

Him guk was a normal student, he played a lot of games and he liked them especially rpg games, but one day was woken up in a frail and failing body and unlike what he thought the owner of the body was still there and he himself had a very faint presence in the body but day by day the orignal soul started to disappear and he started to have a more permanent existence and as he had expected the world was no ordinary world and he also found out the body's ne was :₹-#;_?"!#..... read the book for more information.....

Chilled_duck_ · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs


After teo weeks of polishing his skills and stats as much as he could he checked his stats for the big reveal.


Player name: Asahi Jin

level: 12

hp: 250

mana: 550

speed: 16

defence: 14

vitality: 15

strength: 16

exp: 0/150

skill: 7 <leader's charisma lvl-01>, <heavy fist lvl-02>, <consecutive hits lvl-02>, <eye of judgement lvl-06>, <Dash lvl-04>, <Power grip lvl-02>, <Ghost presence lvl-03>, <Path finder lvl-03>

next skill: <Wind Bullet>

progress: 0/10 wind mana essence

class: none

weapons/armour: none


He was satisfied and had a very dramatic expression and teary eyes. Because he finally thought what he had done for two weeks had finally paid back. While trying polish his skills he had unknowingly done so much training that he leveled up by three.

He had to do different kinds of things to polish different skills. Even tho one could improve their skill by using them with out any purpose, like punching in the air. It would be very tedious and inefficient because you are doing it with out any purpose. For example using punching bag to punch is more effective than punching in the air. So Asahi always did some workout while using his skills or used his eye of judgement on his groceries to see weather the groceries are good or not.

Asahi then gave a sigh and picked his crappy phone and started to scroll and browse through the jobs. Asahi now felt ready to do his first job and as he browsed and scrolled through jobs, he saw many of them such as scouter, collector, carrier and porter but none picked his intrest because either they were of high level dungeon or paid very less. But he suddenly stopped when he saw a dungeon which picked his intrest.


dungeon rank: F

job: scouter

payment: 3000©

raid type: random pick raid

slot: 0/1



As soon as he saw it, he immediately clicked on accept and after few minutes he got a massage from the raid organiser with an address. So Asahi walked over there on foot because his bike was on a very beat up condition, because of his way and force of paddling.

When he came to the address, there were three people (because there must be atleast four people to raid a dungeon). When he saw them, he could already tell each person's job. The first man was about 5'9 and had a good built body, so probably was the attacker, there was another person who was around 6'2 which means he probably was a tank and last but not the least there was a scrawny looking boy around 5'7 who was probably the porter.

After meeting and introducing themselves and getting ready they headed to the dungeon which was a gate like structure with some kind of inscription and design on it with a blue portal on middle. When it came to the gear the 6'2 guy had a leather set with a sheild, for 5'9 guy je had a upper half iron chest guard with a long sword and as for Asahi he was given a upper half leather hardened chest guard with some daggers and a standard sword. Even tho most of the items may look like a little too primitive but it was made with magic infused and coted with beast crystals.

After entering the dungeon they were ambushed by dozens of zombies, but they were relatively easy because but the problem was number. The number kept increasing as the layers kept on going deeper.


So if you.are wondering just anything. Then read this. So the dungeon is normally of about 4-5 layers. And if the dungeon had layers underground then the boss will not be able to use magic and will use it's strength and on the opposite side if the dungeon layer goes up ward then the boss can use magic and will be weak physically. Also if a hunter cannot afford any gear the government merchant can lend them some but not for free ofcourse because nothing comes for free. They have to pay the rent per day which is 25© and if the weapon breaks they have to pay 1000© , so most of the time people value their weapons over their life. And of you die then your family will get ½ the money and the weapon is found in the dungeon then you will not be charged but if not found then you will be charged ½ the price per equipment.


When all the people came in the third layer they were in the boss room which felt off to Asahi but chose to ignore it. But before they entered, the captain decided to rest for a while but Asahi was still had more than enough stamina so he decide to investigate something because a land mark was bothering him and when he came to the land mark he saw some thing floating and it was an orb or some thing and when he touched it he instantly felt it being absorbed.

But he suddenly heard a scream from the boss room and when he dashed over there he saw a giant hole front of the boss room. And when he entered the room he saw a giant statue of a sage sitting in a throne with a cane and when he saw nothing anywhere he suddenly heard, "WELCOME TO MY DOMAIN MORTAL, WELCOME TO THE CURRUPT DOMAIN" and when Asahi looked towards the voice he saw the statue of the sage which now had crumbled and a statue with a face with an evil grin and devilish aura surrounding it.

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