

The planet entered the Age of Powers where like many Novels and fictions, people started to gain Powers beyond the scope of explanation by Science.

Powers didn't come to the civilization one by one but instead, at Year 3076, November 25, all Humans acquired Powers all at once, chaos broke out, all are confused, then greed came to the minds of the people and starts to destroy order. But there are some who wants to use Powers to leap the Humans Forward and make everlasting peace.

Then factions are built, Those who became an incarnation of evil through Powers built the Crimson Red Faction where all cruel and vicious Power users resides and led by the Powerful Hell Flame user Drake and controlled half of the world, While those who want peace and Good, Tranquil Faction is where they dwell, led by the Council of 9 Ministers which are powerful users and led by the Powerful Sacred Light user Arcana.

A war broke between good and evil, between justice and the unjust. The war reversed the world geography and brought back to the Pangea stage of ancient times.

Now, the story begins, at 3098, A boy named Raven was Born at the same day the Age of Powers started, he didn't speak till 15 years later, what's the connection between Raven and the story of Powers?

you'll have to find out!

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