

*CJ's POV*

We enter the class and interrupt their lesson.

"So hello guys," I can see people grinning from all corners of the class except one. Instead she pulls out her earphones and plugs them into her ears. Unlike all the other faces, her face looks unfamiliar. She has shadow black hair and brown eyes that look inviting. Her button nose framed by a pair of delicate ears and crescented eyebrows.

She immediately closes her eyes and sways her shoulder long her from left to write with a smile slowly appearing on he cherry red lips.

Who on earth does she think she is?

It feels so weird having someone who gives me no attention at all. After all, I'm the star of Whales high. I don't mean to brag but that's the absolute truth. Right now, I'm already so disturbed by her ignorance I can hardly concentrate on my announcement.

"So, I'm sure all you guys are doing well. All those happy faces. One thing is missing though," I signal to my friends to go talk to the mysterious girl and they went towards her, "So who's up for a welcoming party?"

The atmosphere in the class immediately changes. I can see Xander taking out her earphones and she gives him a killer glare. He's talking to the girl but I can't make out what they are talking about. I lean on the wall behind me waiting for them to finish and it seems their conversation is prolonging.

"Eyy Xander, you've been chatting with that chic for long, whassup?" I shout from the front of the class.

"Well CJ this-" He stops and leans towards the girl asking her something and she smiles before replying, "Well, Alana here's got balls man."


"She's a tough one bro."

ACE nodes from the other side of Alana.

"Ohh," I can see she's looking at me," Be there."

Once again, who is she???


I walk out of the room with ACE and Xander.

"What took you guys so long?" I ask Ace.

"Dude that girl is bad news, it won't be easy dealing with her. I mean, who listens to music in your presence?"

"Weird right?" Xander confirms.

"How do we deal with her then?"

"You know CJ, I'm not helping you screw her life or any other anymore. If you really wanna be friends with me any longer, stop this crap," is the UNBELIEVABLE reply I receive from Xander.

Ace and I look at him and unlike the usual joker face he would have pulled up he looks rather serious.

"What's wrong? What's so special about her?"

"Exactly man, what's so special about you CJ? Is it treating your friends like your minions? Taking advantage of people who really like you?"

Honestly speaking, this is unexpected. Xander's never talked to me in this manner and he seems to be so serious about it.

"Ok man, if you're going out there and playing around with some girl then you're free to leave. I really don't care."

Xander takes two steps away from us then stops and bursts into tears of laughter. He can hardly stop himself.

"I'm kidding guys, I wanted to see your reaction and gosh I wish you could see the looks on your faces," he says in between his laugh, "totally priceless.

We enter the canteen and sit on our table. I have my guitar hung on my back.

"Let's begin bro," Ace says.

"Sure, let's light the place," I agree and take my guitar from my back.

I start singing and steal everyone's attention. Walking around the table I spot Alana a few tables from us with the best facial expression of shock I've ever seen in my life. As usual, the moment I grab hold of the guitar, lyrics naturally flow out of my mouth.

"I can guarantee no girl in this room can sing better than him," Xander screams on top of his lungs and all the guys cheer.

"It's a guy thing," I support him.

Suddenly someone else takes over. A female voice continues the song with a voice as gorgeous and glorious as ever. The lyrics are exactly similar to those of my song. I look at ACE and Xander hoping they had an idea of what was happening but they faces were awestruck and they both stared in one direction. I followed their eyes and look at the person perfecting my song. There she was closing her eyes and gracefully singing.

Stopping her now would ruin my performance. I join her and duet the chorus. This even made the audience unable to believe what was happening. I'd never performed with anyone till date, that too a girl. As soon as the chorus finished she put her fingers close to her head and blacked out.

Her friend whom I don't know looks for people to help and they took her out to some car.

"I told you she's not an easy going one. She just proved us wrong," ACE laughs.

"You got some tough competition on your sleeve buddy," Xander adds on to the mockery and they both laugh slamming their hands into one another.

Where did she get the lyrics?

*Hope you're enjoying. Short chapter, sorry about that*

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