured."

  After lunch, there is a half-hour break.

  Suk was indeed a little full after eating, mainly because he was so relaxed about eating that he couldn't hold back for a while.

  In order to maintain his condition, Suk had been standing since finishing the meal to allow himself to digest as quickly as possible.

  After standing for half an hour, digestion accelerated, and Suk no longer felt so uncomfortable.

  The sun in the afternoon is more intense, but training should still proceed as normal.

  When the players returned to the training ground, head coach Van Steyak and the coaching staff were already standing here.

  "In the afternoon, we will compete in groups, with the main players and substitutes in one group."

  After a pause, Van Stryak looked at Kosopech and said, "You start with the substitutes."

  Kosopech shrugged and said it didn't matter.

  When Su Ke joined, he knew one thing.

  Su Ke is not here to replace him.

  This is to expand the team's tactical needs. After all, he is a high point-grabbing forward, while Suker drops back to provide guerrilla support.

  Van Steyak called Suker in front of him again and said simply and clearly: "You may not get used to it at first, but you can play with the same coordination as when we played. Do you understand?"

  Su Ke nodded immediately: "I understand!"

  If he were alone, it might be difficult, but Modric is also in the main lineup. Suker and Modric have formed a tacit understanding. The two of them jointly organize the offense and connect in series, which will greatly reduce the difficulty.

  "Don't let the substitutes go. Except for vicious fouls, normal physical confrontations are allowed."

  After speaking, everyone began to put on their vests and walked onto the field.

  Su Ke stood at the front of the main team. His height of 155 centimeters was a bit abstract, even funny.

  But for the substitutes, they know very well how dangerous this little Doudin is.

  On the sidelines, Van Steyak also rubbed his hands in anticipation.

  Assistant coach Van Dier said with a smile: "The tactics have been communicated. Whether they can play or not depends on their performance."

  Van Stryak nodded: "Two sets of tactics, this is an important step towards our championship in Bosnia and Herzegovina."

  After saying that, Van Steyak shouted loudly: "Let's start! -"

  The game suddenly started!

  The substitute team took the lead in kicking off the ball and passed it back continuously.

  Suk also rushed up immediately and went straight for the ball.


  Pokachi's eyelids were twitching, and he suddenly felt a little panicked when he saw this little bean rushing towards him.

  He immediately passed the ball to full-back Lovistci.

  At the same time, Suker turned and rushed towards the full-back.

  Rovistich's first thought was to pass the ball to the winger.

  But as soon as he looked up, he saw vice-captain Oliveira already standing between the two, blocking the passing channel.

  At this moment, he panicked.

  There is Suker rushing towards him from the side, and Modric is waiting to steal in the middle area.

  In desperation, Rovistich could only move forward.

  boom! !

  The ball flew high and flew towards the main team's half.

  At the same time, Van Steyak on the sidelines pumped his fist hard and said, "It's done!"

  This is a high press!

  Based on the active forward pressure in the frontcourt, blocking and intercepting the opponent's passing line, forcing the opponent to have difficulty in passing the ball.

  In this case, it will either be intercepted or destroyed by big feet.

  And once Bigfoot is destroyed, the ball will basically change hands.

  Sure enough, Boban, the defensive midfielder of the main team, passed the ball to the forward winger Oliveira, who returned it to Modric.

  The moment Modric received the ball, Suker had already started to retreat.

  This time, all coaches focused on Su Ke to see how he handled the ball.

  While Suk was retreating, he kept turning his head to the left and right, observing the position of his teammates, and also observing the gap behind him.

  When Modric was pressed, Sukerima stepped out to receive the ball.

  Modric passed the ball forward and ran to the next space.

  Suker passed the ball back with one kick, not missing the ball at all. At the same time, he ran a few steps forward and then retreated to catch the ball.

  No matter where the ball is passed, Suker will tilt his position in that direction.

  This also causes the main team to always use a front passing point in the frontcourt, and the passing and receiving becomes very smooth.


  Assistant coach Van Dier couldn't help shouting in surprise.

  Su Ke's performance was surprising.

  They thought Su Ke had to adapt to the rhythm of the Super League, but they didn't expect that he was very proficient in it and had no intention of breaking the rhythm.

  And Su Ke is also very smart.

  He knows that his body is at a disadvantage, so he tries to reduce the time he holds the ball as much as possible to avoid confrontation with the opponent and resulting in losing the ball.

  Stable and accurate short passes combined with clear passing ideas made the frontcourt offense very smooth.

  Everyone on the field looked unblinkingly at the main team, which had completely changed.

  As for the backup team's defense, they were so stressed that they could hardly breathe.

  The most important thing is that Suk's feeling has completely changed.

  In the game three weeks ago, they were able to limit Suker and let this guy suffer occasionally.

  But now, with the support of more powerful teammates, Su Ke's performance has also skyrocketed.

  This guy is about to stir up the back line and collapse.

  At this time, Suker turned his back to the attacker, and Modric also looked up at Suker.

  The two of them just looked at each other and formed a tacit understanding in an instant.

  Modric passed the ball diagonally towards Suker's left side, and the ball was slightly more powerful.

  And Su Ke continued to retreat, pretending to catch the ball, quickly turned to the right, and missed the ball directly. While turning around, he directly deceived Bocage.


  Vansteyak couldn't help but applaud.

  The ball missed and Su Ke immediately turned his head. The area was completely empty. There were no players from the substitute side or the main team.

  The ball actually flew out of the sideline.

  Su Ke: "..."

  Modric: "..."

  Both of them turned to look at the confused vice-captain Oliveira.

  The latter shrugged, lowered his head and kicked the lawn, turned around and spat, and walked away immediately.

  "He didn't even run!"

  Modric said dissatisfied.

  Suk shook his head and said, "I guess he's not very skilled."

  Modric said more seriously: "No! That's how he is."

  Suk didn't know how to describe it, anyway...it was quite strange.

  Although they failed to pose a threat, they still made threatening penetrating passes.

  Especially the cooperation between Suker and Modric.

  A pass, a pull, and a big hole was opened.

  If Oliveira can keep up, it's almost a one-shot.

  After this cooperation, Su Ke became more comfortable.

  However, the angry substitutes would occasionally get tough and knock Su Ke down.

  To this end, Su Ke needs to start faster, open more distance, and avoid being knocked down by the opponent before catching the ball.

  The whole training was a running-in process. Finally, after several consecutive coordination errors, Suker picked the ball and assisted left winger Bill Yar to score the goal.

  Of course, scoring goals is not the key, overall coordination and results are what they want. Find Shuyuanwww.zhaoshhuyuan.com

  At present, the entire tactical feature is not very stable, but it can be played out. This is already a very good start.

  Head coach Van Steyak is also extremely satisfied with the progress.

  At the end of the first day of training, Su Ke's performance was remarkable.

  The most exciting news is that Su Ke's integration with the team is very smooth.

  Of course, this is also related to a lot of cooperation from the main players. They took the initiative to pass the ball to Su Ke, which allowed Su Ke to quickly integrate into the team.

  After the training, Suk also thanked these big brothers.

  Suke is young and has a sweet mouth, which makes them like Suke even more.

  After completing the training match, everyone began to return to the locker room.

  In the corridor leading to the locker room, there is a sink with sneakers hanging above it.

  Suk saw Boamei standing in front of the sink, his head lowered and brushing his shoes.

  Other players passing by would throw their shoes into the sink and let Boamé clean them.

  Suker even saw Modric put his sneakers in.

  Kosopech came to the sink and threw his sneakers in, and then said to Su Ke: "Put them in too."

  Suk shook his head: "I can do it myself."

  "Put it in, this is the rule!" After that, Kosopech whispered; "If you don't put it in, he will be even worse tomorrow."

  Hearing this, Su Ke silently threw in the worn sneakers with several holes in his hand.

  "Can these holes be repaired?"

  Kosopeci: "..."

  Boamei paused and looked up at Su Ke coldly.

  Kosopech immediately grabbed Suk by the scruff of his neck and sped away!