

Him guk was a normal student, he played a lot of games and he liked them especially rpg games, but one day was woken up in a frail and failing body and unlike what he thought the owner of the body was still there and he himself had a very faint presence in the body but day by day the orignal soul started to disappear and he started to have a more permanent existence and as he had expected the world was no ordinary world and he also found out the body's ne was :₹-#;_?"!#..... read the book for more information.....

Chilled_duck_ · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs


As he woke up in the physical form, he saw a girl about the age of eleven right beside his bed standing and poking him lightly and calling his name to wake him up.

As he stood up, the girl gave a smile of relief and said in a crying voice, "y-you woke up!!, every day I came here and tried to wake you up but you didn't wake up but you finally woke up after a week you finally woke up." as he sat in the bed speechless he said to the girl, "sorry Hima I made you warry of me", as he said that door opened and two men came to the room while talking. But when they saw him/Him (ironic) , they ran up to him and hugged him.

As they hugged him, he searched through the body's previous memories and currently was in a rush to find the body's name and the people hugging him. He actually had a sister same as as the girl but was later on killed on an accident and coincidentally the girl's name was same as her sister's. As he searched through the body's memories he found it, and the name was Asahi and people who were hugging him were his uncles.

After some emotional time they all left Asahi to have some rest and he also needed some alone time to manage the memories, as he searched and managed through the memories, he found out that he was on a struggling family and his mother was a some kind of hunter, oh! and did I tell you about the new world? well if I didn't then I will now, actually the world was one with magic.

Not long ago some people found an unknown and powerful energy which was new and was nothing they had seen before. And they started to manipulate the energy to do many almost impossible tasks and it became almost like a blessing to them but even the blessing when abused too much turns into a curse and same thing happened here, suddenly the energy started to gather in one place and summon different kind of aura and connection and which turned into some kind of portal at first many people hypothesized that it is a gateway to meet with aliens, many hypothesized it is the end of the world and many hypothesized (mostly religions) that it was another gift by a got/ a punishment by a god and it got both posetive and negative feedback.

Until one day the portal started to shatter like a glass many watched with great intrest but unlike what they thought, it did not disappear but it looked like it opened. Many had already tried to get in the gate way before the shattering, but to no avail many who tried to get in were either not able to get more closer then an inch and some went right through like it was a ghost, but when they passed they had a natural feeling of not doing it again.

And when it shattered surprisingly people were about to enter. But one who entered did not come come back , so the government one day decided to send the troops of solder. And they did not return, not even one of them but government still tried again and again by sending many small troops but eventually they sent bigger troops and one day they all returned and even those who got lost were now present. Then the government under stood or had some what idea about the portals.

Then the first batches of portals were fairly easy and were controllable but as the time went by the portals got progressively harder, and so did the technologies and magic but even tho humans developed quite far the dungeon were going way far from their league but one day a group of people gained some kind of ability and they were called the awakeners and they were from military and after some research, researchers found the awakening was possible due to one's will power, determination and the energy present in the surrounding. And they were perfect, because they had quick adaptability, good defence, way more stamina then normal humans and strengths of the Titans. So people eventually started to call the energy magic/mana and the awakeners hunters/slaughterer and yes they are different. They also started to call the gates gateway, dungeon portals, gate to the world of monster and many more.

So this was a brief history about this world and now, let's go back to the current situation.

As Asahi managed the memories, he found out that he had three uncles and they mostly manage the bills of the hospital and if needed, sometimes help with money matters and they often come to visit Asahi and his mother which was in a deep coma and had an immortal disease if we say so.

After that he took his watch from a small desk right beside his hospital bed and as he put it on and saw the time he got up the bed in a little hurry, changed his clothes and rode his bycycle and ran to his part time job and actually the past Asahi had made a promise to the boss to be on time everytime even if he just recovered. And the past Asahi had actually promised the boss with his life to this stupid thing and our boy Him always had this promise full filling complex.

And as soon as he got there he quickly reported to his boss man the, 'boss' yes that's it, because author is a dumb with names. The boss after hearing Asahi's whole reasoning gave a soft smile and gave him an envelope and told him you push yourself too hard Asahi, go take a break for teo or three days and if you insist then you can still do the work and hearing that Asahi gave a smile and said, "thankyou I will take a short break, but don't worry tho I will be back soon."

As Asahi paddled his bike slowly and headed towards his apartment, he was still I. search of memories where if previous him had made any other dumb promises. As he came near his apartment he said, "His whole day has been play of memories, now let's see Asahi how much have you messed up things?, and where have you messed it up."