2 Of him

Speaker: Jenny Kim

I feel someone's hand is on my head, patting my head, it is comforting. I slowly open my eyes and blink a few times to make everything clear.

"Theodore... Thank goodness, you are alright!"

I am glad that he is awake and the punch is not bad that he needs to be confined in a hospital.

Last night, I carried him all the way here to our room. I couldn't even sleep because of worrying about him. I did not even realize that I also fell asleep.

"I'm truly sorry of what happened yesterday, Jenny." He looks apologetic and he holds my hand tightly but it is not hurting me, more like his sincere hold. "Thank you for patching my bruise."

"It is nothing." I shake my head. "If you explain what happened to you yesterday." He almost sigh in relief, but pauses for a moment and we both chuckle.

"Actually... it's quite difficult to tell you what happened, but I have no choice because it's the truth." He bites his lower lip.

I can tell that he is having a hard time telling it and I wait patiently for him to speak.

"I am fired from my work, b-but don't worry! I'll make sure that I'll find another to make us survive."

So, that is why it is difficult for him to tell because he is the source of our money. Well, I can not blame him since I also can not help much except for household chores and taking care of Andrea. I did not even finish college so I'm an undergraduate.

"The reason why I'm fired because our superior doesn't find me helpful anymore and he doubts my ability to help the company. The others agree to our superior's opinion which leads me being fired."

His teeth clenches as he told me the reason.

"I know for myself that I did all what I can, yet why they are dissatisfied about me? That's why I came to drink an alcohol to forget the problems. Don't worry, I only drank alone near the Great Shore and you know me well that I dislike going to noisy places such as pub."

So, that is why he angrily demands an answer from me when he suspected that I also doubt him going home in late at night. I give him a warm hug.

"I forgive you, Theodore. Thank you for being honest. Next time please, if something happens like this don't hesitate to tell me. I'm always by your side."

He also returns a hug. "I promise you that I'll look for a job and if I have problems I'll tell you instead of drinking alcohol."

I can not stop myself smiling so wide. I look at the clock to check what time is it.


Even Theodore is also surprised.

"I'll wake up Andrea, and go ahead cook breakfast."

I nod as an answer. I let go of Theodore and proceed to go at our house's kitchen.

I grab the ingredients available inside our fridge. I prepare something for our breakfast. Theodore and Andrea are already sitting on their chairs and waiting for breakfast. I have finished cooking and set the tableware on the table with the help of Theodore and Andrea.

Our stomachs full, Andrea and Theodore prepare themselves to go out. Andrea says her goodbye because she is going to school while Theodore will bring her there and find some open to apply jobs around.

"Goodbye." I wave one last time before closing the door and locking it.

I feel tired so I decided to take a rest on our living room's couch. I flip the television's remote to find some shows that will pique my interest, so far nothing. I give up and switch off the television instead of wasting electricity.

"Nothing to do... huh." I mumble.

Because of this my eyes fail to open as they close, submitting myself into sleep.

I blink my eyes open until everything comes clear. I see our home's ceiling. Huh? It is already night time? How can I sleep that long?!

Anyway, I do not feel anyone home yet. Theodore and Andrea are not here. Andrea should be home before night time passed.

As a worried mother, I should contact her school immediately. But to my surprise—which almost give me a heart attack—Kevin is here and he is the one who is holding my phone. I give him a glare.

"Oh? What's with that hostile look?"

"What are you doing here?! How did you come in?!"

"How boring. Is that really the question you wanted to know?"

Wha— Question I want to know?

"You are not supposed to be here, yet why? Is your hatred really that—"

"Yeah, you are right. It's huge that I can kill you!"

I am about to run when he is faster than me to squeeze my neck. I keep slapping his arms away to release me because it is hard to breathe. I am really going to die?

"You should die. Die. Die. Die. DIE!"

I do not want to die! What about Theodore and Andrea?! I can not let myself die in here!


"—YOURSELF!" That voice—! "—NY WAKE UP!"

I open my eyes wide when I hear Theodore's voice call me. I am about to say something when he and Andrea hugs me tight.

"Theodore?! Andrra?!"

"Thank goodness! I thought we can't wake you up."


I feel bad for making them worry about me. I am glad Theodore and Andrea are already home. How long was I asleep then? The windows tell me that it is already noon.

"I just a had nightmare... that is all. You do not have to worry." Hopefully these words make them at ease.

"Do not stress yourself, Jenny." After hugging me, he gently holds my hand. "You should stay put and I'll prepare dinner for tonight. Please."

If he look at me like that I can not refuse. So, I nod to give my answer.

I hope I will not have nightmares anymore

of him.
