
Against the Goddess, Kayla's counterattack

Kayla, a "normal" high school student is dragged into a summon to another world along with her classmates. But contrary to what Kayla first thought, her life wouldn't be easy in this new world! Kayla quickly realized that fact when, instead of opening her eyes to a castle with people eagerly waiting for her, she woke up to a town on fire! At that moment, Kayla's only reaction was to curse the fucking big-breasted kidnapper who brought her into this world! Swearing that one day he would get revenge! So what's in store for Kayla in this new world? Come and find out! ...... Hello dear readers! This is a revamped synopsis because my intentions with this book have changed! Now I come with every intention of staying and I will prove it by publishing a daily chapter! I hope you enjoy this journey with me in which you will find epic battles and even more importantly, curses towards the big-breasted kidnappers (Goddesses)!

litlefox4_5 · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Second test, passed!

"This year's rookies are really strong…" A muscular old man murmured while watching some holographic screens.

The old man was in a metal room with several comfortable chairs facing a wall with hundreds of holographic screens on it.

"Yes... Although it is not a surprise coming from the nobles, since they are currently in the so-called golden generation, the commoners have indeed given us a surprise with their performance..." A man with red skin and scars all over His body commented with some emotion. It was obvious that he was excited to show such fresh and unique talents.

"TRUE?! I especially liked those five guys with great coordination! If we teach them well, they should be able to clear A-rank dungeons in a few years!" An animated rabbit girl jumped in excitement as she pointed to one of the floating screens.