
The New Beginning

"Wake up, wake up Albedo " Kendo said as he was slamming Albedo's door. Albedo kicked the door open so hard that he smashed kendo into the side wall shaking the slightly larger hut . " How many times do I have to tell u , a real man wakes up at 3 in the afternoon " shouted Albedo at Kendo who was still stuck in the wall. Kendo was quite short which fits his age and had black hair with red eyes. He had a bit of ruffian look . "Its been 14 years and you still won't learn" , Albedo exclaimed. " I am a 14 year old kid I need more attention" said Kendo. "Boo - hoo says who , when I was young my dad didn't give two hoots about happened to me , he told me a real man could take care of himself and now look at me , I'm a living damn proof of that" ,Albedo retorted ." Well you are right on one thing , you are proof of child abuse" Kendo said with a smug . " What did u just say to me you punk . You are so gonna get it this time . Point in any direction and I'll dig a grave for you there " Albedo calmly said . " What kind of father says that " Kendo blurted out . "The kind who is not happy when woken up at a time before noon " Albedo said sounding pissed. " You are the worst " Kendo retorted . "I know, it all goes with the name , Trueflame. You'd get there soon enough. " You know today is the day right ? You said after the harvest you are gonna take me to the magic academy" Kendo said happily. " Yes I remember. After I collect some cash from my illegal marketing with some towns we'll be going straight there" Albedo replied . " Why do you even call it illegal it's just vegetables and some other harmless items "." Well it's a long story" . Does it have anything to do with why we cover our faces whenever we go into the town seldomly . Yes but no more questions I'll tell you when the time comes. Ok . " I'll be back soon , finish the harvest before I get here or we'll be back with the grave selection issue " Albedo finally said . " Yes sir" Kendo saluted. Kendo wore his favorite brown jeans, red shirt and his sandals actually his only clothes but he still said they were his favorites. He now waited for Albedo to return . After 3 hours Albedo returned, he decided to wear his normal attire for farming to the academy which was just a brown shirt and jeans instead of his business attire which was red for both jeans and shirt rather. When Albedo was set also they left for the academy.

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