
The Monster of the festival

Moby was standing at a stall near to the coliseum of monsters pretending to be busy when he spotted not one but two hooded figures walking inside.

'Fuck, is Ottar with her!? What the fuck is he doing here!?'

Already things became difficult, but he stuck to his plan and pursued them with caution. He followed as they diverge from the normal path into the restricted areas where they keep the monsters.

'Am I going to fight him?' he cursed, seeing Freya pull down her hood.

A worker they're seeing them ran up, "wait you're not allowed to visit here. This isn't part of the exhibit!"

He froze, making eye contact instantly bewitched by her. "Do you have the keys to the cages?"


"Then sleep," she ordered, and the man fell to the ground.

Moby frowned at this how a goddess can use her powers so freely without retribution, the same powers used to ruin so many lives. He waited until they left to move the worker to a safe space.


On the other side of the Coliseum, Bell and Hestia were having a small lunch break by a food stall.

"Hey, Bell."


"Why do you think Moby had to leave? You must've noticed, right?" she asked, looking at him.

Bell nodded, rubbing his chin, "yeah but if it's that important then shouldn't we trust him? I mean, if whatever is that important, it should be the right choice, but yeah, I feel uneasy as well."


'That should be all of them,' Moby moved the last of the unconscious bodies.

Freya and Ottar, who removed his hood, finally arrived at where they kept the monsters. Moby behind was agape, counting twenty monsters in total.

Freya let out a small chuckle before turning around, "why don't you come out Moby or should I have Ottar invite you personally," she gazed behind some boxes a loud sigh was heard and out from it came Moby with his glaive in hand.

"I'm guessing you knew all along."

"Your stealth skills were at a novice level, at best." She tried to make eye contact, but he avoided it.

"Ara ara~ you know so much of me already, but you've barely said a word Ottar. What do you think of this behaviour?"

The level 7 warrior beside her frowned. "Showing disrespect towards you should be punishable by death."

Her smile curved hearing him and seeing Moby twitch slightly. 'Aw, he's trying to act so strong... but to come here in attempts to mess with my plan tsk.'

"Ottar, keep him there," she ordered and left to free the monsters.


"Like hell!" He slams the ground, covering the monster cages in layers of stone. She frowned, glaring at him, "Alchemy without a circle the most annoying type, Ottar."

The man nodded and moved to each cage, bringing his massive stone, destroying the stone and bars in the way.

Moby turned his attention to her. "Hey, you slutty fucking bitch!"

-Snap! -Woosh! -Boom!

A massive flame shot towards her. She stepped back in shock. A massive explosion occurred. Moby stood there waiting as the wind picked up, and the flames vanished, revealing a pissed-off Ottar.

"You dare insult her!" He practically went feral without restraint.

Freya behind him moved to smirk towards Moby as the monsters stood behind her, entranced.

'Oh fuck,' he grimaced as she calmed down Ottar like an animal petting him.

"Twenty monsters, Moby, do you think-"

-Snap! -Snap! -Snap! -Snap! -Snap!

He didn't stop unleashing a barrage of fireballs, blasting all toward her.

"Of course not," he frowned, seeing the monsters had moved in the way to protect her.

"... fine then if you don't want to play then fight and struggle, dance for me, you, you and you there,"

Moby became troubled by the number of monsters she was ordering, "you fifteen break out and have fun for the remainder. I want you all too. Play. With. Him." She pointed to him, a sadistic smile etched on her face.

-RAWR! They roared and charged toward him to the exit.


Enormous walls of iron erupted in front of the monsters, but a silverback dashed up to him, forcing him to stop letting the fifteen free.


The hit was blocked, but it was successful in sending him back crashing into some crates.

"Oh yes, that face~" Freya moaned, seeing the seething rage in Moby's eyes as he got up.

'Shit, the fifteen are gone. I'm sure it can be handled. As for these guys, two silverbacks, two hellhounds and-'


Before he could rationalise, the last monster charged toward him. "Fuck!" he bent backwards as a fat fist swung past him and into the wall.


It smashed the wall behind him, and quickly he snapped his fingers, blasting the orc point-blank. He grinned, hearing it scream before its hand reached through the flames and grabbed his face.

"Hmm!?" He kicked and snapped continuously, causing second and third-degree burns, but it didn't care and hurled him outside, slamming him into a stall.

"Ah, the fights going outside take me to a good spot Ottar," the man in response nodded and left with the other monsters and jumped to a tall building.

Before he could recover, one hellhound grabbed his foot, launching him in the air for the other to come and claw at him.


-Snap! -Woosh!

They jumped back, growing and opening their mouths, shooting a torrent of flames toward him.

"Heh," he snapped his fingers and charged. He swung with his glaive at the flames and controlled them, striking the space in front of the hounds and sending them rocketing back.


The two silverbacks charged with the Orc right behind them, he frowned readying himself and kicked off the ground, a swing was coming down he brought his glaive and avoided the attack jumping onto its massive arm and blasting it in the face with a fire blast.

He leapt to the other one, but it swatted the flames and swung at him, calm as he hit the attack with his glaive, boosting himself up close and slashing it across the face.

He was about to turn to the orc seeing a massive stone block hurling toward him.


Time slowed as clapped quickly, force palming the stone block and on his descent, it changed from stone to sand and solidified as he hurled it to the Orc's face.


It could only groan as it submerged in searing hot glass. Moby didn't wait and charged as it smashed the glass, tearing off some of its flesh.

-Shunk -Shunk!

He stabbed it twice before swerving to the right, avoiding a hit at the same time the hellhounds were coming back at him and with another swing from the orc coming from behind him; he breathed and backflipped.

The rounds slammed into the orc, and he was in the air. His face tightened with complete concentration.

-Snap! -Fwooosh!

He unleashed a constant torrent of flames, increasing the heat and magnitude as the three beasts roared in pain before.

-Poof! -Poof! -Poof!

He landed, his face half-covered in blood, and raised the ultimate sign of gratitude to Freya. The glorious middle finger.

"Why!" Ottar was about to charge in when she raised her hand stopping him, her face was flushed as she saw him bleeding and hurt from the face down, but he was handing the two silverbacks well which made her frown realising her fun would not last.

"Ottar, I want your professional opinion on how is he as an adventurer."

"Hm..." Ottar calmed down. Seeing Moby struggle to breathe hard, he watched him fight as the Silverback came to attack, him blocking the attack at an angle so he wouldn't bear too much of the force.

"He has talent in combat... The ability to use alchemy without a circle is a factor that can't be overlooked, as none of the alchemists we have is capable of such."

"Hm true, something that can only be done by one who performs the most dangerous of alchemy. But it doesn't seem that he lost something to the truth."

"Which is a cause for concern. There are only two ways it could be possible. One is impossible because he's disappeared, and the other would have him executed, which I am sure he must know," Ottar finished.

-Snap! -Boom!

'Damn it, why are these guys so tough!' he huffed, seeing the silverback patting the flames. He had killed the other silverback, but the last one was persistent as fuck.


"Ah, here we go again." he coughed some blood and quickly took out a potion, gulping it and charging toward the monster.


On the other side of the festival, lots of people have been evacuated, and the monsters were being dealt with by the Loki familia, and they had just arrived at a scene of another silverback fighting Bell.



He stabbed it in the chest until it jolted before exploding into dust. "Huff, it's safe now, goddess," Bell turned back, picking up the knife Moby gave to him and drinking a potion.

"What is going on?" Hestia came out of a stall, seeing the people run in the opposite direction.

"Hestia?" Loki called out to her walking, "aw man, did you have to kill this one, eh? Whatever."

Hestia's face contorted. "Loki, do you know what's going on?"

"Beats me, the monsters went rampant or set free," she shrugged as close to her, Ais and Riveria arrived.

"A-ais Wallenstein!" Bell was about to turn tail and run, but Hestia grabbed him with an iron grip.

"Oh no, you don't!"

Ais, seeing his reaction, only tilted her head, saying, "Hello?"

"H-hi," he said with his head down.

Riveria was quick to cough and gain everyone's attention. "As much as I'd love to introduce myself, we have counted the monsters and 15 of the ones you have slain have been counted for five are missing."

"They're not here?" Loki murmured under her breath.

Hestia, on the other hand, felt a bad omen. "Moby! He's fighting the five right now. Bell, we have to go now!" She was quick to drag him and run, realising the gravity as he picked her up and ran far ahead.

"I suggest we follow," Riveria said to Loki, who shrugged asking why, "hm... then how about this if we make it and slay the remaining ones we'll get more compensation."

"Say no more. Let's go!" She bolted off, leaving Ais and Riveria behind.

"Only when booze and money are involved," Riveria let out an exhausted sigh.



"Finally dead..." Moby moved from the silverback's body as it dissipated, "my second last one," he reached for a potion and drank it, stabbing his glaive into the ground.

"Is that the best you can do!? What are you not entertained!?"

He raised his hand with a shit-eating grin. This was something he'd been wanting to do for a while.

-Clap! -Thud!

The ground beneath him sparked as another spear was forming, more electricity surged as he lifted the spear. Its end was burning hot with magma.

"Oh my, what a dangerous touch you have, hehe."

Moby reeled back, hurling the magma spear towards him. Freya frowned at the smirk across his face. She wanted him to suffer through her ways.



The man immediately slashed the spear with his sword. "Yes, my goddess."

"Be sure not to break him but make him thrive and suffer," her face flushed as she finished cupping her cheeks, waiting for what was to come.

"My pleasure." He bowed and jumped high.

Moby, seeing Ottar move, let out a dry chuckle. 'I'm in danger.'


Dust picked up as he grabbed his glaive right across from him, the monster the strongest in Orario, the reason no one went against Freya's familia.

"It's about time I face an actual monster."

But he wasn't deterred, rather, he was filled with nothing but determination! To. Wreck. His. Shit!

The battle of the red heads will commence!

Next chapter we are breaking shit literally!

If you like this chapter comment to let me know and see you soon.

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