

Two men came from behind the three and show a vicious smile.

" I thought it was two person." One of the gut ask counting three.

The other shrugged his shoulders."I don't know maybe we miss this one. Any let kill the 2 brat and enjoy the girl."

One of the men grin." You can have that lady I will take the kid. After kill that brat. I might as well take her Infront of him."

As Val heard this he felt rage but contrary the two female were afraid.

( Maybe if I was a monster I could kill them.) Val thought as he will himself to change but nothing. He tried desperately but was interrupted when he was punch in the face. he heard the scream of Cara and Rena as the men pull them.

The one who had Cara slap her in the face and took his pants. He had already rip of her dress. He thrusted into her and enjoy her scream. When he heard this Val struggle to get up. He rush toward toward the man but was punch in stomach by the man who had Rena.He had a vicious smile as he kept kicking Val.

" Yow Ben why don't we share both of them. I never had a three some." The man said as he threw Rena body away. She was barely breathing but was injured all over.

" John you killed." Ben ask still inside the crying Cara.

" Nope I just broke her legs so she can't move. We can have her later." John said as he pull down his pants. By this time Val got up again. He struggle to his feet and rush toward to the men again. This was all he could do. He had tried many times to change but nothing was happening.

John look annoy at Val and took his sword from the ground.

He slash at Val chest creating a huge wound and kick him away.

" Bit*h stay still" John said and ignore him later. Val fell to the ground as his vision began to fail. He blacked out.


World finish synchronizing Unknown being.

Unknown being full stats

Name: Val Lucifer.

Age: 16

Race: Dio-Adusja

Title: Reincarnator. Blood sibling of death.

Death incarnation, King Class of race,

True Calamity monster

Str: B







Skills (12)


Absolute Defense(S)


Human form


" Ah that was good." John said. But he show a said face when he look at Rena.

" We don't have enough time to enjoy her.Just let kill her the boss don't want any baggage in his camp." John continue.Ben nodded and walk to Rena. He plunge a sword into her weak body. He pull it out and walk toward Val. As he was about to swing down he stop.

" Ben is something wrong." John ask suspicious. Ben didn't answer as if his body was frozen.

" Ben.." John ask again but stop when he saw Ben head drop to the ground. This scared John and he jumped back.

( What exactly are you.)

* I'm a guide AI to assist you in this new world*

( Okay let deal with the last one and we will talk.) Val said to the AI. He slowly moved his body which cause John to tremble. Val no longer look human. He was about 2 meter in height with firm muscles and a slim built. His long sliver hair reach to his back where his tail was. It swung around in a fast motion. His cold purple eyes look at John as he showed an expressionless face.

"Wwhat are you??" John barely got to finish his sentence when his head went flying.

" Now AI can you bring back Cara and Rena." Val ask. He slightly blame himself for what happen to them.

* Yes I can but not as a human and you can only bring back one.*

" Explain?"

* Host can use his energy to capture one of their soul and compress a body of similar race to you by using a litre of host blood. Host will have to hurry since their soul are disappearing.*

Val frown when he heard this. He look between but corpse and walk toward Rena. Cara wouldn't want to live with out Rena so it was a better decision to pick Rena.

* All host will have to do is to extract her soul use your energy and compress it in a ball. Then pour your blood on the soul until it reach a litre.*

Val follow the instruction. He control the energy in his body and brought it out. He made it enter Rena body and surround the only heat left in it. He then compress every thing in a ball and brought it out of her body.

Using his right arm he slit his left wrist and pour a bucket full of blood unto the bright blue light dying it red.

* You can stop.* The AI said

Val removed his sharp finger from his wrist and look at the blood red egg Infront of him.

" Do my race hatch from eggs."

* No this is an exception*

He turn to the all the corpse and use a sliver fire to burn all the body.

Val nodded as he lifted the egg and went to the pond nearby.

He sat down at the edge with the egg in the laps.

" How long until it hatch?"

* It will hatch in One day but goat have to remember the egg will not have any memories of when it was human and look toward you has it king or God.*

Val nodded. " Now explain to my what are you and why am I here. Also why do I think my behavior change."

* Host had died by mistake. When he was eating with his family one of death servant pass through you by accident and kill you. Death punish it servant but you were already dead so he decide to make you live in a new world. Being sent here all being of life will think of you as a enemy. Death didn't want you to die as you came so he gave you one of the lost race he create billion years ago and a drop of his precious blood.

At first host adapted to the body but enter human form because he needed the world to adapt to his existence. This was impossible in his true form.

Now Host I am the official guide system to help host survive in this world. You may call me what ever you like. The reason host personality is changing is to adapt to the main feature of a Dio-Adusja. Which to Massacre all that goes against it.*

The AI took a while to explain all of this.

" So why could I only save one?"

* Host only have enough lower to save one. And this is when host exceeded his limitations which cause host to experience a consequence.*

"What consequences?"

* Host will be unable to turn in his human form for a three months.Being in this form will make host be label as a monster and might be hunted by human and beast men kingdom.*

Val frown at the consequences but thought nothing of it. All he had to do was stay away from public for three months if he is not able to kill them all.

Val got up from the pond with the egg in his arms.

*Where are you going.* the AI ask.

Val expression didn't change.

" I going to get some revenge" He coldly said and left for the village.

Next chapter