
The End of the First Year

From the next day until the end of the year, all was quiet. Except for Bellatrix's frequent complaints of headaches. And then came the end of the year and with it the exams. Because of this, there were almost no students in the faculty lounges and the corridors of Hogwarts. But the situation in the library was the opposite. On the eve of exams, everyone was either stressed or panicked. This was especially true for the entire fifth and seventh year, who were taking OWL and NEWTs. The freshers who were taking the exams for the first time were equally tense.

Alex was sitting in the Slytherin lounge reading a book. Perhaps he was the only one whose calmness was genuine. Even Malfoy, who always kept a cool head, was tense and slightly panicked but tried not to show it. And there was nothing to say about temperamental Bellatrix, so Alex just gave her a potion.

And so the last exam was passed, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The results would be sent to them in the middle of summer. And by evening our trio and the rest of the school gathered in the Great Hall to go home the next day. Everyone except Malfoy, who was sitting at the table with a frown on his face, was in high spirits. Alex noticed this and decided to find out the reason for Lucius' bad mood:

- What happened?

- Yesterday, my father sent me a letter, in which he wrote that he and my mother won't be able to stay at the manor for the summer, so I'll spend the whole summer at home in the company of houseboys, - Malfoy answered and frowned even more. Alex thought for a moment and then smiled and said.

- Don't you want to spend the summer at my place? - Malfoy looked at him in surprise and asked again:

- What do you mean?

- Since you'll be bored, you can spend the holidays at my place, I think Darius and Bellatrix will agree with me, - Malfoy thought about it, and smiled and agreed, but Alex was thinking hard. He didn't know why he had invited Malfoy to his place. The boy had long ago noticed that Lucius was much better than Draco. Unlike Malfoy Junior, he didn't act arrogant, he wasn't arrogant or spoilt, perhaps it was because of Peverell's status or Lucius' age. Besides, he was reminded of Darius' words. "You are going to Hogwarts not only to get rid of Dumbledore but to find allies. In the future, all of these children of purebloods will hold high positions in the Ministry. They, or rather their parents, have connections, finances, and influence, and if you can get in touch with them, it will do our family a lot of good in the future, because often money doesn't solve everything."

By evening the next day, the Slytherin trio disembarked from the Hogwarts Express and searched for Darius. The one they were looking for was away from the crowd in the company of Orion Black and Abraxas Malfoy. Noticing Darius, Alex headed towards him, a second later Lucius and Bella joined him as well.

As they approached their elders and said hello, they all began to discuss the past school year. Lucius pulled his father aside for a private conversation while Orion turned to Alex:

- Alex I have a small favor to ask of you," Alex raised an eyebrow in response, waiting for him to continue. - Sirius has started having spontaneous outbursts, so it's getting a bit unsafe at Black Manor and I'd like to ask you to take Andromeda in with you. Besides, she's lonely without her sisters and she's going to be eleven, which means she'll be going to Hogwarts next year, so it'll be good if she learns about the school from you or Bellatrix. It's only for a month, then I'll take her," Black voiced his request.

- Good. You can keep her for the whole summer. How about if me or Darius come to your house at noon tomorrow and pick her up," Peverell suggested.

- That's a great idea. Thank you, you're saving me," Orion rejoiced. At that moment the Malfoys returned.

- Lord Peverell. My son told me that you offered him to spend the summer with you. Is that true? - Malfoy Senior asked.

- Don't you trust your son? - Alex answered the question with a question.

- I do, but I still have to be sure," Malfoy parried.

- Is that it? If that's how it is, yes. I invited Lucius to my manor because he informed me that he would be alone in the manor all summer with the houseboys. It's not like I can abandon my friend in a situation like this," Peverell replied.

Darius, who stood as an invisible shadow behind his lord's back, was very observant and then he noticed the blondes flinch at the word 'friend'. He knew that the Malfoys were trying to gain Peverell's favor.

- In that case, will you be able to come to the manor tomorrow and pick up Lucius? - Malfoy Senior asked.

- I have to pick up Andromeda from Black Manor tomorrow, so Lucius will be picked up by Darius. Is that okay with you?" suggested Alex, looking at Peverell Sr. He nodded his head in agreement.

- Yes, it's fine. Here, this is the portkey, it will be active tomorrow from noon to evening, - with these words Malfoy Senior handed Alex the portkey, and he handed it to Darius, who did not say a word during the whole conversation. After that, everyone said their goodbyes and apparated back to their respective manors.

The next day at noon Alex came out of the fireplace in the Blacks' living room, where they were waiting for him.

- Welcome, Alex," Orion said, rising from his seat to greet his guest.

- Thank you," he thanked the man for his hospitality and got straight to the point. - Where is Andromeda?

- Aren't you staying for lunch?" Black wondered.

- No, thank you. Besides, I still have time for lunch at the Manor," Andromeda entered the room with unnaturally red hair.

- Another outburst," Orion said.

- Have you packed your things, Andromeda? - Walpurga asked.

- Yes they are in the room, - answered the girl.

- Kricher, - an old houseboy appeared in the room with a soft CLOP! - Bring Andromeda's things here from her room," Lady Black ordered. The houseboy disappeared and reappeared a second later but with two chests behind him. Orion used his wand to cast a size and weight reduction spell on them.

- Good, we can go," Alex took Andromeda's hand, and after saying goodbye to the older Blacks, he apparated away.


Darius showed up at Malfoy Manor at noon sharp. He appeared in a room decorated in green, silver, and black. A minute later, the door to the room opened and Lord Malfoy entered the room. 

- Welcome to Malfoy Manor Darius. It's good to see you," Peverell Senior noticed that although Malfoy seemed welcoming, he was afraid of him, so his every word and action was done with extreme care. 

- Thank you. It's mutual," Darius replied in a calm voice.

- Come, the elves have just set the table, - with these words, the two men entered the dining room, where a middle-aged woman was sitting.

- Meet my consort Elizabeth Malfoy. Meet my dear, this is Darius Peverell," Abraxas introduced them to each other.

- Pleased to meet Lady Malfoy, - with these words Darius kissed the woman's hand.

- Nice to meet you too Mr Peverell," the woman replied.

- Let's go to the table and talk," Malfoy suggested.

- Thank you, but I think I'd rather not," Darius declined.

- It's your right," Malfoy surprised Darius with this one, Peverell expected him to try to find out the reason for the refusal, but Malfoy just didn't insist. At that moment Lucius entered the dining room, followed by a houseboy, and two trunks floating in the air behind them.

- Heir,‖ Peverell said, and Lucius nodded, greeting the guest. With a snap of his fingers, Darius shrank both chests, which immediately floated towards Malfoy Junior. - We can go now," Peverell said and with a snap of his fingers opened a black space behind him.

- Son, behave yourself," Lucius' father said, putting a hand on his son's shoulder, to which he nodded silently.

- I'm sorry we can't spend the summer holidays together," Mrs Malfoy hugged her son with those words.

- If you are ready, then follow me," with those words Darius stepped into the dark space and Malfoy hurried after him.


Darius and Lucius appeared in the main living room of Peverell Manor and Malfoy looked around with interest.

- You'll have time to look around, follow me, and I'll show you to your room," the pair were just about to take a step when they heard the clap of apparitions above their heads. Darius reacted instantly and took a step back, catching Alex to his surprise, but Malfoy didn't have a good reaction and paid for it by falling on his back and hitting the back of his head on the stone floor.

Coming to after a few seconds, Lucius felt three things. Pain in the back of his head and back, a slight dizziness, and a heaviness on his chest. While he could understand the first two things, the last one was perplexing. Opening his eyes, Malfoy was confronted with a look of dark eyes that now showed the same bewilderment. Running his gaze over the face, Lucius was surprised to recognize Bellatrix, though the speculation about the elder Black vanished as soon as he noticed the long brown hair. Releasing his gaze, Malfoy was once again met with the look of dark eyes that were intently studying the blond man's face. Their game of 'looking' went on for a minute, and no one was in a hurry to interrupt him.

- Ahem," it sounded like thunder from somewhere to the left, Malfoy and Black looked over to see Alex, who was still in Darius's arms, though neither of them paid any attention to it and continued to stare at the couple. The couple, however, realizing what was happening and the situation they were in promptly jumped up, blushing as red as a tomato. Everyone was silent, not knowing what to say. The prolonged silence was interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

- We were beginning to think you'd decided to stay for lunch. Andromeda, Malfoy it's good to see you," Bellatrix said, who had just entered the living room. - Come on, the housekeepers have already set the table in the small dining room," with those words the girl headed away from the living room. Darius was the first to follow her, followed by the still red-haired boy and girl, and the last to go was Lord Peverell, chuckling a little.

As they entered the dining room, everyone saw Narcissa giving some instructions to Toby. After the traditional greeting and introductions of the younger Black to the Malfoy heir, everyone sat down at the table. Alex as the head of the family sat at the head of the table, Bellatrix and Narcissa as spouses sat on his right hand, Darius sat across from his sisters Malfoy landed next to him, and Andromeda, after a little hesitation, sat next to him. At the table, everyone behaved quietly. After eating, everyone except Darius, who cited fatigue and went to his room, moved into the living room.

A month had passed since Lucius and Andromeda had arrived at Peverell Manor. In a month the couple had settled into the huge manor and to everyone's surprise spent most of their time together in the library or the garden. The first few weeks were a little uncomfortable, especially after Alex had screwed them by putting them in rooms opposite each other. But in a month they had settled in. Peverell noticed the interest in the eyes of both of them directed at each other and had some difficulties. Darius had taught him many things, including how to define feelings and how long they could last. And it didn't just apply to loved ones. With that skill, he had identified McGonagall and Flitwick's interest in him as a gifted student, his Dean's interest in him not only as an excellent Potions student but as someone with a high-profile family name. And what he was seeing in Malfoy and Black was not a simple interest, it promised to grow into friendship, and from friendship into something more. And now Alex didn't know what to do, leave it alone or intervene.


By the middle of July, the letters from Hogwarts arrived with the results of our trio's exams. Alex, as expected, got "Excellent" in all subjects, Bellatrix got "Excellent" in all but History of Magic, as did Lucius, but the latter also got "Above Expectation" in Muggle Studies.

Afterward, to everyone's surprise, Alex had a sudden desire to visit the Muggle world.

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