1 reality unveiled

It was a regular Monday, Riggy was at school, bored out of his mind and decided to enjoy himself, employing his ability to cause anger

he slipped a note to a girl's bag knowing that when she'd find it, a fight will occur, or at least he hoped so.

Unfortunately for him the teacher caught wind of his mischievous deed and decided to punish him with detention, Riggy sat in detention as he slowly fell asleep.

When he finally woke up his neck was stiff and his mouth dry, he noticed the clock showed a long time has passed and began to walk towards the school gate "dammit" he uttered when he tried to open the gate "if it's locked" he said in horror "I'd have to go through the dark passage" a place so vile in his mind he barely withstood the thought of passing through it.

Step by step he walked through the corridor, darkness engulfed him as he progressed, and yet a strange light shone through the darkness, calling him.

Walking towards it as if magnetised Riggy tried to resist, but his efforts were to no avail, he stood there looking at a fight between two figures, horror in his mind.

The first was a warrior in scale armour, his flesh rotting away, but that was not the scariest figure in the light, that dubious honour would belong to the enormous shadowy figure holding a mass of darkness in its hand.

Flowing from his hand, the darkness entered the rotting warrior, causing his body to wither away in an accelerated rate, his body was gone and nothing remained but his the helmet.

With a chill in his spine he saw the shadowy figure looking at him, he recognised those eyes, these were his best friend's, finally darkness fell on him.

Waking up in his bed Riggy felt as if his very essence was shaken by what he had just experienced, a dream? reality? he didn't quite know but the the effect it had on him was real.

A voice was heard from across the house "Riggy, get dressed, you are almost late for school. Grab your breakfast and go" as he was only 14, doing as his parents told was a must, disipassionately he got up and dressed, slowly going towards the bus station he always got up on, knowing there he will meet his best friend.

As he arrived at the station
