
Love Trouble (18+ with Bella)

Guys, there's a problem with the lights (not resolved). It's on for about 2 hours a day, which is bad. But I have time to write more stories. Because I don't have a job. BUT it's very important that you support me at: pat reon.com/FanFictionPremium.


Hogwarts had become more quiet. The students seemed to hold the threat of a public flogging in their heads. Alex, as planned, attended all the subjects he wasn't going to attend in the future and proved to his teachers that he knew them to be "excellent". At such a fast pace the classes were over.

Alex lay on the bed thinking over the plans occasionally looking at Bella, who was reading some book on dark magic.

Every now and then he thought about her, about her beautiful fair skin, beautiful hair, exquisite aristocratic lips and cute nose. He wanted to take it all away, his desire after his visit to the beach in France had only intensified. If to Narcissa this desire was tolerable not fully matured, looking at Bella, his animal desires overpowered him. Which was clearly reflected in his eyes. And that was not hidden from the object of his desires.

Bella put the book aside and looked at Alex.

- Is something wrong? - Asked the girl.

- No, everything is fine. - Alex answered a little belatedly.

But Bella didn't believe him, she got up from the chair and lay down next to him. Looking into his eyes without breaking eye contact.

It's unclear how long they looked at each other like that. Until Alex asked:

- Is Narcissa going to be in the library much longer?

Bella twirled a strand of her hair a little thoughtfully.

- She's working on a project, I think we'll meet her for dinner. Do you have any plans? - With a teasing smile, the girl asked.

That smile was the last thing that broke Alex's will. Like a predatory beast he brought his lips close to her ear and whispered:

- Today I will make you mine for real.

The phrase sent shivers throughout Bella's body. She expected it to happen someday and wanted it very much, but now she was afraid, she wanted to run away and at the same time she wanted him to continue. Bella looked straight into her lover's eyes and nodded uncertainly.

Alex got her permission and started kissing her. Their tongues danced, intertwining with each other. At the same time they explored each other's bodies. At first it was careful touches on her back, her waist.

But Alex dared to touch the young lady in more intimate places. Starting to grope her buttocks Bella let out a small moan into his mouth.

Alex interrupted the kiss, which made Bella look not very pleased. But she soon realised what he was doing when he pulled up her skirt and slid his hand into her panties, gently starting to warm her up. Bella let out a stronger moan then Alex started kissing her body not forgetting about the hand job.

Gradually undressing his future wife, carefully as if she was made of porcelain, Alex got to her two beautiful perfectly symmetrical breasts.

He swallowed, causing Bella to blush. But without wasting time he started sucking her nipples. Now the girl's moans were heard in the whole room.

Alex stopped, took out his wand and in one movement put a soundproof barrier, in the second movement he completely removed all the unnecessary clothes from himself and his girlfriend. Taking out a birth control potion he quickly drank it down.

At this time Bella had caught her breath a little and was looking at the fleshy cock of her lover with interest, fear and awe.

Alex looked down at Bella who was lying under him as if asking if she was ready or not. To which she just nodded with feigned confidence. Alex began to slowly enter her womb, making her completely his.

Bella felt a tolerable pain. When Alex was completely inside her, she wrapped her arms around his neck and they breathed like that for a while. After that Alex started to make increasing thrusts, and Bella was losing touch with reality more and more.

The sex started to get into a very frenetic stage. The thrusts of Alex's cock were completely filling Bella's vagina. Which made loud moans and screams all over the place. Bella seemed to get a taste for it and started asking to be fucked harder and harder.

Which made Alex thank Death, Magic, Luck for such a wonderful girl.

So they continued like that, changing positions and experimenting with each other. (Lol, it's his first sex in two lives, I think not bad for a first time, in the future at least with Bella more BDSM, I want to make her a little masochistic in bed).

Afterwards, naked but perfectly happy, they fell asleep in each other's arms.

Next chapter