2 System Administration

*A Few Hours Later*

'Open System'

[Name: Gin Newgate

Age: 4 Months (Can consume food due to devil fruit)

Title: None

Devil Fruit(s): Ryu Ryu No Mi, Model: Orochi.

Stat Levels ~ Toddler- 2 year old

Skill(s): None

|:|Gacha Tokens|:|

|:| Premium: 5 |:|

|:| Normal: 0 |:|

|:| Special: 1 |:|

Shop Points: 100

{Shop: Open}

{Inventory: Open}]

'System use the five premium tokens'

[5 Premium Gacha Token's Used, got: 5x Senzu Bean (Rare), Ice Devil Slayer Magic (Super Rare), Shirou 'Archer' Emiya Fighting Style (Super rare), Customizable Gravity Seal (Rare), Basic Haki Manual {Observation & Armament} (Uncommon).] (A/N: The reason Haki manual is only uncommon instead of higher even though it is useful is because it can be found in his current world, say he got that in MHA it would be rare, Which is 5 senzu beans which wouldn't be that good in DBZ world is a rare in One Piece, also it's just shirou emiya's reinforcement and his fighting experience not UBW or projection)

'System use the one special token'

[1 Speical Gacha Token Used, got: Spirit King Of Fire Contract (Ultra Rare)]

'Oh my fucking god I am the luckiest boio since well since.... Since Somebody! system intergrate all abilites!'

[Integrating abilities and manuals]

*yawn* *Baby sleep noises*
