
2 - CH.2 Week-end (1)

"We're home!" Suddenly the two heard a feminine voice coming from downstairs.

'What?! Why are they here?!' Akira thought that his parents left totally and weren't coming back since they even left money.

He looked at his side and saw Chisato was a blushing mess and didn't even dare to watch him.

Seeing this side of her Akira thought that she truly was hot with how she was looking.

He put this thought out of his mind and talked to her.

"You're alright Chisato?" He asked.

"…yes" Chisato said in a small voice.

She was shy at this moment, usually she was outgoing and wasn't shy but on things like that she lost all composure and became a mess.

"My parents are down there, if they saw us going out of my room with you looking like that…you can imagine so…I'll leave just go out when you're ready." Akira said and took the direction of the door.

"Wait." Chisato suddenly said, he didn't know when but all the blush disappeared to make place to the "serious" Chisato.

In fact for the first time he saw a glint in her eyes, a glint of determination, about what, that he didn't know.

"Let's go down together." Chisato said and pulled his hand.

They went downstairs only to be greeted by the nasty grin of his mother and the wry one of his father.

"Ara-ara, what do we have here…" Akira's mother talked first.

"Hello Satoe-san!" Chisato responded with vigour, after all the woman in front of her saved her many times and recently too from the headquarters.

"Chisato-chan it's been a long time right…you've grown big." Satoe, Akira's mother responded.

"Ah emh…" Chiasato didn't know what to respond to this kind of comment since she knew what kind of 'big' she was talking, she took a peek at Akira quickly.

"Ahem ahem, let the poor girl rest honey, can't you see her." Her saviour was the man seated on the couch watching television.

"Ah! Hajime-san good morning!" Chisato thanked her saviour and greeted him.

"So…can you explain what you two were doing upstairs…? Together?" Satoe quickly cut the 'saviour' after she had the power in the household.

"We were looking up something from our ch—"

"We were kissing."

Akira tried to talk first but was cut by Chisato who looked at his mother and said the truth.

"Chisato what—"

"Don't worry, I need to talk with your mother." Chisato said with a smile direct toward Akira. He nodded and left the room followed by his father they both "understood" the message.

"…explain." Satoe didn't munch her words and demanded with a strong tone.

"We had a new team member recently."

"Takina Inoue, I know."

Chisato tried to explain but was cut by Satoe but she didn't mind.

"It doesn't make any sense, but this morning I couldn't stay put…when I saw Akira the first I wanted was to kiss him, I knew that I loved him for a very long time, but I kept my distance because of you, spouting lies in front of his face because you didn't want." Chisato said, staring at Satoe.

"Yes, I remember and you know wh—"

"Stop lying. That's not because of that. I…I did as you wanted because you are my saviour Satoe-san and I owe you my life that's true…but I love Akira and can't continue to lie to him. He like me too! So…I'am truly grateful about what you did, I'm truly are but I want Akira for me." Chisato said, she didn't want to deny her feelings for the boy because she was told to.

"…are you sure?" Satoe was calm in response.



Chisato didn't respond but her gaze was all she needed.

"Thank you Satoe-san" Chisato said while bowing.

"…if you make him sa—"

"That will never happen, you don't understand how much I love him Satoe-san."

Chisato cut Satoe again but the latter didn't seem to mind.

"And what about the girl why did you talk to me about her?"

"Erm…nothing really I just wanted to use her as a bait to start a conversation."

"Actually I'll be leaving now…I actually lied when I said that I had no mission today, to be honest if you didn't came back, I would probably have done something before having your agreement." Chisato said picking up her bag and flee

"…here take the car to go back."

"…REALLY?" Chisato said loudly. She took the keys and left.

"…I'm already regretting it." Satoe said looking at Chisato leaving, then thinking about something she made a call.

"…it's me, arrange the meeting between the two of them, and the maid can be present." Satoe said, she didn't wait for the response before hanging up.

Back to Akira, he heard his phone vibrate. He had a message and looked at it.

[CHICHI : I didn't say goodbye, but let's meet again soon, oh and I'll be going to the same school as you!]

[Akira : ok.]

[CHICHI : So cold!!]

Akira didn't respond to the last message as his father came to him.

"Here is the keys, but are you sure you want that one?" Hajime said to his son while giving him the keys.

"Yup, thanks dad."

"No problem, just don't cause issue with the police."

"I'll try"

The keys were for a motorbike, Akira didn't know why but he couldn't stand cars, if he stayed in one for too long he would become sick, so he went for the bike.

Unfortunately he didn't have a permit for one so what Akira did?

He just drive without one! Easy right?

Maybe Akira didn't understand when his father asked for no issues with the police but meh who cares ?

And with that Akira's day went without a hitch, to police didn't find him suspicious.

But that surprising!

Akira was unfortunately small, taking from his mother rather than his father about that.

He was 172cm for 55kg, he had blue magenta eyes with long silver hair. He could be considered either cute or handsome depending on the person who was watching him.

And that was with his mother sealing his charm otherwise things would be difficult.

And so for the outside world, Akira was handsome but not to the point where one could fall in love just by looking at him.

[Pick right there (if I forget remind me)]

After getting back to home he chatted with Chisato who asked him to come tomorrow to the coffee shop as she wanted to introduce someone to him. He agreed and after dining with his family he went to bed.

Next chapter