
Breaking point

"Ugh!!" I groaned as I tried getting out of bed. Last night went just fine but I couldn't sleep at all. I pulled myself up and reluctantly trugged to change and wash up. I looked at my phone, expecting no new messages. Huh? What the hell? I had more than twenty notifications. Texts from an unknown number.

"11:34: Hey Caleb it's Hannya I found ur number. You should really have a password

11:35: now I can talk 2u all the time

11:37: I love u

11:39: U awake?

11:40 I love u"

The texts were just Hannya being Hannya, ugh wouldn't it be annoying to have her text me all the time. I scrolled down to the very last few.

"12:02: Im trying to find who has been being mean to u

12:03: ik u want to be merciful but it's not right for people to be mean to u"

Now I have to deal with this. I added her to my contacts and texted her back.

"6:15: Hannya wanna walk 2 school together? We shud talk"

It seemed not even fifteen seconds had passed before she responded.

"Hannya 6:15: sure!!!!"

I got changed and washed up before I heard her knock. "Coming!" I yelled down as I opened the door. Hannya was standing there with her backpack behind her. She stepped forward and gave me a hug. "Oh hey uh we should get going." I slipped away. "I don't think I'll ever get used to that." I sighed.

"Did you get something to eat?" Hannya pestered me as we walked out the door.

"Yeah of course." I replied. Who even eats breakfast before school? That's a weekend thing, I thought.

"Well I made us both lunches." Hannya smiled and grabbed my hand.

"Uh we don't have the same lunch period though. We won't be able to eat it together."

"Well I'm switching into your fourth period class. Starting today, we can eat together! Isn't that great, the school lunch isn't anything special."

"Erk- that's great, yeah. How did you switch in?"

"You'd be surprised what a few emails can pull off." Hannya squeezed my hand.

Lunch was always my time to eat and take a nap, the bell always woke me up. Now I would have to devote my energy to keep Hannya on a Leash while we ate?

"About that text you sent me, don't go after people. Please, it stresses me out and I feel responsible." I changed the subject; this conversation was the only reason i asked her to walk with me. Or maybe I just wanted to talk?

"I'm gonna find who it is. You can't stop me." Hannya let go of my hand, obviously dejected from what i said.

"And what will you do when you find them?" I gulped and nudged her hand.

"I'll make them stop of course." Hannya smiled and resumed holding my hand.

"Can I ask, in what way?" I stared at her waiting for an answer. She better not kill anyone, I swear.

"St-Stop staring at me. It's making me blush." Hannah used her other hand to cover her face. We waited by a crosswalk next to a few people. An elderly woman and a few business men.

"Well you didn't have a problem... kissing me?" I tried whispering and shooed her hand from her face. I hoped nobody heard us.

"It just feels like you're thinking of lewd things about me. I don't mind if that's the case though." She clung closer to me, her cleavage hitting my arm.

"Hey let off a little, your..." I trailed off after hearing a few people snickering. Great, public embarrassment.

After we had gotten across the street and away from anyone near I picked the conversation back up from where it left off.

"I didn't think of anything... weird. Why would you be worried about that when you tried tying me up before?"

Hannah started playing with her black hair, it looked like she was growing it out. Cute. "I just think maybe you're right. Maybe we should wait a bit longer for something like that, Caleb. I'm afraid my heart would jump out since I love you so much."

I blushed and turned my head away. We didn't talk again until we entered the school. All I was thinking was that I had to make sure Hannya wouldn't find out who was being mean to me. Before we entered into class I pulled we aside near a restroom. I tried being persuasive as I could, holding her hands and getting closer to her despite how uncomfortable it made me.

"Hannya, you will not attack, kill, or threaten anyone. I'm a guy, I can take care of myself." I cleared my throat, "thats an order."

Hannya squeezed my hands but let go. "Oh I thought you were gonna kiss me." She frowned and sighed. "Don't get in my way please, Caleb. I want to protect you."

Hannya creeped closer to me and whispered to my ear. "Because I love you."

She walked to class, leaving me standing there. I have to stop her, I declared to myself.

During class we were tasked to work a lab with a partner. Of course, Hannya partnered with me, she practically dragged me to the lab tables. Hannya was surprisingly on task for it all as we tested elements on the Bunsen burner.

"With this shade of red the unknown substance is probably sodium." She remarked while eyeing the flame in front.

"I kinda thought you would mess around with me." An amused smile crept upon my face.

"I want you to get a good grade, Caleb." She grinned at me. Hannya poked my arm lightly to get me to right down the results. I looked around the class to see a few boys giving murderous glares my way. We finished the lab early compared to others and just talked.

"I made us a good lunch, I know you'll like it." She sighed and placed her hand over mine as I continued writing.

I swear I felt as if I could hear someone pop a nerve from frustration. I felt good to be able to rub in their face that I had such a great girlfriend. Thankfully they didn't know what went on behind closed doors.

Just as I had dreaded, the same classmate decided to pick on me before class had started in second period, English.

"Hm, so what is it? Do you have her family hostage? Did you get her nudes and black mail her?" A few snickered from his remarks.

What an asshole. Whatever. Just ignore it right? Besides, insulting him back could get me in trouble.

A friend of his nudged him and piled on. "Ooh Eric, maybe he injected her with a poison and forced her to parade around as his girlfriend for a cure." Eric giggled at the ludicrous joke. Oh so that's what this asshole's name was, I thought.

"Ooh I got it," Eric stared at me. "Maybe she's really a slut. He caught that bitch with her legs open and he's threatening to snitch!" A few howls of laughter erupted from his buddies behind.

That last one really upset me. I felt like punching him. They had no reason to say that about Hannya. To the outside world she was a sweet and nice girl. I looked up and it seemed like Ms Dodd wasn't in the room, I would be safe if I really wanted to fight him.Ugh, I would get in a lot of trouble for that.

I lifted my head up from the desk. "Shut the hell up. The only reason you're messing with me is because you're jealous. Get a life." A few oohs jeered the two of us on.

"Why would I be jealous of being with that slut." Eric pushed me, it nearly landed me off my chair. Screw this, I'm not gonna be further shamed by this clown. I stood up and shoved him away from my desk. My heart started beating fast. Eric was taller and probably stronger than me under the suit jackets we all wore. Where the hell was Ms Dodd when you needed her? Next thing I know he punched me in my chest. I tried fighting back but it was over when Ms Dodd separated us.

The disciplinary office was silent and awkward. Eric and I didn't take a look at each other while we waited. I was enraged. I wish Ms Dodd didn't pull us apart. I was pumped full of adrenaline and a part of me wanted to kill that cocky son of a bitch. A guidance counselor met with us one at a time. The guidance counselor waited patiently for the phone to ring and began speaking.

"Hello is this one of Caleb's parental guardians? Yes? Well Ma'am, I regret to inform you that he was involved in a fight with one of his classmates during second period. He will have to participate in out of school suspension fo-"

It seemed my mom stopped the guidance counsellor mid sentence? Great, she was mad.

"The kid? Oh his name is Eric Plaus." Great, my mom would probably force me to mail an apology card to his home or something ridiculous of that nature. The two continued talking for a while longer and she finally put the phone down.

I laid on my bed pounding my fist into the pillow beside me. "That son of a bitch..." my chest was a bit sore, his punch would probably leave a small bruise for a while. "Piece of shit school, piece of shit family." I laid on my bed for who knows how many hours, just imagining ways to kill that retard. Of course, I probably wasn't too keen on actually killing him if I were to calm down. I was mad as hell though.

Right when I was getting up to find some food I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Hannya had texted me, "U got suspended????"

Shit now I'd have to deal with Hannya. I checked the time. Three already!? How long had I been lying on my bed for?

"3:01: ye

Hannya 3:01: how???"

Jeez how the hell was I supposed to answer this. My fingers leapt across my screen.

"3:03: fight"

C'mon, don't you want to see Eric suffer, I told myself. Ugh no, I can't do this... it's not right, I convinced myself.

"Hannya 3:04: it won't happen again I promise you."

It's fine, as long as you don't tell her, you should be fine.

"Hannya 3:05: I always thought Eric was a piece of excrement. I'm not surprised."

No, no no!! How!?

"3:05: Hannya how did you know

Hannya 3:07: let's just say I found a way to put my number on the top of your emergency contacts list for school a few days ago. Ur my bf after all. It didn't matter anyways since it spread like wildfire in school.

3:07: plz don't do anything plz Hannya plz say you didn't do anything plz

Hannya 3:08: He attacked you a few hours ago didn't he? I would be a bad gf if I didn't do something quick. It's already done"

I tapped the video call icon on my phone and waited for Hannya to pick up. She didn't.

"3:10: pick up now!!!

Hannya 3:10: my hair is a mess I don't want you to see :<

3:11: pick up!!!!!"

Instead she sent me an attachment, a video. What the hell could it be? Please don't be what I think it is, I hoped. The video took thirty seconds to download and I tapped on it hesitantly.

A four minute video starting off with Eric in a chair, tied up and crying like a little girl.

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