
First Encounter

Jack entered the cafe anxiously and looked around. From the description he had heard from her father she had blonde wavy hair and blue eyes and was rather petite in height. The cafe he had been told that she frequented was a bit crowded and he had to shuffle around a few tables, while trying to casually get a look at the women in the shop without looking suspicious or like a pervert. He glanced around pretending like he was just curiously looking at a new cafe. And then he spotted her. A young woman with light blonde, soft wavy hair was sitting at a single table by herself with a cup of tea and cake and reading from a newspaper or magazine of some sort. She was wearing a navy suit set with a cream shirt and a pair of cream leather gloves on her hands. This had to be her. Miss Darby Herrington. Not being able to see her face that was covered by the newspaper she was reading, he felt like he couldn't fully be sure until he saw the color of her eyes. He needed to make sure they were in fact blue eyes. But how to get close to her without giving himself away? Her father had told him not to approach her, but just take a look at her from afar. But his curiosity and want to confirm if it actually was her got the better of him. Not thinking more beyond this he slowly walked closer to her and glanced at the paper she was reading. The heading read 'Archeology Weekly'. Aha! This would be the perfect in.

"Ahem!" he cleared his throat and walked closer to the table where the lone woman was seated. "Excuse me, Miss?" he said.

The magazine that covered her face rustled and he could see her eyebrows as they raised up over the edge. He gulped slightly with anticipation, thinking to himself, 'Come on…show me your face'. The woman sighed lightly as she decided to allow herself to be interrupted. And soon lowered her paper more and a pair of massive beautiful bright blue eyes could finally be seen. And then the rest of her face was revealed, a small dainty nose and a pair of plump perfectly pink lips. Jack had to stop himself from gasping out loud, she was so incredibly lovely, and the closest thing to an angel he had ever seen.

If Jack had not been so taken back with how pretty she was he might have noticed a flash of a sharp expression in her eyes before they quickly settled into a gentle and delicate expression.

She looked back at him with her large blue eyes and said kindly.

"Yes sir? Can I help you?" 'Wow' he thought to himself 'Even her voice sounds sweet like an angel's'. He continued to stare at her, not saying anything….. 'This should be fine to casually speak with each other, then it won't be too alarming when we meet each other again later'. She blinked innocently up at him waiting for his reply and he finally came to his senses a bit.

"Ah! Yes." he said clearing his throat and coming back to reality. "I couldn't help but notice the magazine you are reading, that is quite unique for a young woman to be reading. Do you like archaeology?" She glanced down and smiled softly and said.

"Yes, I like it." Excited at the seemingly positive response from her, he pressed on saying,

"Really? Such a strange subject for a woman to be interested in." Seeking more interaction with her and more details.

She nodded pleasantly and said.

"Yes, I actually am an archaeologist, I graduated recently and I work at a museum nearby." Giving him the exact response he was hoping for he feigned surprise and said

"Wow! I've always thought that subject was terribly fascinating...and recently am considering pursuing something in that field, do you know if your museum is hiring?"

Darby blinked at him naively as her eyes widened in surprise and she tapped her finger to her chin said "Hmm I am not sure, but something tells me they might be, I bet a spot opens up suddenly…"

As soon as she finished speaking Jack felt a chill in the air, he shuddered. Jack was surprised to feel cold, he was a large man and he wasn't normally susceptible to the cold. 'Wait, no…' He thought, quickly looking over Darby's face to see any sign that she might be on to him. But Darby just smiled meekly at him and let out a soft giggle that was so pleasing to the ear it sounded like a little bell ringing. 'No, there is no way she knows why I am approaching her….'

She suddenly spoke saying "Don't worry mister, I'm sure if you apply you will definitely get the job. Who wouldn't want to hire a handsome man like you?"

At the mention of him being handsome Jack felt his heartbeat speed up and a slight pink tinged his cheeks, 'How on earth is my heart racing from a little comment from this tiny woman.' He was a large built man and quite steady so he was startled at the ups and downs of emotions he was feeling about this tiny woman just from walking in the door of this cafe. Being caught up in his own mind and staring at the lovely young lady in front of him he was suddenly brought back to attention as she reached to pat his arm saying.

"You can do it mister, you just have to believe in yourself" and then balled both her hands into tiny fists to show a fighting spirit. 'So cute!' He thought. 'She is so sweet! I don't know why her father was so worried about this.'

Suddenly as she was returning her hands to her lap she accidentally hit her hand on her cup of steaming hot tea and it went flying cross the table. The contents of the cup of hot tea splashed all over Jack's arm soaking quickly through his shirt and scalding his arm. His face grimaced in pain as he was unexpectedly burned. And the tea cup that had been sent flying, fell to the floor of the cafe with a crash, shattering the delicate glass into pieces.

"Oh no!" She gasped. "I am so sorry! Let me help you!" She grabbed a handful of nearby napkins off the table and rushed to help him clean up. As she turned back quickly to help him with the napkins she turned too fast towards him and her hand filled with napkins smacked him in the stomach with a loud thump. "Oof" Jack wheezed out as he doubled over, surprised to suddenly be knocked in the stomach.

"Oh my goodness! I am so sorry are you alright?!" Darby called out in concern as she grabbed Jack with her small hands to help him stand up straight so she could check his condition. But as she stepped toward him to check on him the heel of her shoe came too close in the rush and stepped sharply on Jack's foot. Jack's eyes widened in pain as he stopped himself from yelping from the sharp stab on his foot. Darby gasped in surprise and stumbled back trying to get off his foot as quickly as possible. As she hurried back she knocked into the table she had been sitting at and the plate that the tea cup had been resting in earlier was jostled and tumbled to the floor joining the shattered tea cup at her feet.

"Oh no, I am so clumsy" she sighed exasperated as she crouched down to try to pick up the pieces of glass off the floor and clean up the mess.

"Let me do that!" Jack exclaimed bending over quickly to help clean up, not wanting her to be hurt from the glass shards.

"What?" She asked looking up suddenly, as he brought his head down towards her and the back of her head hit into his nose with a crunch. Jack grabbed his nose, in pain again and a trickle of blood slowly fell from Jack's nose.

Darby gasped in alarm and asked with great concern in her voice "Are you ok?!"

Jack could see her face crumble and her eyebrows creased together obviously upset for hurting him. "Yes, yes I am fine." he assured her, not wanting her to feel bad. He moved again to pick up the glass saying "This needs cleaned up"

"Oh please let me do it!" Darby also reached for the glass and lifted a piece abruptly, just as Jack reached for the same piece, cutting the side of his finger. Jack inhaled through his teeth at the sharp pain slicing his skin.

"Oh no! You are hurt! This is awful! I must be bad luck.." Darby said, her voice filled with distress and her eyes watering as if she was on the verge on tears she lowered her head down dejectedly. Jack's heart panged a little at her sadness and hurriedly assured her

"No, No, Miss, I am fine!" and gave her a warm smile. For a split second there was a surprised expression on Darby's face that was quickly replaced with a delicate smile. She spoke softly and said.

"Let me clean this up, I won't get hurt." She cleaned up the mess quickly much to Jack's surprise, and then stood up, gathered her things and said.

"Well mister good luck with your future career path. Maybe we will be seeing each other more. I've got to get back to work now! Good bye!"

And just with that she walked out of the cafe and was gone. All of this had happened in a matter of seconds leaving Jack spinning in the whirlwind of an interaction he had with her. He held one hand up to his nose and clenched his sliced finger into his other hand. With a dazed expression on his face he stuttered out quietly to the empty space she had once been in.

"O-oh, yes, goodbye." He stood there, his mind confused and muttered softly to himself "What on earth, just happened…?" Outside on the street, someways away by now Darby walked along the cobblestone sidewalk, her heeled shoes clicking as she went along on the bustling street on her way back to work. Abruptly she started shaking and she bent over in half clutching her sides. And a loud laugh burst from her perfectly pouty pink lips.

"Hahahaha!" Her boisterous laugh echoed along the street. She got some weird questioning looks from people passing by. She continued to laugh and propped herself up with one arm on a nearby building, seeking support as she was losing her balance from laughing too hard. She beat her small gloved fists on the bricks, trying to control her amusement. Finally winding down she wiped tears away from her eyes and straightened her outfit, rumpled from her sudden outburst.

"Ah, That was close, I almost cracked near the end there." She chuckled and then smiled to herself "Nice try, Papa." Smoothed her skirt again and then started off down the street again, occasionally giggling to herself as she went.

When Jack met Darby

TRRaqinecreators' thoughts
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