
Knowing each other

It's time to go home. But suddenly, Lina called Athena Rose.

"Hey, Athena!"

"Yes?" Athena replied.

"This is Marcus, our organist remember? And Marcus this is Athena, she's an alto. A previous member that decided to come back." Lina introduced them with a small laughter.

After introducing them with each other, Lina said goodbye to them. So they were left all alone.

"Hey." Marcus started.

"Hi." Athena replied shyly.

"So, how are you Athena?"

"I'm good thanks." Athena smiled gently.

"Is it okay if I can know your number? You know, catching things up. Like our practices." But deep down, Marcus knew he asked Athena's number just not because of their practices. He wants to know her better.

"Sure. Here's my number". After giving her number to Marcus. Athena needs to leave.

"Uhm I need to go Marcus. There's someone waiting for me. I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay Athena. No worries." Marcus replied with a small smile.

"See you Marcus."

"See you Athena."

When Athena left, Marcus smiled to himself.

A hope forming in his heart.

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