2 Tyanaer - Part 1

It was an ordinary day for the most part. Children were playing, Guards were keeping watch, and Dreads were lurking bellow the city. Tyanaer is about 35 metres from the ground, so it would be near impossible for a dread to get up. But rarely, a high level dread would come around, and climb up. And depending on how long a dread stays in an area, It will create a "Dread-Spawn". A dread-spawn being an extremely dangerous hive, where dreads will begin to emerge. These dread spawns are hives that can come up to 2 metres high, and are for the most part, organic and somewhat sentient. The spawn will create spikes coming off of it if it is being attacked, and it can be destroyed only by taking out the heart of it, otherwise it would just heal.

This is why there are a lot of defences in place on the pillars and trees to stop this. However, it doesn't always work out. 23 years ago, there was a horrible outbreak, known simply as "The Red Night". This happened after two dreads created 2 spawns, and the spawns went by unnoticed for so long that they became rank 2 spawns, meaning it doesn't just give birth to natural dreads, but it gives off a radiation that can infect humans and turn them into dreads.

This even left a huge mark on Tyanaer, as now, security has tripled down on its defences and millitary.

this is where our story takes off. As our main character decides to join the millitary...

...to be continued...
