
Alex Johnson: The Unknown Heir

When Alex Johnson, a young orphan who was bullied by the entire world and betrayed by the one he loved was at the lowest point of his life and he had thought he wouldn't survive, everything changed for him, and in the blink of an eye, he realized that not only was he the heir of one of the most powerful families in the World, the old beggar he used to feed and cloth several years ago was in fact, an extraordinarily powerful immortal who wished for nothing more than to take him as a disciple. .... Coupled with his identity as the heir of a powerful mortal family and a powerful immortal world, Alex Johnson shall do everything to take revenge for every single pain and bully he has ever suffered in his life, and from a nobody, he shall become one of the controllers of the world.

RexDEverything · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 003 - Bullied Pitilessly


Inside a huge dormitory room that was well furnished and doesn't resemble that of students, five boys could be seen currently seated in a circular position on the floor, playing cards.

One of them was displaying unreserved excitement on his face, while the other two were showing signs of nervousness. he

As for the remaining two, they wore expressions of unhappiness on their faces.

"Fuck you, just one more minute and I would win!"

The boy with an unhidden excitement on his face exclaimed loudly as he enthusiastically played a card.

"Fuck you too, you bastard. Anything can happen before then, so don't you dare raise your hope too high or you'd end up weeping!"

One of the boys with nervousness on their face spat angrily before also playing his card, making the boy that first spoke giggle without any sign of being offended by the foul language used.

"Who's still minding this cheater? I should have known you were up to a shady business when you suggested this game all in the name of boredom!"

The other boy with nervousness on his face also spat as he played his card.

"At least, you two still have a chance. But what about us? We lost because we trusted that scumbag who always tries to make a profit from every opportunity," sighed one of the boys with a gloomy expression, as he lazily played the cards in his hand.

"That bastard! I'm going to murder him today! He caused me to lose a staggering amount of $20,000 by betting on his punctuality," exclaimed the last person with slight killing intent flashing in his eyes.

But just as he was about to drop the cards in his hands, a banging sounded on their door, causing them to subconsciously exchanged gazes before their eyes widen.

"That must be him, right?"

The two with nervousness on their faces suddenly paused a bit before a wide grin surfaced on their faces while the boy who initially has a wide grin on his face became nervous.

"It can't be him. I believe it isn't that bastard!" But just as he was muttering this incoherently to himself, the two boys with wide grins on their faces has already jumped to their feet, then throwing away the cards in their hands, they bolted to the door.

"You fuckers! If you dare to open that door, we are done! We are so done!"

Returning to his senses, the guy abruptly snapped ferociously and also instantly bolted after his friends, but unfortunately for him, he was a tad bit late because just as he reached them, the duo has already opened the door and were currently standing there with a dumbfounded expression on their faces.

"Were you involved in an accident?"

As those words left their mouths, a sudden gust of wind rushed by, catching them off guard, then before they could react, a startled cry pierced the air, and to their amazement, they watched as the visitor was sent flying away into the distance.

"Bastard! Why couldn't you just be one minute later, how could you arrive just a bit earlier than you should have?"

Alex Johnson who had never expected this sudden punch became stomped and wasn't able to react to the torturous feeling he just had, thanks to the roar he heard.

But after a while, his eyes suddenly fluttered for a few seconds, then before he knew it, tears were already falling from them.

He couldn't understand what he has done wrong again and why he would be punished for arriving earlier.

This time around, the tears falling down his eyes weren't due to the unimaginable pain piercing through his body.

Rather, it was caused by the helplessness and how animalistic he was being treated.

"Third Brother, what are you doing?! Hahaha! Are you perhaps, hurt because you've lost just when winning was in sight?"

Alex Johnson heard one of the two who had opened the door for him roaring with laughter, then his brain clicked and he finally slightly understood what was going on.

Instantly, he smiled wryly in self-pity while tears continued gushing down his eyes before he abruptly trembled with pain.

'My eagerness to please the customer by being quick with their delivery to earn a tip for myself turned out to be nothing but a futile hope. It's amusing to think that regardless of my punctuality, I would still be held responsible. Hahaha!'

Alex Johnson laughed with self-mockery in his mind, then he raised his head and gazed at the high ceiling.

Although being treated like this wasn't new to him, Alex had never expected that some people he had never interacted with and hadn't seen before in his entire life would even do this to him.

Just as Alex Johnson was busily mulling in his misery, he heard a fast footstep approaching him, then glancing up from whence he had been pushed, his eyes became filled with fear.

"Bastard! You were the one that caused me to lose this bet, it was you!"

Alex Johnson saw the young boy with a black face breathing heavily with a wave of extreme anger.

Instantly, Alex Johnson whom an unimaginable pain was coursing through and wreaking havoc in his body immediately began to crawl back with fear while shivering, but how fast could he be compared to someone who was storming toward him?

But thankfully for him, just as the guy was about to reach and probably beat the hell out of him, he was dragged back by the people that opened the door for him.

Without him realizing it, the place was already filled and bustling with a crowd of people right now who were mocking and making fun of him.

But subconsciously, Alex eventually learned what was going on through them before he finally understood.

On the school platform, a different form of gambling had been shared where individuals are to assign him, Alex Johnson an errand and bet on the time he task to complete it.

Upon hearing that, Alex first became dumbfounded for a while, but after returning to his senses, he breathed in deeply with the expression on his face becoming calm.

Forcing himself to stand up, he staggered toward the people that ordered the pizza from him, then he stuttered with pain.

"Can… can I have the… the money for the big… big-sized chess… chess and pe… pepperoni pizza?"

The moment Alex asked this, three furious-filled eyes turned in his direction, making his heart pound hysterically.

"You want to receive money?"

A cold voice that sounded like a devil entered his ears, but Alex still responded honestly despite his strong uncertainty.

"Ye… yes, I… I brought the pizza here, right?"

A wide grin filled with evil immediately appeared on the face of the person that questioned him.

"So, where is the pizza now? Did you deliver it to us?"

Alex's heart thundered and he became nervous.

"But… but you were the one that threw it away just… just now, right?"


Everybody there abruptly thundered with laughter the moment they heard Alex's words, then they began to make fun of him, and this included the ones that had won the bet.

"Little fourth, let me just pay the money, at least it has achieved its task."

The instant this person said this, he received three pairs of ferocious eyes, causing him to swallow hard. "But… I won't pay it since we didn't receive the pizza," he added.


Alex Johnson who heard this immediately became scared, so he quickly forced himself to rush forward and beg them to give him his money, but he was instead beaten in return.

After a while of begging without bothering about the agony killing him, Alex eventually limped away to everybody's pitiless mockery when he saw them having no intention of paying him.

But within his mind, he once again swears to take revenge for every single thing he received as he always does.

Exiting the hostel which was also to the guard's mockery, Alex Johnson realized to his horror that his bike, or rather, the company's bike was gone.

He almost instantly developed a heart attack.

Poor Alex Johnson. On top of getting into an accident, being bullied, being beaten to a pulp, and not reviving payment for the delivery, the bike was also stolen.