
14. Profit.

"This way people can't resell the rings, or hand them down. You just have to make sure you have them bind the ring on purchase." Valerie nods. "However will they really buy them if they know they disappear on death?"

"Do they have a choice?" Hephaestus says looking at the ring. "Spatial magic is rare, spatial storage magic even more so. This will allow famila to delve deeper into the dungeon with less physical burden. Smaller groups can go deeper and stay longer since they wont have to worry about food. They can also carry back more loot. However blood will be shed over these rings regardless."

When the info on the ring is spread and the limited supply, stronger families will kill ring users for a chance to purchase the ring once its summoned back.

"The ring Valerie has isn't included in the set, I also have one for you if you are interested in selling these items for me." I press my hand on the seal and an orange and red ring that looks like it's made of flames appears.

Hephaestus's eyes lock into the ring instantly.

"You can keep 10% of the sales for the rings and this 100 cubic meter ring for yourself personally." I offer. "Also I don't want others to know i created these rings."

"I accept, how much were you planning on selling the rings for?" Hephaestus asks snatching up the ring.

"1 million for each cubic meter." I say firmly. "However if you want I would advise doing an auction for the 10, 100 cubic meter rings first. Let the highest bidder pick the color they want."

"That would be for the best." Hephaestus agrees.

I press my hands on the scroll, the 10 cubic meter rings appear, each looked like a piece of art. Various bright colors and designs.

Each 10 cubit meter ring was pitch black and had a sleek design. As for the 1 meter rings they were simply silver and looked rather plain.

Hephaestus left to grab some ring boxes. Each of the 100 cubic meter rings was given a beautiful ring box. The 10 cubic meter rings were all put into one large ring box. While the 1 cubic meter rings were just put into a small chest.

"I'll notify the large familia members and merchants about the sale now. I'll host it in 2 days that way they can gather up funds." Hephaestus says. "I'll just mention the 100 cubic meter rings. I'll make sure the bidding starts at 100 million."

"I'll probably skip the auction. I would rather not be in the sights of people." Mostly that stalker Freya.

This would give me enough money to start buying quite alot of items that I need. I have to purchase special plants for both food pills and poisons, I also need special foods for beast training once I start getting summons and for making puppets and workshops.

Equipment isn't cheap.

I pull out another scroll. "Also can you have some of your people make these for me. Its simple stuff like weights for lifting, metal plates, just training stuff I need."

I dont want to have to make them as it's annoying.

She takes the list and gives it a scan. "Sure."

"Well I think that's all I need. Thanks for the help Hephaestus." I smile sincerely. "You probably have alot to do so, we will get out of your hair."

I put the ring for the scroll inside my pouch. Nobody will be able to steal anything from me anyway.

"I'll see you later you little money grubber." Hephaestus says with a small smile.

"Ah? Money grubber? Technically you just bought a custom spatial ring at market price, got to see the weapons i made and are making profit for selling items for me." I give her a cheeky wave as she stops to consider that.

I did indeed give her a good deal.

Outside Valerie picks me up and we head back to the mansion.

"So what are the plans for the rest of the day?" she asks.

"Just some training. I lost most of the morning due to making the blades and sleeping." I tell her. "I also need to apply some training seals to my body."

Just gravity, and restriction seals. My body heals way too fast for my normal work outs.

"Training seals?" She ask with interest. Her life hasn't been this interesting in a while.

"They apply gravity to the body and restrict movement so it makes it that I can do my workouts without having to increase the intensity or wear weights. It also wont effect my growth and increases intensity when needed. " I explain.


The news about spatial rings being held at an auction by Hephaestus spread rapidly. All the large familia and merchants were quite interested in these spatial rings. The starting price of 100m vali however was crazy. There was also a rule that anyone trying to suppress others from buying the rings would be tossed out and not allowed to purchase them.

2 days later, Hephaestus had rented out the auction house for the day from Juno.

All the top familia were already waiting in VIP rooms.

A beautiful elf worker walked up onto the stage carrying the box of rings. She sets them on a stand before speaking. "The seller has stated a couple of rules for the purchase of the rings. First off you have to bind the ring to yourself as soon as its purchased. A simple drop of blood. This is to prevent reselling of the ring, it also acts as a safety mechanism. Once bound others cannot use the ring."

There is a small uproar at this.

"If you don't like it then don't buy it." The elf worker says.

"Now the auction is about to begin, 100 million is the starting price. There are only 10 of these rings, so if you have the highest bid then you get to pick the first ring." The elf says.

An older gentleman in a suit steps up onto the stage.

"Alright first bid on a 100 cubic meter spatial ring of your choice from the selection. Bidding starts at 100 million with a minimum bid of 10,000 vali. Begin!" He shouts banging his hammer.

Next chapter