
Prologue (1/4)

A man was laying on a field of grass about the size of a football field which was surrounded by a forest. The man was 187 cm tall and had a slim and fit build and pitch black hair, equipped with black boots, blue fit jeans and a green t-shirt. The man opened his eyes revealing his clear blue eyes as he just laid there staring into the clear blue sky for a few minutes.

'hmm, where is this?' the man thought as he stood himself up and looked around with an almost expressionless face.

'Lets see...'

he closed his eyes for about 1 second before he opened them again.

'So this is Alfheim, I always did like this world.'

He thought to him self as he looked around the field and forest. In the distance you could see multiple mountains looking like they surround the huge forest and the patch of grass he now stood on. He could hear the wildlife in the distance, birds quirking, bushes rustling, monsters roaring. Yes, this world was inhabited by not only humanoids, but big monsters which could tear a human army to pieces in minutes, but also smaller monsters like goblins, orcs and more.

The man then looked at the grass he stood in and raised his hand slowly and out of nowhere a elegant looking wooden cabin appeared a few meters in front of him and planted itself on the ground, as if it was built there. He then looked around a bit more around the cabin as he raised his hand again and plants and vegetation started growing near the cabin and then a small brick wall surrounding the cabin. He walked towards the wall and as he reached it, that part of the wall disintegrated and a wooden gate replaced it. He walked into into the garden and as he did the grass, flowers where we walked disintegrated as well and a small stone path appeared in place as he walked towards the cabins door.

'This should do for now'

he thought as he opened the door into the cabin, the door creaked as he opened it and he took a step inside. The entire cabin was of wood, but it had a beautiful cedar colored wooden floor and the walls looked like elm planks and it looked as if the entire place was built by a professional carpenter. As he took a step on the floor various furniture and items appeared all around the cabin, bookshelf's, tables, desk with paper and inc on, a small fireplace, flowers by the windows and much more. He walked towards the desk and sat down while blowing out a small sigh.

'I guess i'll stay here for a while, if I remember correctly that brat Elo was the one who overlooked this place, maybe I should go say hi...' He thought as he took a sip of the cup of tea that suddenly appeared in his hands.

He then snapped his head toward the empty wall as if he saw something beyond it.

'Humans.. and a demon? this far out?'

He put his tea cup on the table, but as soon as he let go of it, it disintegrated and disappeared from sight in just a second.

'Looks like they'll need help, they won't be able to out run that, especially that women, as she is holding a small infant in her arms, she must have given birth just a few days ago.'


'guess i'll help...'

He vanished from the cabin and in less than a second he stood in front of the humans and the huge looking Fire Ant, the ant was red all over, it had a height of over 2 meters and almost 4 meters long body as it chased the humans with the child and the humanoid demon with them. He saw the humans look at him as he appeared with fright.

"RUN! RUN!!" As they ran towards him

'Huh? Why would i run from that?' He thought as he just raised his arm and when he did everything stopped. It wasn't time that stopped, but the humans, demon, ant they all just stopped in their track and could not move a muscle. The man walked towards the humans and didn't even look at them as he passed them and walked towards the ant a few meters behind the humans.

"Are you here to kill these humans, ant?" He said with a fairly deep voice as he looked at the ant.

The ant and humans could feel their movement returning. The humans quickly turned around and watch in terror what was happening.

The Ant just nodded its head toward the mans question which made the humans feel even deeper fear, its general knowledge that only highly intelligent monsters can understand human speech, ants were not such monsters.

"Why?" He said back as he looked at the ant with an expressionless face. The ant made some noice as it moved its antenna slightly.

"I see, well you can ignore that order. Tell the queen i'll visit her personally if I see any of you around my domain again" He said in a slightly angry tone. The ant moved its antenna again and made a small noice.

"Told her?" He asked as a tea cup appeared out of nowhere in his hands again and he took a sip of it. The ant nodded at him, signaling that the queen had been made aware of his presence.


he said as he raised his left hand, as his right hand had the tea cup in it, as he raised the hand, the ant disintegrated within a second. He turned to look at the humans and the humanoid demon who all looked horrified.

"Well, what are you doing out here?" He asked them as he looked at them, ending his sight at the small baby in the woman's arms. It took a few seconds for one of the men to answer him.

"W-We.... We were out hunting when a that ant came out of nowhere and attacked us" One of the men answered him, the man had a full metal armor, missing only a helmet. The armor had a symbol on it, meaning that he most likely was a noble knight from one of the human kingdoms. He had dark brown hair and a trimmed beard on his shin.

"If you're going to lie to me, I might as well just leave you here" He said as he frowned, looking at the man. The man got terrified and his feet could no longer hold him as he folded towards the ground.

"Please don't hurt him, sir!" said the woman in a slightly heighten voice and looked towards the man.

"He is just trying to protect me, I... i'm.."

"Miss, don't!" The demon yelled, interrupting the woman's speech.

"Don't interrupt us now, demon!" The man said as the frowned and looked towards the demon.

The woman and man looked confused as I called him demon, the demon himself started panicking a bit.

"What do you mean with 'demon'" Asked the woman, as he looked towards the demon.

"That's a humanoid Demon... Don't tell me you thought he was human?" The man answered as he looked at the woman with his eye brows high, bit surprised by her question

"You... you're... a demon!?" The man who was earlier on the ground yolted back up as he drew his sword towards the so-called demon.

"Don't mind that, i'm still waiting for you to answer me why you're here!" He raised his voice as he said, giving him all the attention again.

"Now, tell me why you're here or i'll just leave you to it and the ant queen can do whatever she wants!" he said to compel them to speak to him. He was slightly angry as they avoided his question.

"My name is Aliana Knightmoar, mistress of the Knightmoar household, wife of Alexander, the leader of the Knightmoar household." she said as she bowed slightly before she continued.

"This is my and Alexander's daughter, Lucy Knightmoar." She said as she rocked her body to keep little Lucy asleep.

"These to men are knights of our household, introduce yourselves!" She said and told the men.

"I'm Gilbert, a knight serving Lady Aliana as a bodyguard" He said, but was still vary of both the man and what he now was certain was a demon he had next to him.

"My name is Vezzon, but everyone call me Vez and as you mentioned before, i am from one of the demon tribes." He said as he bowed towards the man and looked towards his lady to see her reaction. She looked at him with surprise on her face, but no fear. The man on the other hand tighten his grip on his sword and looked at the demon with anger and sadness in his eyes as he yelled at him

"Bastard! You were a demon all this time! All those times we drank, laughed, bled together! You were a damn monster all along!?" He yelled as he tried to hold himself back with striking him down.

"He's just as much of a monster as you humans are, kid" The man said as he looked at the man and the continued.

"I'm Colt, recently moved in here when he saw you in trouble and came to chat for a bit" He said as he looked at them and continued his talk again.

"Nice to meet you Aliana, Gilbert and Vez. Let me explain to you real quick why i said what i did. There are two types of demons in this world. The first kind is the kind you know most about, the monsters. Cruel and Evil monsters that take pride and joy into hurting other living beings. The second kind is the ones the Church usually tries to keep quiet about. Humanoid Demons, living in communities as humans, they have babies, kids, old people, same as humans. They are more peaceful than humans, but as you'd expect there are always those who wants power and to destroy. These are the only examples the Church allows you humans to know about them."

He looked at their reactions before he continued.

"Demons are physically stronger than humans and have a larger amount of Mana in them than the average human, but they are not as fertile. To them, life is sacred. They serve the God of Darkness, Cephin, and they live in secluded areas around the continents to hide away from the church. You humans and your church claims to serve the God of Light, Ranera, but you have long forgotten her teachings."

He said and watched as the man looked very confused, he didn't know what to think. was this man right? Why does he know all this? Who is he? Colt? Never heard of a being with that name!

"Well, if you want a safe place to sleep, i can lend you my yard. I have a house not far from here if you want some rest." He said and started walking away from the people.

"Lets go with him." The woman said and started slowly follow behind the strange man

""Yes, my lady"" Both of the men answered at the same time. and started following the man in quiet. They walked for over an hour in complete silence before they came to a large grass field and in the middle of it was a small house with a small brick wall surrounding it.

"I'm going in to rest, feel free to camp outside, no one will attack you here." Colt said as he continued to walk and stepped into his house.

I'm writing this novel as a way to improve my english.

If you find any grammar mistakes, spelling errors or plot holes, please do let me know and i'll do my best to fix them.

Thanks for reading!

MrColtcreators' thoughts
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