
The trek home and War preparations

after the man had made the announcement a youth probably around 17 riding a grey wolf came up yelling

[Name: Leo]

[Affiliation: Beast tribe(Chieftans son)]

[Class: Beast Tamer]

[Title: n/a]

[Age: 17]

[peak copper tier mage]

[Affintiy: Earth]

[Species: Grey wolf]

[Name: Amaruq]

[Strength: peak copper tier]

[Age: 5]

[Inate talent: Earth magic - creatures with this talent are able to manipulate small amounts of earth and on rare occasions vines from birth]

wow, this dude is weak, however, that wolf of his is interesting.

"Father! how can you just hand over the tribe like that! and all of you, have you no sense of shame, this man wants to just waltz in here and take control just because he saved some of you! I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL!" the dumb kid yelled

when everyone saw this almost all of them facepalmed, when I saw this I could already guess he was the spoiled young master type who thinks he gets anything he wants. "Forgive my son he's kind of an idiot if you don't want to fight him you don't have to." said Victor. "no it's fine I should prove myself to the tribe. haha okay kid, I accept your duel."

once the people made a circle for us to fight the kid arrogantly waltz towards the middle of the "arena" on his grey wolf who mind you was only about 1.2 ish meters tall, then I stepped towards my spot, and Victor as the referee started the duel.

"go Amaruq, kill his wolf then him for me," as the grey wolf was about to come near us Ash unleashed his aura which emanated a shadow-like fog from his body and his eyes glowed a brighter red, when the grey wolf saw this he yelped and ran to the side of Azure for protection. "You traitor, I said fight! ugh fine I guess I'll do it myself, watch invader as I unleash my all-powerful magic!" as he said that a clump of the ground rose up and was thrown at me, well since this kid was only a copper tier mage I naturally let it hit me to see how much I could withstand when the magic hit me he rejoiced and turned towards the crowd and boasted but everyone else had their mouths agape so he turned around to see what they're looking at and that's when he saw it, 4 fireballs about 1 meter in size each was hovering over me and there I was standing there while smiling without a single scratch on my body.

Before he knew it I launched the fireballs at him and all he could do was stand there and pee himself, that's when I heard victor call the duel my win. after that, I dissipated the magic and everyone was trying their best to hold in laughter as the all-mighty Leo was on the ground in a puddle of piss with a frozen shocked face, even his own father Victor chuckled a little.

once they brought Leo to a hut and everyone gathered in the center again Victor announced he would swear allegiance to me which I thought was rushed and lucky but hey who cares, after that, I took a headcount and found there was a total of 175 survivors from the attack and to my surprise, they also had 100 grey wolves which were unheard of before but I guess it makes sense since Victor told me their tribe was built by beast tamers, once everyone was lined up I found there were 98 males and 77 females 28 of which were kids also there was 55 female wolves and 45 males, of the tribesmen 50 were at early copper tier while there were 20 mid copper tier warriors and 10 peak copper tier warriors, and it seemed that Leo was the only mage.

after that was done I asked Victor how there were so many wolves here and he said although their ancestors were beast tamers his grandfather had made a blood contract with the then leader of a clan of wolves and that's how they coexist today, after that, I went to the current alpha of the clan and to his surprise I could talk to him so we conversed for a little and he told me that he and the rest of the wolves wanted to follow Ash as their new alpha which Ash was more than happy to oblige, and so after Leo woke up although he was still mad, he acknowledged my strength(like I care)and so we made preparations to head off.

(2 Days later)

After a couple of days of travel, we finally reached the village and that's when I noticed the new huts were placed in a general area near the entrance, as the new villagers were amazed by their new home Lang and Alejandro came out to the entrance to greet everyone so while they were talking with Victor and the other villagers I took the liberty to check their strength.

[Name: Lang]

[Affiliation: Erebus Tribe(Farm supervisor)]

[Class: Supervisor - a class granted to those who excel at managing and helping workers under them prosper, grants a 20% boost in efficiency to jobs that are supervised by holder]

[Title: n/a

[Age: 32]

[early bronze tier warrior]

[Affintiy: water]

[Name: Alejandro]

[Affiliation: Erebus tribe(Guard of the Chief)]

[Class: Knight - given to those who would give their lives for who they grant worthy, grants 30% higher attack damage when fighting side by side with their master]

[Title: The Swift - given to those who excel in agility, grants 20% more agility and stamina]

[Age: 54]

[peak tier Bronze warrior]

[Affinity: Fire]

Hmm, not bad, it seems with some more practice Alejandro will cross that threshold. And thankfully Lang passed into bronze tier safely.


Once the villagers had gotten accustomed to their homes I went to go and check on the dire wolf pack and Luna's parents and to my surprise, both of the forest wolves evolved and weirdly enough they became dire wolves, for some reason I thought they would go down a different path but I digress.

After I had checked on the wolves I went back to the village's main residential area to see how the villagers are mingling, thankfully it seems like their original tribes had traded before so they don't have any enmity towards each other.

"Oh, hey Shin, didn't think I'd see you here, so what's on your mind you obviously seem confused?" asked Victor

"My first name now huh, at least it's a step up from kid, well anyways, I wanted to ask, just why did you hand over the tribe so easily? I mean, you can easily kill me, so what was the reason?" I asked

"I was wondering when you were gonna ask me that, well to be honest I did it off of a whim, firstly you helped the tribe in our time of need when you could've easily left to the next tribe, and secondly, you managed to contract an iron tier beast which I've never heard of before, following that reason once we got here and I had asked around about that wolf, I found out you managed to raise him by yourself from a normal dire wolf, then I found out you raised an ember wolf to which are rare in their own respect, so, I felt my gamble was correct, and about me calling you by your first name, once you can beat me in a fight I'll call you chief," he said while smirking

(The next day)

In the morning when I woke up I heard the distant sounds of training so I went out to watch and to my surprise, I could see 100 people training as well as Lang and Alejandro having a light spar while Victor was instructing the others, and off in the corner, there was Leo trying to use a fire spell, like what I used. After watching for an hour or so I heard what sounded like quiet clop clop, and that's when the figures of a couple of humans riding horses came over the horizon, at first I was stunned at the fact some humans who were still in the stone age tame wild horse's but then I remembered that I had 100 plus wolves under my care so I quickly recovered.

once the riders reached the entrance to the village they stopped and walked briskly towards me, at first Alejandro and Lang were on guard but then I recognized them as part of Torg's tribe so i stopped them, "Chief Shin! we come with urgent news!" yelled one of the riders. "Slow down and tell me what happened," I said. "The scouts came back and told us about the movements of the Valley tribe, they are amassing an army of 300 copper tier warriors and they even have 2 peak copper tier mages, and this army is being led by the 10 mid bronze tier elders of their tribe alongside the chief who is an early iron tier elite!" said the rider. "Why are you guys so urgent, isn't Torg a mid-iron tier warrior? I asked, "Although he may be that strong the chief of the Valley tribe is a mage who can overpower our chief." said the rider.

Once I had heard this my jaw almost dropped to the ground, this is the first time I've heard of an iron tier mage, and they can overpower someone a minor realm above them, which mind you is very hard to do. "Leaving aside the chief, what does the army from your tribe look like and when will the Valley tribe move?" I asked, "We have 250 copper tier warriors with 7 bronze tier elders, but we have only one mage who's peak copper tier and the other is yganth who's mid copper tier, and we only have 2 weeks till they move." explained the rider, after hearing that I got worried because that only gave me 10 days since it would take 4 days to march an army of my own to their tribe. "I'll see what kind of forces I can muster up, in the meantime, tell Torg I also have an early iron tier on my side now so he should focus more on how to beat the mage with teamwork, hopefully, that will ease his mind some," I said.

Once the riders left I decided to get down to business. "System is there a way to improve the training speed of my soldiers?"

[Yes i can help improve the amount of mana the training area amasses but that will cost all the mana in your body so you will be asleep recovering for 2 days]

"I guess that's fine but first let me make some preparations for when I'm asleep." After that, I told Victor about the upcoming battle and he also shared my worry but first, I asked if at least 50 of the hunters have used a bow and he said all hunters have at least so marksmen experience so I told him to gather 50 of the most accurate soldiers and bring them to me. once that was done I went to the craftsmen of the village and showed them a blueprint for a primitive crossbow I had been saving for times like this, they told me it would take at least 3 days to make 50 since they need to learn about it and how it works so using my long-neglected skill <Crafting> I created one to show them and to demonstrate to the soldiers who would use them.


Allen had been a hunter part of the ex-Rolling winds tribe before they joined the Erebus tribe, in his time here he has been very satisfied, especially with the treatment the chief gives them, at first he had only been a mid copper tier warrior but after coming here and training he felt he was about to rank up to an early bronze tier but he felt some sort of block in his mind so he was excited when the chief called for the best marksmen in the village, he felt lisening to whatever the chief had to say might just inspire him to rank up, at first when the chief had shown all of them a new weapon he called the "Crossbow" he was a little apprehensive but after the chief showed a demonstration where he infused a little mana into the arrow and shot it out of the strange weapon, they saw how the stone arrow went clean through a wooden log with leather armor on it and once he realized what this could do for him he felt a surge of power well up in him and after a little while he actually ranked up! and once the chief saw this with a smile he asked if Allen wanted to shoot the crossbow and of course who would deny a request from the chief so he went up there and spotted a tree 200 meters away, when the others saw this they laughed because no hunter had ever shot an arrow farther then 100 meters, and those who have are all the best of the best.

So first Allen took a breath in, he aimed, then he released his breath and fired and to the shock of him and the others he hit the tree and upon further investigation, they saw he nailed a falling leaf, after everyone in attendance cheered and even the chief laughed when he saw it but this was a laugh of amazement which made Allen feel accomplished after the cheers died down he got a notification that would change his life.


[Class unlocked - (Marksmen) this class grants the user 40% more accuracy when firing a ranged weapon as well as a 20% increase in the distance you can see]

little did everyone else know but they had just witnessed the birth of the best marksmen to ever live, the "Phantom Arrow"

after the demonstration was over I had explained my plans to create an archer unit and the role they would play in a wartime situation, their main jobs would be to camp atop trees and take out the enemy commanders as well as assisting the foot soldiers in open field warfare, after, I had asked them to have a vote on who the leader would be and of course they chose the hunter who had just done the impossible as well as gained a new class.

once that was over I went to my home with Lang and asked him to find someone to care for me while I'm asleep after I upgrade the training field, and so once I was in bed I told the system to go ahead after a couple of minutes I felt my eyelids become heavy and I fell asleep.

Next chapter