

"Carla, hurry up" that was my friend George's voice. a strange name for a girl, right? Well, it's actually Georgia, but I'm shortening it because it's long, and I feel lazy to pronounce it in full.

"Coming, just one shoe" I love shopping, it can be said that I adore it, especially shoes. Don't ask me why because I don't have an answer for this.

"Okay, I'm done, let's go," that was my voice.

"Finally, witness, my history, carlasia Yolande finishes shopping in two hours, I need to make a party for this," yes, yes, it's her sarcastic voice again.

I rolled my eyes, "enough chatter, let's go, it's too late."

To say in a sarcastic whisper near my ear, " thanks to whom?"

"Let's just go," I said, bored.

Actually today we are going to go on a trip to the forest of "dikter" and when I say we go I mean others who are inevitably very damn angry right now.

We were late for appointment B.. Well, I don't know, but a lot.

We were supposed to be there now, but my love of shopping is always victorious, thanks also to the newly opened store, which also happened to be on our way.

After another half an hour, we arrived and the angry faces began to appear, George got into the car to get off calmly, despite the chaos inside me as a result of my tension, knowing full well that I would not be able to protect myself, not this time.

"Let's go, we're late" This was David's serious voice.. Well let someone pinch me David is talking seriously, and most importantly they didn't kill me I need a minute for myself to get out of shock, I know I'm exaggerating but David is talking seriously!!!!

I stepped forward to touch his forehead." David, are you okay? Are you having a fever"

"Yes, I'm fine, and no, I don't have a fever."

He answered coldly, taking my hand off his forehead.

I got into the car, which belongs to David, we decided to go with it, being the largest, to sit quietly in the last chair, for the whole hour and a half silence was the campsite, which was something we were not used to doing.

It's so confusing everyone is acting so cold even Georgia!! It's getting scary.

"James can you turn on the music please" my voice came out softly.

"You won't need it," Dina answered quickly, also coldly.

"Okay, that's enough, what's up with you guys?""I said impatiently.

But I received silence as an answer to my question

I sighed lightly, ' what's going on with these?'!

Silence and tranquility have always been the only thing you will not feel with them, because they are suffering or we say we are suffering from an overdose of activity, and based on that, the five of us decided to go on a fun trip because we love adventure very much or that's what I thought, but now everyone is very silent !!!!

The car stopped suddenly to ask David, " Why did you stop suddenly?""According to my information, the road there is a very long one.

"We have arrived...Get down, " he replied coldly.

"What," I answered incomprehensibly.

"Get down," he said again.

"But we are not there yet," I said disapprovingly.

"Yes, we are" Georgia's voice came very softly.

I got out of the car and the fear started to get to me

What's up with these guys!!


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