
I Won't Forgive Him

"Your moms alive" The man said. "Listen, your mom was badly injury and she suffered damage to her head. It will take a while for her to recover but she's okay."

"What's wrong with you?" The woman said and slapped the man across his arm. "She's a kid, she didn't need to hear how bad it is!"

"What's wrong with YOU, Anna?" The man cried back, grabbing is arm with a shocked look on his face, pretending it hurt. "You were making the poor girl think her mother was dead."

Anna looks taken aback but a look of realization crosses her face. "Oh my goodness." She's says, looking at with a mortified look on her face. "No sweetie, your mothers okay, she just needs to heal."

My vision went blurry, Im crying. I was wailing. Not because I was sad, but because I was happy.

"I-I was s-so scared!" I said through through sniffling and heavy breaths.

"Do you want to go see her?" The man asked me.

I nodded my head yes and we walked down the hallway, not to far from the room I was in.

He opens the door for me and tells me to go ahead in.

The first thing I see is my mom laying on the bed, her head wrapped in bandages; her face swollen and purple. I walk over, feeling guilty. I should have stopped him sooner.

I sat down next to the bed and put my head on my mom and I cried again. "I'm so sorry" I said. "I'm so happy. Mommy, you're okay. The doctors said you will be." It hurt to see her like this. I'll never forgive my father. Ever.

Suddenly I hear a voice in the hallway.

"Hey! Is that kid awake yet? How's she doing?" Is that the voice from my house? Should I pretend to be asleep?

"Yeah, she's awake." I hear a familiar voice respond. "She's in the room with her mom."

"That's good. I need to ask her about who the hell shot off that damned gun."

Aw crap. Yup, I should definitely pretend to be sleep.

"Maybe you shouldn't right now. She's probably traumatized from everything. The last thing she needs is to be questioned all about it." The familiar voice said again.

"Come on Cresten, like I actually care. I just need to find who shot Linden. I already did enough by saving them. I want to ask while the memories are fresh. Bringing something up after someones getting over it is way worse. Better to ask while they're thinking about it anyway."

Ah, so that's his name. Cresten must be the man from the room I was in.

It was silent for a minute before I heard talking again.

"Fine, just try not to scare the girl." That's the last thing I hear before hearing the door open. Crap, what do I do? My hearts beating like crazy. I guess I could lie? Should I? I just stay there, my head resting on my mom, with my eyes closed, not reacting to the door opening.

"Hey, kid." That's the voice that's not Cresten. My hearts beating so voice. I need to stay calm. Who in the world did I accidentally shoot? Does it count as me shooting them? All I did was drop the gun.

"Hey! Kid." I feel a heavy hand on my shoulder and I unintentionally look back at the person who did it.

"I-I'm sorry...yes?..." Wow, he's actually a pretty handsome man. Yeah, I know I'm a kid but I'm not blind.

"I need to ask you a few questions." The man tells me.


"You had a gun in your house right?"

Yup, I should tell a white lie. He looks angry. "Y-yeah...It was my dads..."

"Do you know who shot the gun?"

"No one shot the gun, it-" Before I could finish my sentence, he cut me off. His face scrunched up and he glared, looking like he wanted to murder me.

"What do you mean no one shot it?! Someone clearly fucking did or my little brother wouldn't have gotten shot!"

"N-no!...It went off when it dropped! No one pulled the trigger!" I quickly replied.

Cresten voice cut into our conversation. "Hey Lumin, you're scaring her. You need to calm down."

"Shut up, she's telling me no one shot the gun? How the hell am I gonna make someone pay if there's no one who shot it?!" Lumin yelled at him.

"I understand but don't take it out on her, you idiot." Cresten replied.

I watched cresten walk over and set his hand on my head. "Don't worry alright. He's just angry his brother got hurt. He's not actually a scary guy."

I looked between Lumin and Cresten not responding.

"So can you tell us what happen?" Cresten asked me in a gentle voice.

I know it just happened but I don't want to think about it. My eyes teared up as I dug my nails into my arm, trying to find the words to say.

"It's my fault...I had the gun..."

A wave of shock and anger went over Lumin. "What?!"

He looked like he was about to hit me but Cresten gripped his arm. "Lumin!" Cresten's voice was stern and angry. "Calm the hell down. Look, she's a kid."

The anger in Lumin started to fade as he stared at me. "I'm sorry kid. Just don't lie. You said no one shot it and it dropped, but now you're saying you had it .Are you protecting who did it?"

"No!" I quickly replied. "I did have it! My-" I froze for a second before forcing the words out. "M-my dad was beating my mom. So I took his gun and told him to stop. When he ran away, I dropped the gun and ran to my mom...When it dropped, it went off." I looked down at the floor as I finished saying it. Why am I scared? It was an accident. I won't blame myself for it.

Lumin sighs. "Alright, I understand. You were brave kid. Let's just go and apologize alright?"

I was bracing myself, expecting him to blame me but he didn't. But now I have to go to the person who got shot. I guess it's only fair but...that's scary.

"Okay...I will."

I looked at my mom, reluctant to leave, so Lumin grabbed my hand and told me to come on.

"I-i'm not that little! I can follow you!." I told him, pulling my hand away.

Ahh, why's he have to be so handsome.

"Come on then." Lumin said as you left the room.

I followed behind him down the hallway, then we turned towards another part of the floor before he stopped at a door.

"You ready?" Lumin asked as he looked down at me.

"No..." My hearts beating like crazy. I want to run away.

"You'll be fine." He tells me as he pushes the door open.

My eyes land on a kid in the room and I'm shocked.

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