
age of adapts

After a long wait, the Biological



Chipcompleted its first self-test.

Soon, all of Greem's basicattributes were projected intohis mind.

In this world, every normalhuman being possessed somebasic body attributes at birth.After years of research andclassification, which had beendone by generations upongenerations of Adepts, they hadfinally categorized these intofour different attributes:Strength, Physique, Agility, andSpirit. As one could guess,Adepts Were differentiatedbased on these four basicattributes.

Strennth was nrimarilv used toquantify a person's musculatureand body strength. Thisattribute was very important forclose combat Adepts. Thestrength attribute would affectone's base damage when usingclose combat weapons, and italso affected one's meleeaccuracy.

For an ordinary man, having 3to 4 Strength was quite normal.An adult with 5 strength wouldbe considered to be quite


Agility was used to quantifybody synchronization, flexibility,reflexes, and balance. It wasextremely vital for thosewarriors who wore light ormedium armor, or for thosebandits who Wore leatherarmor, and for any people whoWished to become good


Physique representedperson's health and endurance.Any increase in physique wouldimprove a person's Fortitudeand Concentration. Therefore, itis very important for allprofessions.

Fortitude, also known as theability to resist poison ordisease.

Concentration. This iss a veryimportant skill for spellcasters.

The minimum physique for anyhuman is 1. If a human'sphysique dropped below 1, theywould die.

Spirit determined a person's

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obilityTearning and interring ability.This attribute was especiallyimportant for Adepts because itdecided the number of spells anAdept could cast. It also madeit easier for them to cast spells,as well as increased the powerof their spells.

Most animals had a Spirit of 1or 2, while creatures similar tohumans would have at least a3. If an ordinary human wantedto become an Adept, they wouldneed to have a Spirit of 21, atminimum.

After analyzing the effects ofthese attributes to Adepts,Greem decided the mostimportant attribute for himselfcurrently was Spirit. Once hisSpirit reached 21, he would behave leaped up to the heavens,officially becoming an Adept.

The only path for himincrease his Spirit was constantmeditation, reading spell booksand notebooks, and hearing ofthe experiences from otherveteran Adepts.

However, all of this was simplywithin his sight but beyond hisreach!

Because, in this gloomy andcruel world of Adepts,knowledge equaled power, andthus was hard to come by.

Why did so many ApprenticeAdepts ignore the risks andstay in this place, even thoughthey knew there was greatdanger waiting for themeverywhere? Simple, it was

heauSe thic Was the onlv nlacewhere they could seekknowledge and resources forgrowth. When they stepped outfrom this tall tower of magic,even if they owned a fortuneequivalent to the wealth of acountry, they would have noway to obtain magicalknowledge and experience. Notlike that here, which they couldobtain in a systematic manner.

In this frightening world ofAdepts, all extraordinaryspellcasting skill and preciousspell knowledge weremonopolized by Adepts. It wascompletely impossible forordinary mortals to get accessthem!

Therefore, knowledge andresources were the wings forAdent to fly after theirdream. Only by having bothcould an Adept have a brightfuture.

After reading up on the basicattributes, Greenm switched histo the 'skills' and

focus'personal ability' fields.

Greem only had two skills:Scroll Copying and SpellReading. These two were basicskills for all Apprentice Adepts.

of them allowedapprentices to copy the magicknowledge they needed for


learning, the other one allowedthe user to read spell books.

If an ordinary man touched amagic book without having theskill 'Spell Reading, then hismind would become confused by the words, due to the

supernaturalletters, and they would losecontrol of their body for aperiod of time. Only those, likeApprentice Adepts, who wentthrough strict mind trainingcould overcome this psychiceffect, accessing the real magicknowledge hidden within thebook.

force of the

The only skill that he had listedin Personal Abilities was TheBurning Hand'. This noted theonly magic attack skill thatGreem had learned in his 6years of being an ApprenticeAdept. The Burning Handcreated a small ball of fire in hispalm, allowing him to roastanyone who came too close.

Unfortunately, Greem was stillan Apprentice Adept. There wasno way he could master anyspell completely. All he coulddo was follow the elementaltyping that fit him best andattempt to do his best with it.

And, of course, the element thathe had the highest affinity forusing Fire!

Unfortunately, this affinity wasnot considered good in thewalls of this tall tower withinthe swamp. As everyone knew,Great Master Anderson'selemental affinity was Darknessand Wind. Greem's path wasnot matched with his teacher,So it would be much moredifficult for him to obtainguidance from his teacher.Therefore, most of the time hehad to depend on himself andstudy even harder.

In fact, this problem had beentroubling Greem since hearrived in this world, but nowthat the Biological AssistanceChip had started up again,Greem firmly believed that hecould find a suitable magicpath for himself in the comingdays.

As for the 'Experience, afterGreem read through the relatedinformation from the chip, hebegan to haveunderstanding of what it was allabout. Through the process oforganizing Greem's pastmemories and knowledge, theBiological Assistance Chip hadextracted two conditionsrequired for Greem to advanceand become an Adept.basic First, without a doubt, his Spirithad to reach the minimum levelfor an Adept.

For example, Greem's SpiritAttribute was at 8. That meanthe was a 'wise man', beingmuch more intelligent thanordinary people, but, in order toadvance and become a realAdept, he needed his Spiritattribute to reach 21. There wasa 13 point gap. This simplycouldn't be rushed. He wouldhave to read a mountain ofspell books to reach that level.

Secondly, his own 'experience'had to reach a certain point aswell.

This meant that, after Greemhad increased his Spiritattribute to 21, he still needed

somehow raiseExperience to the maximumlevel. Only then heofficially advance. He needed todo both to become an Adept.



There were many methods ofobtaining experience points.For example, scroll copying,spell reading, spending timepracticing spellcasting, craftingmagic wands, identify magicitems... In short, any knowledgeaccumulation


he could

magic would give Greemcertain amount of Experience

Because only

that involved

This all sounded easy, but itwas actually quite difficult toaccumulate Experience points.

successfullyfrom outside his door.

It was Tony, an ApprenticeAdept who around the samelevel Greem was.

Lower rank apprentices, likethem, had to inspect thegrounds surrounding of thetower every seven days formagic materials and properlyharvest them. This was alsoone of the daily tasks themaster of the tower had givento apprentices.

Greem hurriedly tidied up hisroom, grabbed a black cloak,which had been hung on thewall, opened the door and lefthis room.

Tony had broad shoulders, ahuge body, a ferocious face,and a head with long disheveledhair. All of this made him lookmore or less like a barbarian. Itwas said that he came from akingdom inHighlands. Accordingrumors, people born in that landpossessed barbarian ancestry.



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Neither of them said anythingwhen they met outside. Theysimply exchanged nods, thenturned around and walkedalong the dark corridor, towarda staircase.

Although it was daytime now,they didn't meet any otherapprentice along their way.There were over fifty officialapprentices living in the towerbut, most of the time, theseapprentices were either busy

maai cnollwith their

wn magic spell

practicing, or preparing all sortsof weird magic experiments.They rarely loitered about inpublic places.

This was one of the mainreasons why this swampy toweralways looked so quiet.

After crossing the long, darkcorridor and descending thespiral stone staircase theyreached the main hall on thefirst level of the tower. Herethey finally ran into morepeople, because this was theliving quarters for theProbationary Apprentices.

Most of these people, childrenreally, were 8 to 14 years old,and there were about twenty ofthem.These little fellows came fromall over, and they were all herewith the dream of becoming thegreatest Adept. But, little didthey know, the path to

becoming an adeptincredibly tough and terrifying,and that path was all that wasin their futures.


Actually, there was a strictseparation of the population inthis tower. In general, most ofthese children only had around3 to 5 Spirit Points. Therefore,they were currently notconsidered real ApprenticeAdepts, and, thus, they couldonly be addressed as

Probationary Apprentices.

All Probationary Apprenticeshad to complete their basictraining in language and writing.Also, they could only advancewhen they were able to sensetheir elemental affinity andgather Elementium whilemeditating. Only then wouldthey have the chance to climbup to the second floor andbecome an official ApprenticeAdept. As for those fellows whocould never reach this basicrequirement, they would beweeded out.

Assisting these little fellows incompleting their meditation,teaching them language andwriting skills, instill them withthe basic rules of the magicworld.. ofit wasimpossible to let the GreatMaster Adept carry out theselow-grade jobs. Therefore, ithonama tho dailw routina forbecame the daily routine forofficial Apprentice Adepts inthe towWer.

But, such an easy daily taskwould never fall into Greem's


After saying hello to Wallace,who was teaching thoseProbationary Apprentices theirlanguage class, both menignored the burning glancesfrom these little fellows andwent straight through the mainhall, quickly coming to a tightly

sealed stone door.

Tony placed his right palmagainst the stone door andspoke in a low voice, "CuriumAda."

Followed the completion of theFollowed the completion of thesecret spell, the ancient lookingstone door slowly slid to bothsides, revealing the dark, eerielooking swamp, outside thetower, to the two of them.

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